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Created October 19, 2023 21:44
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A partial attempt at writing a constructively sorted vector, where sorting ensures that the output is a permutation of the input
module Linear.Reproduction
import Data.Linear.Interface
import Data.Linear.Notation
import Data.Linear.LNat
import Data.Linear.LEither
import Data.Linear.LMaybe
-- Some useful things defined for LNats
-- Comparisons between linear nats
infix 5 <@
public export
(<@) : LNat -@ LNat -@ Bool
(<@) Zero Zero = False
(<@) Zero (Succ y) = y `seq` True
(<@) (Succ x) Zero = x `seq` False
(<@) (Succ x) (Succ y) = x <@ y
public export
fromNat : Nat -> LNat
fromNat 0 = Zero
fromNat (S k) = Succ (fromNat k)
public export
Num LNat where
(+) Zero y = y
(+) (Succ x) y = Succ (x + y)
(*) Zero y = y
(*) (Succ x) y = y + (x * y)
fromInteger i = fromNat $ integerToNat i
public export
lnatToInteger : LNat -> Integer
lnatToInteger Zero = 0
lnatToInteger (Succ x) = 1 + lnatToInteger x
prim__integerToLNat : Integer -> LNat
prim__integerToLNat i
= if intToBool (prim__lte_Integer 0 i)
then believe_me i
else Zero
public export
integerToLNat : Integer -> LNat
integerToLNat 0 = Zero -- Force evaluation and hence caching of x at compile time
integerToLNat x
= if intToBool (prim__lte_Integer x 0)
then Zero
else Succ (assert_total (integerToLNat (prim__sub_Integer x 1)))
public export
Show LNat where
show n = show (the Integer (lnatToInteger n))
-- Proofs about LNats
-- LTE etc copied from the Nat implementation
public export
data LTE : (1 n : LNat) -> (1 m : LNat) -> Type where
LTEZero : LTE Zero right
LTESucc : LTE left right -> LTE (Succ left) (Succ right)
public export
GTE : LNat -@ LNat -@ Type
GTE left right = LTE right left
public export
LT : LNat -@ LNat -@ Type
LT left right = LTE (Succ left) right
namespace LT
||| LT is defined in terms of LTE which makes it annoying to use.
||| This convenient view of allows us to avoid having to constantly
||| perform nested matches to obtain another LT subproof instead of
||| an LTE one.
public export
data View : LT m n -> Type where
LTZero : View (LTESucc LTEZero)
LTSucc : (lt : m `LT` n) -> View (LTESucc lt)
||| Deconstruct an LT proof into either a base case or a further *LT*
view : (lt : LT m n) -> View lt
view (LTESucc LTEZero) = LTZero
view (LTESucc lt@(LTESucc _)) = LTSucc lt
||| A convenient alias for trivial LT proofs
ltZero : Zero `LT` Succ m
ltZero = LTESucc LTEZero
public export
GT : LNat -@ LNat -@ Type
GT left right = LT right left
succNotLTEzero : Not (LTE (Succ m) Zero)
succNotLTEzero LTEZero impossible
fromLteSucc : LTE (Succ m) (Succ n) -> LTE m n
fromLteSucc (LTESucc x) = x
succNotLTEpred : {x : LNat} -> Not $ LTE (Succ x) x
succNotLTEpred {x = Zero} prf = succNotLTEzero prf
succNotLTEpred {x = Succ _} prf = succNotLTEpred $ fromLteSucc prf
public export
isLTE : (1 m : LNat) -> (1 n : LNat) -> Dec (LTE m n)
isLTE Zero n = consume n `seq` Yes LTEZero
isLTE (Succ k) Zero = consume k `seq` No succNotLTEzero
isLTE (Succ k) (Succ j)
= case isLTE k j of
No contra => No (contra . fromLteSucc)
Yes prf => Yes (LTESucc prf)
public export
isLTEBool : (1 m : LNat) -> (1 n : LNat) -> Bool
isLTEBool m n = case isLTE m n of
(Yes prf) => True
(No contra) => False
public export
