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Created January 23, 2023 19:11
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// Created by Adam Whitcroft on 2023-01-23.
import SwiftUI
struct SimpleDragGesture: View {
@State private var focussedItem: String = "middle"
@State private var offset =
@State private var accumulatedOffset =
// constants
let cardSize: CGFloat = 60
let springAnimation: Animation = .interpolatingSpring(stiffness: 400, damping: 20)
var body: some View {
VStack {
HStack(spacing: cardSize) {
.fill(focussedItem == "left" ? .red : .gray)
.frame(width: cardSize, height: cardSize)
.fill(focussedItem == "middle" ? .red : .gray)
.frame(width: cardSize, height: cardSize)
.fill(focussedItem == "right" ? .red : .gray)
.frame(width: cardSize, height: cardSize)
.offset(x: offset.width)
.gesture (
.onChanged { gesture in
withAnimation(springAnimation) {
offset = CGSize(
width: gesture.translation.width + self.accumulatedOffset.width,
height: gesture.translation.height + self.accumulatedOffset.height
// clamp overdrag left
if offset.width > cardSize * 2.5 {
offset.width = cardSize * 2.5
// clamp overdrag right
if offset.width < -cardSize * 2.5 {
offset.width = -cardSize * 2.5
.onEnded { gesture in
// left item
if offset.width > cardSize {
focussedItem = "left"
withAnimation(springAnimation) {
offset.width = cardSize * 2
accumulatedOffset.width = offset.width
// right item
else if offset.width < -cardSize {
focussedItem = "right"
withAnimation(springAnimation) {
offset.width = -cardSize * 2
accumulatedOffset.width = offset.width
// middle
else {
focussedItem = "middle"
withAnimation(springAnimation) {
offset = .zero
accumulatedOffset.width = offset.width
struct SimpleDragGesture_Previews: PreviewProvider {
static var previews: some View {
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