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Adam Hepner AdamHepner

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Git vs. CVS Advantages

Flexible Workflow

In Git your working copy is a clone of the entire repository. This includes branches and tags. This decreases the overhead (speed and manual work) involved when switching contexts and the need to be connected to a network. Some examples are:

  • When switching branches there is no need to connect to a remote server or close your IDE/project and open a checkout in another directory. Running git checkout [branch name] is all you need to do.
  • When merging you do not need a connection to the remote server, you have all branches locally. Since branches are so cheap in Git you could create a new branch to perform the merge in so that if you had a large amount of conflicts you could incrementally work on and commit without affecting the main branch then merge or create a patch after everything has been fixed.
  • Because Git is a distributed system in addition to connecting to a central repository developers can connect to another developers repository. This allows team
# -*- mode: ruby -*-
# vi: set ft=ruby :
# Quick start:
# - vagrant plugin install vagrant-digitalocean
# - Set-up ~/.digital_ocean.rb like this:
# module DigitalOceanKeys
# CLIENT_ID = 'foooooooo'
# API_KEY = 'fabada'
# end