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Last active November 27, 2018 00:56
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  • Save AdamWagner/aa77f0e37ac0c911410195b27e79b6de to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save AdamWagner/aa77f0e37ac0c911410195b27e79b6de to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Default key bindings reference:
#Inpsiring configurations
Hints.characters = 'dfjkgheriunv';
//'border: solid 3px #3a5f82; color#ffffff; background-color: #3a5f82; font-size: 16pt;')
settings.hintAlign = "left";
// tab movement
//unmap('E', '*')
//unmap('R', '*')
mapkey('H', '#3Move current tab to left', function() {
mapkey('L', '#3Move current tab to right', function() {
// history
map(">_B", "B"); // temp key for "Go one tab history back"
map("B", "S"); // shift + b to go back in history
// open links
map(">_F", "F"); // temp key for "Go one tab history forward"
map("F", "C"); // open link in background tab with shift + F
map('p', '<Alt-i>'); // toggle passthrough mode
mapkey('u', '#3Move current tab to left', function() {
RUNTIME('moveTab', {
step: -1
mapkey('o', '#3Move current tab to right', function() {
RUNTIME('moveTab', {
step: 1
mapkey('n', 'Show me the money', function() {
Front.showPopup('a well-known phrase uttered by characters in the 1996 film Jerry Maguire (Escape to close).');
// only keep scrolling, tab navigation, link actions, and history actions youtube
unmapAllExcept(['j', 'k', 'h', 'l', 'H','L','F', 'f', 'B', 'i', 'v', 'u', 'o'], /;
// only keep tab navigation for calendar & email
unmapAllExcept(['H','L'], /|||;
settings.tabsThreshold = 20; // don't show the omnibar until there are 20 or more tabs
settings.scrollStepSize = 120
settings.blacklist = []
// ---- Theme ----//
settings.theme = `
/* Disable RichHints CSS animation */
.expandRichHints {
animation: 0s ease-in-out 1 forwards expandRichHints;
.collapseRichHints {
animation: 0s ease-in-out 1 forwards collapseRichHints;
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