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Created October 4, 2018 11:25
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Utterly nerd sniped.
module Main where
import Control.Monad
import Data.List
import Data.Function
-- Define a name - i.e. just a variable
data Name = MkName Char deriving (Eq, Show)
-- Define a context - a mapping from variabels to values
data Context = Ctx [(Name, Int)] deriving (Eq)
-- pretty print them...
instance Show Context where
show (Ctx ps) = "[" ++ (intercalate ", " $ map showPair ps) ++ "]" where
showPair (MkName c, i) = [c] ++ " -> " ++ (show i)
-- Get names given a list of values.
mkNames :: [a] -> [Name]
mkNames l = take (length l) $ map MkName ['a'..]
-- Make a specific context.
mkContext :: [Name] -> [Int] -> Context
mkContext n v = Ctx $ zip n v
-- Make all possible contexts from these values
mkContexts :: [Int] -> [Context]
mkContexts v = nub $ map (mkContext names) $ permutations v where
names = mkNames v
-- Define arithmetic expressions of the kind that we're allowed in countdown.
data Expression =
Add Expression Expression |
Sub Expression Expression |
Mul Expression Expression |
Div Expression Expression |
Var Name
deriving (Eq)
-- Define a representation, given a context, that returns variable names
-- if a value cannot be found in the context.
repr :: Expression -> Context -> String
repr (Var (MkName n)) (Ctx c) = case lookup (MkName n) c of
Just i -> show i
Nothing -> [n]
repr (Add l r) c = "(" ++ (repr l c) ++ "+" ++ (repr r c) ++ ")"
repr (Sub l r) c = "(" ++ (repr l c) ++ "-" ++ (repr r c) ++ ")"
repr (Mul l r) c = "(" ++ (repr l c) ++ "*" ++ (repr r c) ++ ")"
repr (Div l r) c = "(" ++ (repr l c) ++ "/" ++ (repr r c) ++ ")"
-- Define a pretty printer using an empty context (always showing names)
instance Show Expression where
show e = repr e (Ctx [])
-- Define evaluation for an expression, given a context (assignment to variables)
eval :: Expression -> Context -> Maybe Int
eval (Var v) (Ctx c) = lookup v c
eval (Add l r) c = liftM2 (+) (eval l c) (eval r c)
eval (Sub l r) c = liftM2 (-) (eval l c) (eval r c)
eval (Mul l r) c = liftM2 (*) (eval l c) (eval r c)
eval (Div l r) c = lf ((eval l c), (eval r c)) >>= uncurry checkedDiv where
lf (Just a, Just b) = Just (a, b)
lf _ = Nothing
checkedDiv i j = if j /= 0 && i `mod` j == 0 then Just (i `div` j) else Nothing
-- Expand a list of names into possible expressions involving the names.
-- This is where the "meat" of the program is, and where we generate trees.
-- Note, we make sure that we use each variable _once_, by creating a Var
-- at the very root of the recursion, and not before.
expand :: [Name] -> [Expression]
expand [] = undefined
expand (n:[]) = [Var n]
expand (n:ns) = (expand ns) >>= (pairs (Var n)) where
pairs :: Expression -> Expression -> [Expression]
pairs v e = [Add v e, Mul v e, Sub v e, Sub e v, Div v e, Div e v]
-- Show a list of showables in a nicer way.
prettyShow :: Show a => [a] -> String
prettyShow xs = "[\n " ++ (intercalate "\n " $ map show xs) ++ "\n]"
-- Given a set of possible assignments, and an expression, find out every possible
-- outcome of evaluating that expression, given those values.
-- For utilities sake, group the result with the context + expression
tryExpression :: [Context] -> Expression -> [(String, Int)]
tryExpression cs e = cs >>= (groupEval e) where
groupEval :: Expression -> Context -> [(String, Int)]
groupEval e c = case eval e c of
Just i -> [(repr e c, i)]
Nothing -> []
-- Given a list of integers, find every possible expression, assignment, and result
findSolutions :: [Int] -> [(String, Int)]
findSolutions values = expressions >>= (tryExpression contexts) where
names = mkNames values
contexts = mkContexts values
expressions = expand names
main :: IO ()
main = putStrLn $ prettyShow $ sortBy (compare `on` snd) $ findSolutions [3,3,8,8]
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