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Created August 17, 2015 16:15
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Find the error in the mean of the ratio of two means from normal distributions
from scipy.stats import t
import math
# Method from "Intuitive Biostatistics" pp. 285-286
# title={Intuitive Biostatistics},
# author={Harvey Motulsky},
# isbn={9780195086072},
# lccn={95008166},
# url={},
# year={1995},
# publisher={Oxford University Press}
# }
def standard_error_quotient(mean_a, mean_b, stdev_a, stdev_b, samples, confint=0.95):
#Student T distribution, n=samples-1, p<1-confint, 2-tail
# t_intervals = stats.t.ppf(confint, samples-1)
# alpha=confint, df = samples-1
lower, upper = t.interval(confint, samples-1)
sem_a = stdev_a/math.sqrt(samples)
sem_b = stdev_b/math.sqrt(samples)
quotient = mean_a/mean_b
std_err_q = quotient * math.sqrt(((sem_a**2)/(mean_a**2))+((sem_b**2)/(mean_b**2)))
# print "std err q = "+str(std_err_q)
return (quotient - (upper*std_err_q), quotient + (upper*std_err_q))
# Method from Fieller's Theorem.
# Method assumes that a and b are jointly normally distributed, and b is not too near 0
# Fieller, EC. (1954). "Some problems in interval estimation."
# @article{1954,
# jstor_articletype = {research-article},
# title = {Some Problems in Interval Estimation},
# author = {Fieller, E. C.},
# journal = {Journal of the Royal Statistical Society. Series B (Methodological)},
# jstor_issuetitle = {},
# volume = {16},
# number = {2},
# jstor_formatteddate = {1954},
# pages = {pp. 175-185},
# url = {},
# ISSN = {00359246},
# year = {1954},
# publisher = {Wiley for the Royal Statistical Society},
# copyright = {Copyright 1954 Royal Statistical Society},
# }
def standard_error_quotient_fieller(mean_a, mean_b, stdev_a, stdev_b, samples, confint=0.95):
#Student T distribution, n=samples-1, p<1-confint, 2-tail
# t_intervals = stats.t.ppf(confint, samples-1)
# alpha=confint, df = samples-1
lower, upper = t.interval(confint, samples-1)
quotient = mean_a/mean_b
var_mean_quot = (quotient**2)*(((stdev_a**2)/(mean_a**2))+((stdev_b**2)/(mean_b**2)))
# print "var mean quot = "+str(var_mean_quot)
return (quotient - (upper*var_mean_quot), quotient + (upper*var_mean_quot))
ma = 88.1034
mb = 175.403
sa = 3.95574
sb = 9.34458
s = 100
mean = ma/mb
print "Biostatistics values:"
low, high = standard_error_quotient(ma, mb, sa, sb, s)
print "\tMean: "+str(mean)
print "\tLow: "+str(low)
print "\tHigh: "+str(high)
print "Fieller values:"
fieller_low, fieller_high = standard_error_quotient_fieller(ma, mb, sa, sb, s)
print "\tMean: "+str(mean)
print "\tLow: "+str(fieller_low)
print "\tHigh: "+str(fieller_high)
print "Method deltas:"
print "\tLow: " +str(abs(low-fieller_low))+" "+str(100*abs(low-fieller_low)/low)+"% "+str(100*abs(low-fieller_low)/fieller_low)+"%"
print "\tHigh: " +str(abs(high-fieller_high))+" "+str(100*abs(high-fieller_high)/high)+"% "+str(100*abs(high-fieller_high)/fieller_high)+"%"
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