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Last active April 9, 2024 15:11
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  • Save AdamNaj/aa4a420b0c9608588782f42e7dab5c2f to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save AdamNaj/aa4a420b0c9608588782f42e7dab5c2f to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Assert Tenant Templates from source tenant are also in the second tenant and contain the same base templates.
$aName = "Metro"
$aName = "Crafted"
$fromName = "/$aName/"
$toName = "/$($aName)VC/"
$tenantFrom = gci "master:\templates\Project$fromName" | ? { $_.TemplateName -eq "Template" }
$tenantFromIDs = $tenantFrom.ID;
$tenantTo = gci "master:\templates\Project$toName" | ? { $_.TemplateName -eq "Template" }
$tenantToIDs = $tenantTo.ID;
$templateGroups = (($tenantFrom + $tenantTo) | Group-Object -Property "Name")
$templateGroups | % {
$fromTemplate = $_.Group | ? { $_.Paths.Path.Contains($fromName) }
$toTemplate = $_.Group | ? { $_.Paths.Path.Contains($toName) }
if($toTemplate -eq $null)
Write-Host "'$($fromTemplate.Name)' template is missing in $toName" -f Red
} elseif($fromTemplate -eq $null){
Write-Host "'$($toTemplate.Name)' template is missing in $fromName" -f Yellow
} else {
$fromTemplateBase = $fromTemplate._.'__Base template'.GetItems();
$fromTemplateBaseIDs = @() + $fromTemplateBase.ID;
$toTemplateBase = $toTemplate._.'__Base template'.GetItems();
$toTemplateBaseIDs = @() + $toTemplateBase.ID;
$fromTemplateBaseIDs | ? { !$toTemplateBaseIDs.Contains($_) -and !$tenantFromIDs.Contains($_)} |
$missingTemplate = gi master: -ID $_
Write-Host "$($fromTemplate.Paths.Path) inherit from $($missingTemplate.Paths.Path) - most likely wrongly" -f Red
} elseif ($missingTemplate.Paths.Path.Contains("/sitecore/templates/System/")){
Write-Host "$($fromTemplate.Paths.Path) inherit from $($missingTemplate.Paths.Path) - unnecessarily?" -f Red
} else {
Write-Host "$($toTemplate.Paths.Path) Should inherit from $($missingTemplate.Paths.Path) - implementing the change" -f Green
Add-BaseTemplate -Item $toTemplate -TemplateItem $missingTemplate -WhatIf
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