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Last active July 13, 2022 19:50
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Z Wave Graph for Home Assistant
- name: zwavegraph2
sidebar_title: Z-Wave Graph
sidebar_icon: mdi:access-point-network
url_path: zwave
Version 1.0:
- based on the brilliant code by @NigelL - with cosmetic changes mostly about clarity and shaping of nodes based on their function
Version 2.0: (02 July 2019)
- you can now pan the graph by dragging it
- you can now zoom the graph with your mouse wheel
- the graph initially is scaled to fill the full screen width
- added minimap to visualize which part of the graph you can see at the oment on the screen
- added 2 more tree layouts (click on the top-legend) - they didn't necessarily help me make the graph more manageable for me, but may be useful to others in their topology
- added the ability to show all node connections if someone wants to see the full picture of their Z-Wave mesh
- fixed the broken new line in the node tooltips
- you can now click on the node to see the entity dialog
Version 2.1: (20 September 2019)
- added Tools to graph legends so you can easily navigate to Z-Wave Network Management
- fixed (hopefully) the problem with the graph requiring page reload then navigating to it
Version 2.2: (04 October 2019)
- ability to turn off node grouping. Having the nodes grouped requires editing locations defined in the zwcfg_*.cfg
Version 2.3: (03 February 2020)
- Graph background reflects theme background color after page reload
- Fixed problem where some removed nodes lingering in the device registry could cause wrong node info card to be displayed after clicking on nodes with higher ids
<dom-module id='ha-panel-zwavegraph2'>
<style include="ha-style">
.thumb {
border: 1px solid #ddd;
position: absolute;
bottom: 5px;
right: 5px;
margin: 1px;
padding: 1px;
overflow: hidden;
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z-index: 110;
background: white;
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z-index: 120;
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overflow: hidden;
position: absolute;
left: 0px;
top: 64px;
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svg>.output {
fill: #3598DB;
stroke: #2470A2;
.node>rect {
stroke: black;
.edgePath.layer-1>path {
fill: #3598DB;
stroke: #2470A2;
.edgePath.layer-1>path {
fill: #3598DB;
stroke: #2470A2;
.node.layer-1 text {
fill: #1E5B84;
.edgePath.layer-2>path {
stroke: #1D8548;
.edgePath.layer-2>path {
fill: #1BBC9B;
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fill: #11512C;
.edgePath.layer-3>path {
stroke: #1D8548;
.edgePath.layer-3>path {
fill: #2DCC70;
.node.layer-3 text {
fill: #1D8548;
.edgePath.layer-4>path {
stroke: #D25400;
.edgePath.layer-4>path {
fill: #F1C40F;
.node.layer-4 text {
fill: #D25400;
.edgePath.layer-5>path {
stroke: #D25400;
.edgePath.layer-5>path {
fill: #E77E23;
.node.layer-5 text {
fill: #D25400;
.node.Error>rect {
fill: #ff7676;
stroke: darkred;
.node.Error text {
fill: darkred;
.node.unset>rect {
stroke: #666;
.node.unset>rect {
stroke: #666;
fill: lightgray;
.cluster>rect {
stroke: lightgray;
fill: #f8f8f8;
stroke-width: 1px;
stroke-linecap: round;
.cluster>.label {
/* stroke: gray; */
fill: lightgray;
.node.unset text {
fill: #666;
.node text {
font-size: 12px;
.edgePath.layer-1>path {
fill: transparent;
.edgePath path {
stroke: #333;
fill: #333;
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opacity: 0.7;
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stroke-linecap: round;
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<div main-title>Z-Wave Graph</div>
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<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
class HaPanelZWave extends Polymer.Element {
static get is() {
return 'ha-panel-zwavegraph2';
