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Last active December 22, 2020 12:42
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  • Save AdamWhiteHat/177e253ca400c757f7645a6cc65ba958 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save AdamWhiteHat/177e253ca400c757f7645a6cc65ba958 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Cryptographically secure random number generator. Safe, secure, & correct implementation. Numbers are evenly distributed across entire range; avoids modulo bias. Internal buffers always cleared after every value returned--leaves nothing in memory. Singleton intended to be instantiated only once. Remember to call Dispose.
/// <summary>
/// Cryptographically secure random number generator. Features a safe, secure, and correct implementation.
/// Numbers are evenly distributed across the whole range; avoids modulo bias.
/// Internal buffers always cleared after every value returned--leaves nothing in memory.
/// Singleton intended to be instantiated only once for the lifetime of the application.
/// Remember to call Dispose when no longer needed.
/// </summary>
public static class CryptoRandomSingleton
private static byte[] rngBytes4 = new byte[4];
private static byte[] rngBytes8 = new byte[8];
private static RNGCryptoServiceProvider _rng;
static CryptoRandomSingleton() { _rng = new RNGCryptoServiceProvider(); }
private static void ClearBuffer(byte[] buffer)
if (buffer != null)
int counter = buffer.Length - 1;
while (counter >= 0)
buffer[counter] = byte.MinValue;
counter = 0;
public static void Dispose()
if (_rng != null)
_rng = null;
if (rngBytes4 != null)
rngBytes4 = null;
if (rngBytes8 != null)
rngBytes8 = null;
public static void NextBytes(byte[] buffer)
public static long Next()
long result = Math.Abs(BitConverter.ToInt64(rngBytes8, 0));
return result;
public static double NextDouble()
double result = Math.Abs(BitConverter.ToInt64(rngBytes8, 0) * (1.0 / long.MaxValue));
return result;
public static double NextDouble(double max)
return NextDouble() * max;
public static double NextDouble(double lower, double upper)
return lower + ((upper - lower) * NextDouble());
public static IEnumerable<BigInteger> RandomRange(BigInteger lower, BigInteger upper, int quantity)
while (quantity-- > 0)
yield return RandomRange(lower, upper);
yield break;
public static BigInteger RandomRange(BigInteger lower, BigInteger upper)
if (lower > upper) { throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("Upper must be greater than lower"); }
// long implementation
if (lower <= long.MaxValue && upper <= long.MaxValue)
BigInteger range;
while (true)
range = lower + (long)(((long)upper - (long)lower) * NextDouble());
if (range >= lower && range <= upper)
return range;
else // BigInteger implementation
return RandomRangeBigInteger(lower, upper);
private static BigInteger RandomRangeBigInteger(BigInteger lower, BigInteger upper)
if (lower > upper) { throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("Upper must be greater than upper"); }
BigInteger delta = upper - lower;
byte[] deltaBytes = delta.ToByteArray();
byte[] buffer = new byte[deltaBytes.Length];
deltaBytes = null;
BigInteger result;
while (true)
result = new BigInteger(buffer) + lower;
if (result >= lower && result <= upper)
return result;
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