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Last active April 11, 2016 15:31
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Ask questions and see you at 11th April at 6.PM. CET: Also see archives:

  1. Java EE 8 News
  2. 2 years of celebration (now really 2 years)
  3. Do you think NetBeans is still a good IDE for JEE, Java, HTML, SPA, etc, development in 2016? I'm currently faced with a number of developers who seem to love IntelliJ, but I'd love a free alternative for some of our projects. We're currently using Eclipse (and STS), but that platform doesn't agree with me which is why I'm considering NetBeans. I know I should just make up my own mind about this, but I appreciate your work a lot and would love to hear your opinion.
  4. How to access the "other side" with afterburner.fx?:
public class Receiver {
    private long counter = 0;
    public void init() {
    @RabbitListener(queues = "hello")
    public void receiveMessage(Message message) {
     String s = new String(message.getBody());
// Msg(null, s));
        Platform.runLater(() -> {
         System.out.println("Received <" + s + ">" + counter);
         //I want to print this log to JavaFx Label
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Hi Adam,

Is JMX still useful now? Will it be useful in the future?

I learned about JMX (Java Management Extensions) only a couple of weeks ago. You have a few old blog posts (5+ years) that reference JMX. Most recently you posted about "JSR 373: JavaTM EE Management API 2.0" which mentions that "The expert group should also consider whether the existing MEJB and JMX APIs should be designated as Proposed Optional".

On the surface JMX seems useful for monitoring and configuration, but when I think about it I don't know if I should bother learning it when I have REST instead. I can't think of anything JMX does that REST can't do better.

p.s. I found some current projects and libraries that are using JMX for things like,, and, but overall very few references to JMX in the Java community.

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dwamara commented Mar 16, 2016

HI Adam,

long time since I last posted a question here and more longer time since I last visit the airhacks in MUC,
I am architecturing and will have to implement a platform for a client that needs a lot of asynchronous calls. At the moment (unless the requirements changes), it looks like this and as for client's requirements it should be all microserviced (!):

  1. a method let's say "callFromMain" in a class MainCallingClass should make a first call to a service A that should return a List of values, said aList
  2. aList should then be used as parameter for services B, C, D and E. As they are all independent from one another and to spare time, the calls to B, C, D and E should not be sequential but asynchronous, and they all belong to different microservices parts (they will be in separate war files).
  3. at the end, the results from B, C, D and E (all results are also List) should be under certain conditions aggregated in MainCallingClass to make a final List that will be the end result.

How should such a bunch of asynchronous calls should be implemented so that it works really as it should? Needless to say, it is possible that the client in the future adds more services to the list B, C, D and E, thing which is not yet clear at the moment but as I know the client and how he works with his requirements, it is 95% possible.

I hope it was clearly enough explained,


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matafe commented Mar 16, 2016

Hi Adam,

Do you how how to implement or any existent product or standard using JAX-RS for "Retrieving a Partial Response" like the Youtube API ( or Facebook?

The basic idea is when my rest client request for some server resource... I want to customize witch data it should retrieve from server (I do not want to bring all the entity attributes). I.E. Fetch the person by id (bring id and name), fetch the person by id (bring id, name and addresses),...


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I was listening to one of the recent Airhacks and I think you mentioned that you rarely put business logic in Entities. I dug up these old blog posts of yours:

These are almost 10 years old, so I understand your thinking should change. I'm just bringing these up for comparison.

I've read your description of ECB/BCE, and looking at Lightfish I see no business logic in the Escalation entity. On the other hand, in javaee-bce-archetype you have a small amount of business logic in Registration.

It seems like good object-oriented design to put business logic in our business objects. Do you have some updated advice on this?

I think I'm not alone in feeling that thin entities and EJBs pull us away from object-oriented design. EJBs aren't objects, and if our entities are thin, they're anemic objects. I don't think object-oriented design is some Ultimate Paradigm that is only productive when we strictly adhere to it, but to me it just seems like a good idea for business objects to "own" their business logic.

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matafe commented Mar 16, 2016

Just a note: I was taking a look at you project "doit", did you try to deploy on wildfly (8,9,10)? I think there is a problem with CDI and JPA (EntityListener).
Caused by: org.jboss.weld.exceptions.IllegalArgumentException: WELD-001456: Argument resolvedBean must not be null

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Hi Adam
I really like your show and that you take time for us!

  • I adopted your way of building JavaEE applications with Docker. If I understand it correctly you do a docker build on every push. For the system tests the build happen in your own docker registry, so that your server can pull and run the new container. Or do you have a hook for Jenkins that checks out the Dockerfile and build it on the server. Do you even use a docker registry or is there no need for it?
  • Do you use the same war for your system tests that get deployed in production later? If you need a bearer token (from keycloak) to access the services, how do you handle that? Security in system tests in general.
  • I try to use CorrelationID for my services. I used the ContainerRequestFilter and the ContainerResponseFilter. DemoProject. The filters are very neat. What I don't like is the call from another service:
    public void getOrders(@Suspended AsyncResponse response, @Context HttpHeaders httpHeaders) {
                .supplyAsync(this::getOrders, mes)
                .thenApply(new Function<String, String>() {
                    public String apply(String message) {
                        List<String> requestHeader = httpHeaders.getRequestHeader(CorrelationIDRequestFilter.CORRELATION_ID_KEY);
                        String paymentResponse = paymentTarget
                                .header(CorrelationIDRequestFilter.CORRELATION_ID_KEY, requestHeader.get(0))
                        return message + " with payments: " + paymentResponse;

It is working but I don't want do that for every call. Is there a better way to implement correlation ids in Java EE?