static get properties() {
return {
// Home Assistant object
hass: Object,
// If should render in narrow mode
narrow: {
type: Boolean,
value: false,
// If sidebar is currently shown
showMenu: {
type: Boolean,
value: false,
// Home Assistant panel info99
// panel.config contains config passed to register_panel serverside
panel: Object,
controls: {
type: Object
controlsLoaded: {
type: Boolean,
value: false
settings: {
type: Boolean,
value: false
ready() {
this.$.svg.innerHTML = ""
var that = this;
setTimeout(function() {
that.paintGraph("network-simplex", "relevant", "z-wave");
}, 100);
paintGraph(ranker, edgeVisibility, grouping) {
var legends = [{
shape: "rect",
color: "#3598DB",
stroke: "#2470A2",
textcolor: "#2470A2",
text: "Hub"
shape: "rect",
color: "#1BBC9B",
stroke: "#1D8548",
textcolor: "#11512C",
text: "1 hop"
shape: "rect",
color: "#2DCC70",
stroke: "#1D8548",
textcolor: "#1D8548",
text: "2 hops"
shape: "rect",
color: "#F1C40F",
stroke: "#D25400",
textcolor: "#D25400",
text: "3 hops"
shape: "rect",
color: "E77E23",
stroke: "#D25400",
textcolor: "#D25400",
text: "4 hops"
shape: "rect",
color: "crimson",
stroke: "darkred",
textcolor: "darkred",
text: "Failed Node"
shape: "rect",
color: "lightgray",
stroke: "#666666",
textcolor: "#666666",
text: "Unconnected"
var layout = [{
shape: "rect",
color: "#3598DB",
stroke: "#2470A2",
textcolor: "#2470A2",
text: "Network Simplex",
ranker: "network-simplex",
cursor: "pointer"
shape: "rect",
color: "#3598DB",
stroke: "#2470A2",
textcolor: "#2470A2",
text: "Tight Tree",
ranker: "tight-tree",
cursor: "pointer"
shape: "rect",
color: "#3598DB",
stroke: "#2470A2",
textcolor: "#2470A2",
text: "Longest Path",
ranker: "longest-path",
cursor: "pointer"
var edgesLegend = [{
shape: "rect",
color: "#3598DB",
stroke: "#2470A2",
textcolor: "#2470A2",
text: "Relevant Neighbors",
edges: "relevant",
cursor: "pointer"
shape: "rect",
color: "#3598DB",
stroke: "#2470A2",
textcolor: "#2470A2",
text: "All Neighbors",
edges: "all",
cursor: "pointer"
var groupingLegend = [{
shape: "rect",
color: "#3598DB",
stroke: "#2470A2",
textcolor: "#2470A2",
text: "Z-Wave Locations",
grouping: "z-wave",
cursor: "pointer"
shape: "rect",
color: "#3598DB",
stroke: "#2470A2",
textcolor: "#2470A2",
text: "Ungrouped",
grouping: "ungrouped",
cursor: "pointer"
var links = [{
shape: "rect",
color: "#3598DB",
stroke: "#2470A2",
textcolor: "#2470A2",
text: "Network Management",
cursor: "hand",
url: "/config/zwave",
}, ];
this.ranker = ranker;
this.edgeVisibility = edgeVisibility;
this.grouping = grouping;
var data = this.listNodes(this.hass);
var g = new dagreD3.graphlib.Graph({
compound: true
g.graph().rankDir = "BT";
//g.graph().rankDir = 'RL';
g.graph().nodesep = 10;
g.graph().ranker = ranker;
// Create the renderer
var render = new dagreD3.render();
var svg =$.svg);
var inner = svg.append("g").attr("transform", "translate(20,200)scale(1)");
g.graph().minlen = 0;
// Add our custom shape (a house)
render.shapes().house = this.renderHouse;
render.shapes().battery = this.renderBattery;
var groups = [];
var nodes = data["nodes"];
// Set the parents to define which nodes belong to which cluster
// add nodes to graph
for (var i = 0; i < nodes.length; i++) {
var node = nodes[i];
g.setNode(, node);
if (this.grouping !== "ungrouped" && node.location != "" && node.location != undefined) {
g.setNode(node.location, {
label: node.location,
clusterLabelPos: 'bottom',
class: "group",
entityId: node.entity_id
g.setParent(, node.location);
// add edges to graph
for (var i = 0; i < data["edges"].length; i++) {
var edge = g.setEdge(
data["edges"][i].to, {
label: "",
arrowhead: "undirected",
style: data["edges"][i].style,
class: data["edges"][i].class,
curve: d3.curveBundle.beta(0.2)
//curve: d3.curveBasis
// Run the renderer. This is what draws the final graph.
