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Last active May 20, 2019 21:51
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NPM Shorthand and Useful Commands

  • Installing a package
    • npm i pkg npm install pkg
  • Installing a package globally
    • npm i -g pkg npm install --global pkg
  • Installing a package and save it as a dependency
    • npm i -S pkg npm i --save pkg
  • Installing a package and save it as a dependency
    • npm i -D pkg npm i --save-dev pkg
  • Initializing a new package
    • npm init --yes
    • npm init -y
    • npm init -f
  • Running tests
    • npm test npm t
  • List Available Scripts
    • npm run list of all available scripts
  • (Optional) Install ntl
    • npm i -g ntl ntl [allows to run the scripts]
  • List installed packages (all dependencies)
    • npm ls --depth 0
  • List all globally installed packages
    • npm ls -g --depth 0
  • Ensure clean install of dependencies
  • Opening a package’s homepage
    • npm home $package
    • e.g. npm home lodash
  • Opening a package's repository
    • npm repo $package
    • e.g. npm repo lodash
  • Check packages that are not declared in package.json
    • npm prune
  • Bump a package version (minor, major, patch)
    • npm version $patch/$minor/$major v $version
    • patch example: npm version patch v 1.0.1
    • minor example: npm version minor v 1.1.1
    • major example: npm version major v 2.0.0
  • Install a package without affecting package.json file
    • npm i package --no-save
  • Generate table of installed and latest versions of packages
    • npm outdated
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