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Hi Adam,

  • How would you manage in architectural aspect a huge system, would you stick with "just WARs" or probably you would choose EARs (WARs + JARs) instead? (I saw this and in the examples you were using @Remote and @Local)
  • Do you think the new MVC action based specification is a bit late in Java EE 8, since now most of projects go with RESTful services?

And I have a request, where can I find videos from you, regarding JEE, FX, etc. (So far I searched and watched on YouTube), and another thing or question is, why you don't live stream on YouTube?

Best regards :-)

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Hi Adam,
I am coding a JAX-RS resource class with several sub resource classes.
In your video "A little REST with JAX-RS 2.0 and JavaEE 7" you instantiated your sub resources like this :-

public Developer developer(@PathParm("first") String first, @PathParm("last") String last) {
return new Developer(last, last);

Another similar example from another video :-
ResourceContext rc;

public ChickenResource chickenResource() :
return rc.initResource(new ChickenResource());

The problem is that these sub resource classes are instantiated with new, so CDI does not manage them.
Therefore, if these sub resource classes need instances of other control or entity classe(s) they cannot use @Inject.

One possible solution is to @Inject into the "parent" resource class instances of all the possible classes the sub resource classes might need, then pass references to them on the various constructors :-

DeveloperStuff ds;

ChickenStuff cs;

DeveloperStuff ds;

public Developer developer(@PathParm("first") String first, @PathParm("last") String last) {
return new Developer(ds, last, last);

public ChickenResource chickenResource() :
return rc.initResource(new ChickenResource(cs));

This seems highly inefficient since for a given request not all the possible instances are going to be required.
Is there is a way of deferring the instantiation or ChickenStuff and DeveloperStuff until we need them on the appropriate @path methods perhaps by using a scope?
Or, is another approach for @ChickenStuff and @developerstuff to use @produces which might somehow work around the fact CDI has disowned classes instantiated with new?

You insight would be greatly appreciated, keep up the great work, your Airhacks are very inspirational.

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enji7 commented Apr 1, 2016

Hi Adam,

  • Other Java sources: Which other Java-related blogs / screencasts / periodicals can you recommend?
  • Screencast software: Which software do you use for recording your screencasts?
  • Reliable checkpoints in Java EE 7 Batch Processing (JSR 352): It appears that it is not specified how checkpoints are persisted by the application server. Hence, checkpoint data can be lost (e.g., due to a hard drive failure on the application server's machine). When the batch writes data to a database, checkpoint data must instead be written to the database using a custom implementation (which is unfortunate). Can you confirm this?
  • Asynchronous processing of client requests: What is the benefit of freeing the initially processing thread by passing over to another (asynchronous) thread instead? Does it make a difference if the pool for the initially processing threads is exhausted, or the pool for the async threads? One advantage I could think of is that separate pools allow us to define separate max counts for different parts of the application: If one function X of the application is currently overloaded, the application is still capable of serving requests to other functions.

Thanks & happy hacking,

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gbourant commented Apr 3, 2016

Hey Adam,

  • Security
    I'm moving a PHP spaggeti Project into a JavaEE one, exposing REST Services.
    To secure the API i'm using Keycloak.
    Could you recommend me any other parts where i have to shield the App (except the exposed API)?
  • I had a class like the following
public class A {
Clazz C;

after i implemented it with this way and Injection stopped working , to make it work i used @Local instead of @stateless , why it didn't work?

public class A implements B{
Clazz C;
  • I want to share common fields and beheivor at all entities , how to achive something like the following ? (JPA doesn't save the extened fields).If possible the extended fields to be on the same table.
public class A extends EntityLogger {
 private Long ID;
 private String Name;

public class EntityLogger {

    Date created;

    Date updated;

    public void created() {
        created = new Date();

    public void updated() {
        updated = new Date();


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I have need a sample project that are build on java ee 7 with following criteria
JSF2.2 + Rest + Service (EJB/cdi) + JPA + any db

*** crud JSF2.2 with Rest client

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i want to learn SAML with JAVA EE and implement my personal project .
SAML with java ee
please give me a idea how to do this one ?

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acll19 commented Apr 7, 2016

When I face a new project, can I think of it in a microservice architecture way from the beginning, or it is just for "refactoring" a monolithic application?

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Hi Adam,

I'm using JMS and i have one web application that works as a producer and I have another web application (Consumer) with an MDB, my MDB is implementing MessageListener interface so I'm getting the messages in the console properly. The problem is that I'm not able to send those messages to my JSF page. I tried to create an stateless EJB to get the messages and then send them to the JSF page but it does't work. So do you know if there is a way to call like a JSF back bean from MDB to display message on the view?


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