render(inner, g);
// create battery state gradients
for (let layer = 0; layer < legends.length; layer++) {
for (let percent = 0; percent <= 100; percent += 10) {
var grad = svg.append("defs").append("linearGradient").attr("id", "fill-" + (layer + 1) + "-" + percent)
.attr("x1", "0%").attr("x2", "0%").attr("y1", "0%").attr("y2", "100%");
grad.append("stop").attr("offset", (100 - percent - 10) + "%").style("stop-color", "white");
grad.append("stop").attr("offset", (100 - percent) + "%").style("stop-color", legends[layer].color);
// Add the title element to be used for a tooltip (SVG functionality)
.append("title").html(function (d) {
return g.node(d).title;
.attr("layer", function (d) {
return g.node(d).layer;
.attr("fill", function (d) {
if (g.node(d).battery_level === 100) {
return "url(#fill-" + g.node(d).layer + "-100)";
if (g.node(d).battery_level !== undefined) {
return "url(#fill-" + g.node(d).layer + "-" + Math.floor(g.node(d).battery_level / 10 % 10) + "0)";
.attr("layer", function (d) {
return g.edges(d).layer;
var that = this;
var handleClick = function (d, i, nodeList) { // Add interactivity
var nodeId = nodeList[i].id;
var node = nodes.find(function(element) {
return == nodeId;
});'hass-more-info', {
entityId: node.entity_id
// append handlers
.on("mouseover", this.handleMouseOver)
.on("mouseout", this.handleMouseOut)
.on("click", handleClick);
this.addLegend(this.$, svg, legends, 5, 20, "Node Colors", ranker, this.edgeVisibility, this.grouping);
this.addLegend(this.$, svg, layout, 150, 20, "Tree Layout", ranker, this.edgeVisibility, this.grouping);
this.addLegend(this.$, svg, edgesLegend, 320, 20, "Neighbors", ranker, this.edgeVisibility, this.grouping);
this.addLegend(this.$, svg, groupingLegend, 510, 20, "Grouping", ranker, this.edgeVisibility, this.grouping);
this.addLegend(this.$, svg, links, 700, 20, "Tools", ranker, this.edgeVisibility, this.grouping);
this.$.miniSvg.innerHTML = this.$.svg.innerHTML;
var panZoomGraph = svgPanZoom(this.$.svg);
listNodes(hass) {
let states = new Array();
for (let state in hass.states) {
name: state,
entity: hass.states[state]
let zwaves = states.filter((s) => {
return"zwave.") == 0 && s.entity.attributes["capabilities"] !== undefined
let result = {
"edges": [],
"nodes": []
let hubNode = 0;
let neighbors = {};
for (let b in zwaves) {
let id = zwaves[b].entity.attributes["node_id"];
let node = zwaves[b].entity;
if (node.attributes["capabilities"].filter(
(s) => {
return s == "primaryController"
}).length > 0) {
hubNode = id;
neighbors[id] = node.attributes['neighbors'];
let entities = states.filter((s) => {
return (("zwave.") == -1) &&
(s.entity.attributes["node_id"] == id))
let batlev = node.attributes.battery_level;
// create node
let entity = {
"id": id,
"entity_id": node.entity_id,
"label": "[" + id + (node.attributes["is_zwave_plus"] ? "+" : "") + "] " + (node.attributes[
"friendly_name"] + " (" + node.attributes["averageResponseRTT"] + "ms)").replace(/ /g, "\n"),
"class": "unset layer-7",
"layer": 7,
"rx": "6",
"ry": "6",
"neighbors": neighbors[id],
"battery_level": batlev,
"mains": batlev,
"location": node.attributes["location"],
"failed": node.attributes["is_failed"],
"title": "<b>" + node.attributes["node_name"] + "</b>\n" +
"\n Entity ID: " + node.entity_id +
"\n Node: " + id + (node.attributes["is_zwave_plus"] ? "+" : "") +
"\n Product Name: " + node.attributes["product_name"] +
"\n Average Request RTT: " + node.attributes["averageResponseRTT"] + "ms" +
