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Last active January 18, 2021 20:54
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  • Save AdamNaj/5553b3d48d4e9ec8958f38be926d0617 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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How to check if Z-Wave node is Secure or Plus version based on QZW Config file.
# Combine the functionality of Find-ChattyZwaveDevices and Get-ZwaveNodeSecureOrPlus
# Executing this script can take a few minutes debending on the speed of the network and the size of your OZW log.
# Path to your Home Assistant shared folder - mapped drive on your windows machine
$haPath = "I:"
# Get the content of the Open Z-Wave cache file
Write-Progress -Activity "Reading Configuration"
[xml]$ozwCfg = Get-Content "$haPath\zwcfg_*.xml"
# Get valid zwave IDs
$validIds = $ozwCfg.Driver.Node | %{ $ }
# Append Root node devices to the id list
$validIds += $validIds | %{ "node-$($_)"}
# Read entity registry
$entReg = Get-Content "$haPath\.storage\core.entity_registry" | ConvertFrom-Json
# Display entities to be deleted
$ |
? { $_.platform -eq "zwave" } |
? { !$validIds.Contains(($_.unique_id -split "-")[0]) -and !$validIds.Contains($_.unique_id)}
# Path to your Home Assistant shared folder - mapped drive on your windows machine
$haPath = "I:"
# Get the content of the Open Z-Wave log file
[string[]]$ozwCfg = Get-Content "$haPath\OZW_Log.txt"
#find received messqages, filter and order by number of messages
$ozwCfg | ?{ $_ -match "Detail, Node(\d\d\d), Received"} |
% { $matches[0] } |
? { $_ -match "(\d\d\d)" } |
% { $matches[0] } |
Sort-Object Count -descending |
Format-Table Name, Count
# Path to your Home Assistant shared folder - mapped drive on your windows machine
$haPath = "I:"
# Get the content of the Open Z-Wave cache file
[xml]$ozwCfg = Get-Content "$haPath\zwcfg_*.xml"
# Analyze and print
$ozwCfg.Driver.Node |
ft id,
@{Name="Is Z-Wave Plus";Expression={ (($ | ?{ $_ -eq "COMMAND_CLASS_ZWAVEPLUS_INFO"} | %{"yes"}) }}
# Combine the functionality of Find-ChattyZwaveDevices and Get-ZwaveNodeSecureOrPlus
# Executing this script can take a few minutes debending on the speed of the network and the size of your OZW log.
# Path to your Home Assistant shared folder - mapped drive on your windows machine
$haPath = "I:"
# Get the content of the Open Z-Wave cache file
Write-Progress -Activity "Reading Configuration"
[xml]$ozwCfg = Get-Content "$haPath\zwcfg_*.xml"
# Get the content of the Open Z-Wave log file
Write-Progress -Activity "Reading log"
[string[]]$ozwLog = Get-Content "$haPath\OZW_Log.txt"
# Analyze the log - for received messages fron devices
Write-Progress -Activity "Analyzing"
$messageCounts = $ozwLog | ?{ $_ -match "Detail, Node(\d\d\d), Received"} | # select -first 1000 |
% { $matches[0] } |
? { $_ -match "(\d\d\d)" } |
% { $matches[0] } |
Group-Object |
Sort-Object Count -descending |
Select @{Name = "id"; Expression={[int] $Name = $_.Name; $name}}, Count
# Analyze the config file to find out the device security and Plus support and attach the messages received
# + display in a nice window with ability to sort by different criteria.
Write-Progress -Activity "Displaying input"
$ozwCfg.Driver.Node |
select id,
@{Name="Messages"; Expression={ [int]$id = $; ($messageCounts | ? { $ -eq $id}).Count }},
@{Name="Secured"; Expression={ if($_.secured -eq "true") {$true}}},
@{Name="Z-Wave Plus"; Expression={ (($ | ?{ $_ -eq "COMMAND_CLASS_ZWAVEPLUS_INFO"} | %{$true}) }},
@{Name="Manufacturer"; Expression={$}},
@{Name="Model"; Expression={$}} |
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maxxxxpower commented Sep 5, 2019

I have modified the mapped drive and tested these scripts both as admin and as a normal user. Nothing ever outputs. PS just returns to a command prompt. Am I missing something?

Please ignore. It provided an output finally. I just needed to be patient.

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