isLT : (1 m : LNat) -> (1 n : LNat) -> Dec (LT m n)
isLT m n = isLTE (Succ m) n
public export
isGT : (1 m : LNat) -> (1 n : LNat) -> Dec (GT m n)
isGT m n = isLT n m
lteSuccRight : LTE n m -> LTE n (Succ m)
lteSuccRight LTEZero = LTEZero
lteSuccRight (LTESucc x) = LTESucc (lteSuccRight x)
lteSuccLeft : LTE (Succ n) m -> LTE n m
lteSuccLeft (LTESucc x) = lteSuccRight x
lteAddRight : (n : LNat) -> LTE n (n + m)
lteAddRight Zero = LTEZero
lteAddRight (Succ k) {m} = LTESucc (lteAddRight {m} k)
notLTEImpliesGT : {a, b : LNat} -> Not (a `LTE` b) -> a `GT` b
notLTEImpliesGT {a = Zero } not_z_lte_b = absurd $ not_z_lte_b LTEZero
notLTEImpliesGT {a = Succ a} {b = Zero } notLTE = LTESucc LTEZero
notLTEImpliesGT {a = Succ a} {b = Succ k} notLTE = LTESucc (notLTEImpliesGT (notLTE . LTESucc))
infix 1 ##
-- Dependent pair of linear and linear
public export
record DPairLL (t : Type) (f : t -> Type) where
constructor (##)
1 fst : t
1 snd : f fst
public export
isLinLTE : (1 m : LNat) -> (1 n : LNat) -> DPairLL LNat (\x => DPairLL LNat (\y => Dec $ LTE x y))
isLinLTE Zero n = Zero ## (n ## Yes LTEZero)
isLinLTE (Succ x) Zero = (Succ x) ## (Zero ## No succNotLTEzero)
isLinLTE (Succ x) (Succ z) = case isLinLTE x z of
(x ## (y ## (Yes prf))) => (Succ x ## (Succ y ## Yes (LTESucc prf)))
(x ## (y ## (No contra))) => (Succ x ## (Succ y ## No (contra . fromLteSucc)))
-- Stuff with sorted vectors.
data LSortedVect : Nat -> LNat -> Type where
Nil : (1 e : LNat) -> LSortedVect 1 e
Cons : (1 e : LNat) -> (1 es : LSortedVect n o) -> (0 prf : LTE e o) -> LSortedVect (S n) e
-- Hints for interactive editing
%name LSortedVect xs, ys, zs, ws, es
Show (LSortedVect l m) where
show sv = "[" ++ printSortedVect sv where
printSortedVect : LSortedVect n e -> String
printSortedVect ([] e) = (show e) ++ "]"
printSortedVect (Cons e es prf) = (show e) ++ "," ++ printSortedVect es
-- Given a proof of Not (n <= m), produce a proof of m <= n
flipOrdContra : {n, m : LNat} -> Not (LTE n m) -> LTE m n
flipOrdContra f = lteSuccLeft $ notLTEImpliesGT f
-- Insert a new element into a sorted Vector.
-- Returns back a vector one element longer, with either the smallest element being `x`, or remaining unchanged.
insert : (1 x : LNat) -> (1 xs : LSortedVect l m) -> LEither (LSortedVect (S l) x) (LSortedVect (S l) m)
insert x ([] m) = case isLinLTE x m of
(x ## (m ## (Yes prf))) => Left $ Cons x (Nil m) prf
(x ## (m ## (No contra))) => Right $ Cons m (Nil x) (flipOrdContra contra)
insert x (Cons m es prf) = ?asdfasdfkljh
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AdamBrouwersHarries commented Oct 19, 2023

This breaks on line 198, as follows:

Error: While processing right hand side of insert. When unifying:
    LSortedVect (S ?n) x
    LSortedVect 2 x
Mismatch between: x and x (implicitly bound at Linear.Reproduction:198:24--198:76).

 194 | -- Insert a new element into a sorted Vector.
 195 | -- Returns back a vector one element longer, with either the smallest element being `x`, or remaining unchanged.
 196 | insert : (1 x : LNat) -> (1 xs : LSortedVect l m) -> LEither (LSortedVect (S l) x) (LSortedVect (S l) m)
 197 | insert x ([] m) = case isLinLTE x m of
 198 |                        (x ## (m ## (Yes prf))) => Left $ Cons x (Nil m) prf

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