"\n Power source: " + (batlev != undefined ? "battery (" + batlev + "%)" : "mains") +
"\n " + entities.length + " entities" +
"\n Neighbors: " + node.attributes['neighbors'],
"forwards": (node.attributes.is_awake && node.attributes.is_ready && !node.attributes.is_failed &&
entity["shape"] = id === hubNode ? "house" : (entity.forwards || batlev === undefined ? "rect" : "battery");
if (node.attributes["is_failed"]) {
entity.label = "FAILED: " + entity.label;
entity["font.multi"] = true;
entity["title"] = "<b>FAILED: </b>" + entity.title;
entity["group"] = "Failed";
entity["failed"] = true;
entity["class"] = "Error";
if (hubNode == id) {
entity.label = "ZWave Hub";
entity.borderWidth = 2;
entity.fixed = true;
if (hubNode > 0) {
let layer = 0;
let previousRow = [hubNode];
let mappedNodes = [hubNode];
let layers = [];
while (previousRow.length > 0) {
layer = layer + 1;
let nextRow = [];
let layerMembers = []
layers[layer] = layerMembers;
for (let target in previousRow) {
// assign node to layer
result.nodes.filter((n) => {
return (( == previousRow[target]) && ( = "unset"))
.every((d) => {
d.class = "layer-" + layer;
d.layer = layer;
if (d.failed) {
d.class = d.class + " Error"
if (d.neighbors !== undefined) {
d.neighbors.forEach((n) => {
d.class = d.class + " neighbor-" + n
if (result.nodes.filter((n) => {
return (( == previousRow[target]) && (n.forwards))
}).length > 0) {
let row = neighbors[previousRow[target]];
for (let node in row) {
if (neighbors[row[node]] !== undefined) {
if (!mappedNodes.includes(row[node])) {
"from": row[node],
"to": previousRow[target],
"style": "",
"class": "layer-" + (layer + 1) + " node-" + row[node] + " node-" + previousRow[target],
"layer": layer,
} else {
// uncomment to show edges regardless of rows - mess!
if (this.edgeVisibility === "all") {
"from": row[node],
"to": previousRow[target],
"style": "stroke-dasharray: 5, 5; fill:transparent; ", //"stroke: #ddd; stroke-width: 1px; fill:transparent; stroke-dasharray: 5, 5;",
"class": "layer-" + (layer + 1) + " node-" + row[node] + " node-" + previousRow[target]
for (let idx in nextRow) {
previousRow = nextRow;
return result;
// Add our custom shape (a house)
renderHouse(parent, bbox, node) {
var w = bbox.width,
h = bbox.height,
points = [{
x: 0,
y: 0
x: w,
y: 0
x: w,
y: -h
x: w / 2,
y: -h * 3 / 2
x: 0,
y: -h
shapeSvg = parent.insert("polygon", ":first-child")
.attr("points", (d) {
return d.x + "," + d.y;
}).join(" "))
.attr("transform", "translate(" + (-w / 2) + "," + (h * 3 / 4) + ")");
node.intersect = function (point) {
return dagreD3.intersect.polygon(node, points, point);
return shapeSvg;
renderBattery(parent, bbox, node) {
var w = bbox.width,
h = bbox.height,
points = [{
x: 0,
y: 0
}, // bottom left
x: w,
y: 0
}, // bottom line
x: w,
y: -h
}, // right line
x: w * 7 / 10,
y: -h
}, // top right
x: w * 7 / 10,
y: -h * 20 / 17
}, // battery tip - right
x: w * 3 / 10,
y: -h * 20 / 17
}, // battery tip
x: w * 3 / 10,
y: -h
}, // battery tip - left
x: 0,
y: -h
}, // top left
x: 0,
y: -h
} // left line
shapeSvg = parent.insert("polygon", ":first-child")
.attr("points", (d) {
return d.x + "," + d.y;
}).join(" "))
.attr("transform", "translate(" + (-w / 2) + "," + (h * 2 / 4) + ")");
node.intersect = function (point) {
return dagreD3.intersect.polygon(node, points, point);
return shapeSvg;
handleMouseOver(d, i, nodeList) { // Add interactivity
var svg;
for (let nodeNum in nodeList) {
let node = nodeList[nodeNum];
if ( !== undefined && !== d) { = 0.1;
svg = node.ownerSVGElement
// Use D3 to select element, change color and size
