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Created March 3, 2021 08:54

Ask questions and see you at April, 5th, 8.PM. CET:

Also checkout recent episode:


Please keep the questions Jakarta EE-stic. Means: as short and as concise as only possible. Feel free to ask several, shorter questions. Upcoming events are also going to be announced at

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AdamBien commented Mar 3, 2021

Isn't it a security nightmare if you leak your entire entities through REST?

— Mazebert TD (@mazebert) March 3, 2021

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jarryDk commented Mar 5, 2021

Like to hear your thoughts about

Micrometer Metrics vs. MicroProfile Metrics

Quarkus like Micrometer Metrics better - but does it make the code easier or harder to read and write.

Ken Finnigan argue for why Quarkus prefer Micrometer Metrics in this blog ->

I like MicroProfile Metrics better as I on a daily basis work with Wildfly where we have MicroProfile Metrics out of the box.

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I was watching your afterburner videos , and saw you make javafx applications , i want to ask you how do you deal with the problem when you develop javafx application how do you protect the jar or class files from decompilers i think that this is a big problem for java compared to c++ .
class files are easily decompiled and if you have sensitive information like db connection parameters its a problem, i have searched for months for solution but obfuscators are not solution (unreliable) i was seeing light in the tunel with gloun substrate(native build) windows 10 but gluon substrate has problems with mysql and is quite buggy for now :(

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AdamBien commented Mar 8, 2021

"I knew that the video is old, but the idea should be the same today ;) Maybe you see the comment.
Do you think it is a good idea to add the react app into the war file directly? Or should the "client" run in a separat process / application like apache?"
--youtube comment

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dabkhazi commented Mar 30, 2021

Hi Adam! In your course "Apps with MicroProfile" you did not explicitly set the scope annotation for classes (except for one), why is that?

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Also in the course you showed that jax-rs can be used for rendering html content. How often do you use it?

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Why do you think most developers (at least in my country it happens this way) prefer to use Spring instead of JEE. On JEE it is possible to develop the same complex application as on Spring. I conducted a survey on this topic, and almost the only argument is its wide distribution and a large number of tips on the net.

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haglo commented Apr 1, 2021

I have a special question to your workshop Effective Web Apps with Web Standards
I have a SPA like in your workshop

I have a login via SSO/JWT.
Via JWT i have two roles defined:

  • role: user
  • role: admin
    Every Logged-in-User has only one role.
    To get the role from JWT is no problem

How can i control that the server delivers the pages of the Website to the Client according on the role of the Logged-in-User
For example:

  • If client/request has role user then the Server delivers page1.js & page2.js (response with page1.js & page2.js)
  • If client/request has role admin then the Server delivers page1.js & page2.js & page3.js (response with page1.js & page2.js & page3.js)

How can i implement this?

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mahimatics commented Apr 1, 2021

Hi Adam! I'm just starting to learning JavaEE + MicroProfile, and I come from a Ruby on Rails background. I have bought your Java EE Bootstrap online course, and I'm looking forward to going through it! Could you please suggest some good books to supplement your course with more details and/or modern best practices? Thank you!

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AdamBien commented Apr 5, 2021

New lightning workshop announcement:

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AdamBien commented Apr 5, 2021

DTOs, projections and Blaze-Persistence

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AdamBien commented Apr 5, 2021

How lit-html happened:

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AdamBien commented Apr 5, 2021

Redux vs. Redux Toolkit feedback: AdamBien/

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bn commented Apr 5, 2021

Liberty vs wildfly, Jboss eap vs Liberty Base. Have you ever had to choose between different servers and in the current context, cloud native containers what eouldould you prefer and why? Payara is not an option.

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