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Created July 23, 2013 17:47
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  • Save AdamBrouwersHarries/6064490 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save AdamBrouwersHarries/6064490 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
encodes a string from ascii to base64
b64_char conv_table[] = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+\\=";
//returns a base 64 string (malloc allocated)
b64_string ascii_to_base_64(ascii_string as, int ascii_char_count)
//find how many ascii blocks of 3 we have (rounded up)
int three_blocks_in = (ascii_char_count/3)+(ascii_char_count%3?1:0);
//from that, how many base 64 blocks?
int characters_out = three_blocks_in*4;
//allocate b64 space
b64_string out_string = malloc(sizeof(b64_char)*(characters_out+1));
for(int i = 0;i<three_blocks_in;i++)
b64_char b64A, b64B, b64C, b64D;
b64A = b64B = b64C = b64D = 0;
//get first b64 character
b64A |= ((as[i*3])&0b11111100)>>2;
b64B |= ((as[i*3])&0b00000011)<<4;
//if last trio only has first ascii character
if((i*3)+1 < ascii_char_count)
b64B |= (as[(i*3)+1]&0b11110000)>>4;
b64C |= (as[(i*3)+1]&0b00001111)<<2;
//set it equal to 64 - padding
b64C = b64D = 0b01000000;
//if last trio only has first two ascii chars
if((i*3)+2 < ascii_char_count)
b64C |= (as[(i*3)+2]&0b11000000)>>6;
b64D |= as[(i*3)+2]&0b00111111;
b64D = 0b01000000;
out_string[(i*4)] = b64A;
out_string[(i*4)+1] = b64B;
out_string[(i*4)+2] = b64C;
out_string[(i*4)+3] = b64D;
return out_string;
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