.forEach(function (node) { = "0.3"
var edges = svg.querySelectorAll(".edgePath.node-" + d);
for (let i = 0; i < edges.length; i++) {
edges[i].style.opacity = "1"
edges[i].style['stroke-width'] = "2";
var neighbors = svg.querySelectorAll(".node.neighbor-" + d);
for (let i = 0; i < neighbors.length; i++) {
neighbors[i].style.opacity = "0.7"
handleMouseOut(d, i, nodeList) { // Add interactivity
var svg;
for (let nodeNum in nodeList) {
let node = nodeList[nodeNum];
if ( !== undefined && !== d) { = 1;
svg = node.ownerSVGElement
// Use D3 to select element, change color and size
.forEach(function (node) { = "1";['stroke-width'] = "1";
addLegend($, svg, legends, startX, startY, title, ranker, edges, grouping) {
var that = this;
var handleClick = function (d, i, nodeList) {
if (nodeList[0].dataset.url !== undefined) {
window.location = nodeList[0].dataset.url;
var ranker = nodeList[0].dataset.ranker || that.ranker;
var edges = nodeList[0].dataset.edges || that.edgeVisibility;
var grouping = nodeList[0].dataset.grouping || that.grouping;
// Destroy svgpanzoom
that.paintGraph(ranker, edges, grouping);
var shape = svg.append('text')
.attr('x', startX)
.attr('y', startY + 5)
.attr('width', 10)
.attr('height', 10)
.style("font-weight", "800");
for (var counter = 0; counter < legends.length; counter++) {
var isLink = legends[counter].url !== undefined;
if (isLink) {
var text = svg.append('text')
.attr("x", startX)
.attr("y", startY + 10 + 20 * (counter + 1))
.attr("class", "textselected")
.attr('data-url', legends[counter].url)
.style("text-anchor", "start")
.style("fill", legends[counter].textcolor)
.style("font-size", 15)
.style("text-decoration", "underline")
.style("cursor", legends[counter].cursor)
.on("click", handleClick);
} else {
var shape = svg.append(legends[counter].shape)
.attr('x', startX)
.attr('y', startY + 20 * (counter + 1))
.attr('width', 10)
.attr('height', 10)
.style("stroke", legends[counter].stroke)
.style("fill", legends[counter].color)
.style("cursor", legends[counter].cursor);
var text = svg.append('text')
.attr("x", startX + 20)
.attr("y", startY + 10 + 20 * (counter + 1))
.attr("class", "textselected")
.style("text-anchor", "start")
.style("fill", legends[counter].textcolor)
.style("font-size", 15)
.style("cursor", legends[counter].cursor);
var dataLabel, dataValue, dataState;
if (legends[counter].ranker) {
dataLabel = 'data-ranker';
dataValue = legends[counter].ranker;
dataState = ranker;
if (legends[counter].edges) {
dataLabel = 'data-edges';
dataValue = legends[counter].edges;
dataState = edges;
if (legends[counter].grouping) {
dataLabel = 'data-grouping';
dataValue = legends[counter].grouping;
dataState = grouping;
if (dataLabel !== undefined) {
shape.attr(dataLabel, dataValue)
.on("click", handleClick);
text.attr(dataLabel, dataValue)
.on("click", handleClick);
if (dataValue !== dataState) {"fill", "transparent");
bindThumbnail($) {
var beforePanMain = function (oldPan, newPan) {
var stopHorizontal = false,
stopVertical = false,
gutterWidth = 100,
gutterHeight = 100
// Computed variables
sizes = this.getSizes(),
leftLimit = -((sizes.viewBox.x + sizes.viewBox.width) * sizes.realZoom) + gutterWidth,
rightLimit = sizes.width - gutterWidth - (sizes.viewBox.x * sizes.realZoom),
topLimit = -((sizes.viewBox.y + sizes.viewBox.height) * sizes.realZoom) + gutterHeight,
bottomLimit = sizes.height - gutterHeight - (sizes.viewBox.y * sizes.realZoom);
customPan = {};
customPan.x = Math.max(leftLimit, Math.min(rightLimit, newPan.x));
