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Created March 6, 2019 07:01
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The Algorithm Design Manual


Designing correct, efficient, and implementable algorithms for real-world problems requires access to two distinct boddies of knowledge, Techniques and Resouces

  • Techniques
    • Good algorithm designers understand several fundamentamental algorithm design techniques:
      • Data Structures
      • Dynamic Programming
      • Depth-first search
      • Backtracking
      • Heuristics
    • Single most important design technique - modeling
      • art of abstraction is a messy real-world application into a clean problem suitable for algorithmic attack
  • Resources
    • Stand on the shoulders of giants
    • rather than laboring from scratch, can figure out what is known about a particular problem
    • rather than re-implementing popular algorithms from scratch, seek existing implementations to serve as starting point
    • Familiar with many classic algorithmic problems, which provide sufficient source material to model most any application
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