customPan.y = Math.max(topLimit, Math.min(bottomLimit, newPan.y));
return customPan;
var main = svgPanZoom($.svg, {
zoomEnabled: true,
controlIconsEnabled: true,
fit: true,
center: true,
beforePan: beforePanMain
var thumb = svgPanZoom($.miniSvg, {
zoomEnabled: false,
panEnabled: false,
controlIconsEnabled: false,
dblClickZoomEnabled: false,
preventMouseEventsDefault: true,
var resizeTimer;
var interval = 300; //msec
window.addEventListener('resize', function (event) {
if (resizeTimer !== false) {
resizeTimer = setTimeout(function () {
}, interval);
main.setOnZoom(function (level) {
main.setOnPan(function (point) {
var _updateThumbScope = function ($, main, thumb, scope, line1, line2) {
var mainPanX = main.getPan().x,
mainPanY = main.getPan().y,
mainWidth = main.getSizes().width,
mainHeight = main.getSizes().height,
mainZoom = main.getSizes().realZoom,
thumbPanX = thumb.getPan().x,
thumbPanY = thumb.getPan().y,
thumbZoom = thumb.getSizes().realZoom;
if (mainZoom === 0) {
var thumByMainZoomRatio = thumbZoom / mainZoom;
var scopeX = thumbPanX - mainPanX * thumByMainZoomRatio;
var scopeY = thumbPanY - mainPanY * thumByMainZoomRatio;
var scopeWidth = mainWidth * thumByMainZoomRatio;
var scopeHeight = mainHeight * thumByMainZoomRatio;
$.scope.setAttribute("x", scopeX + 1);
$.scope.setAttribute("y", scopeY + 1);
$.scope.setAttribute("width", scopeWidth - 2);
$.scope.setAttribute("height", scopeHeight - 2);
thumb.updateThumbScope = function () {
var scope = $.scope;
var line1 = $.line1;
var line2 = $.line2;
_updateThumbScope($, main, thumb, scope, line1, line2);
var _updateMainViewPan = function (clientX, clientY, scopeContainer, main, thumb) {
var dim = scopeContainer.getBoundingClientRect(),
mainWidth = main.getSizes().width,
mainHeight = main.getSizes().height,
mainZoom = main.getSizes().realZoom,
thumbWidth = thumb.getSizes().width,
thumbHeight = thumb.getSizes().height,
thumbZoom = thumb.getSizes().realZoom;
var thumbPanX = clientX - dim.left - thumbWidth / 2;
var thumbPanY = clientY - - thumbHeight / 2;
var mainPanX = -thumbPanX * mainZoom / thumbZoom;
var mainPanY = -thumbPanY * mainZoom / thumbZoom;
x: mainPanX,
y: mainPanY
var updateMainViewPan = function (evt) {
if (evt.which == 0 && evt.button == 0) {
return false;
_updateMainViewPan(evt.clientX, evt.clientY, scopeContainer, main, thumb);
var scopeContainer = $.scopeContainer;
scopeContainer.addEventListener('click', function (evt) {
scopeContainer.addEventListener('mousemove', function (evt) {
fire(type, detail, options) {
options = options || {};
detail = (detail === null || detail === undefined) ? {} : detail;
const event = new Event(type, {
bubbles: options.bubbles === undefined ? true : options.bubbles,
cancelable: Boolean(options.cancelable),
composed: options.composed === undefined ? true : options.composed
event.detail = detail;
const node = options.node || this;
return event;
customElements.define(, HaPanelZWave);
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@girzzlyAK Read the at the top. The code has been moved and works in 115.

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Yeah, thanks. I just found it and am looking at the Github page - and updating my system. ;-)

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rpitera commented Sep 25, 2020

@alandtse - thanks so much for the heads up (this is why you should sub, even to gists). I so missed this in 0.115.x and it's great to have it back again!

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