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Last active May 22, 2022 17:51
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Prime Factorization class.
using System.Numerics;
public static class Factorization
private static BigInteger _cacheCeiling;
private static List<BigInteger> _primeCache;
private static BigInteger _cacheLargestPrimeCurrently;
private static BigInteger[] _probablePrimeCheckBases;
static Factorization()
_cacheCeiling = BigInteger.Pow(11, 8);
_primeCache = new List<BigInteger> { 2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17, 19, 23, 29, 31, 37, 41, 43, 47 };
_probablePrimeCheckBases = _primeCache.ToArray();
_cacheLargestPrimeCurrently = _primeCache.Last();
public static void EnsurePrimeCacheSize(BigInteger maxPrime)
BigInteger boundedPrimeRequest = BigInteger.Min(maxPrime, _cacheCeiling);
if (_cacheLargestPrimeCurrently < boundedPrimeRequest)
_primeCache = FastPrimeSieve.GetRange(2, boundedPrimeRequest);
_cacheLargestPrimeCurrently = boundedPrimeRequest;
public static IEnumerable<BigInteger> GetPrimeFactorization(BigInteger value, BigInteger maxValue)
value = BigInteger.Abs(value);
maxValue = BigInteger.Min(maxValue, value.SquareRoot() + 1);
if (value == 0) { return new BigInteger[] { 0 }; }
if (value < 10) { if (value == 0 || value == 1 || value == 2 || value == 3 || value == 5 || value == 7) { return new List<BigInteger>() { value }; } }
BigInteger primeListSize = maxValue + 5;
if (_primeCache.Contains(value)) { return new List<BigInteger>() { value }; }
List<BigInteger> factors = new List<BigInteger>();
foreach (BigInteger prime in _primeCache)
while (value % prime == 0)
value /= prime;
if (value == 1) break;
if (value != 1) { factors.Add(value); }
return factors;
// Essentially Miller-Rabin probabilistic primality test, with caching
public static bool IsProbablePrime(BigInteger input)
if (input == 2 || input == 3)
return true;
if (input < 2 || input % 2 == 0)
return false;
EnsurePrimeCacheSize(input + 1);
if (input < _cacheLargestPrimeCurrently)
return _primeCache.Contains(input);
BigInteger d = input - 1;
int s = 0;
while (d % 2 == 0)
d >>= 1;
s += 1;
foreach (BigInteger a in _probablePrimeCheckBases)
BigInteger x = BigInteger.ModPow(a, d, input);
if (x == 1 || x == input - 1)
for (int r = 1; r < s; r++)
x = BigInteger.ModPow(x, 2, input);
if (x == 1)
return false;
if (x == input - 1)
if (x != input - 1)
return false;
return true;
public static BigInteger GetNextPrime(BigInteger fromValue)
BigInteger result = fromValue + 1;
if (result.IsEven)
result += 1;
while (!Factorization.IsProbablePrime(result))
result += 2;
return result;
public static BigInteger GetPreviousPrime(BigInteger fromValue)
BigInteger result = fromValue.IsEven ? fromValue - 1 : fromValue - 2;
while (result > 0)
if (Factorization.IsProbablePrime(result))
return result;
result -= 2;
throw new Exception($"No primes exist between {fromValue} and zero.");
using System.Numerics;
using System.Management;
public class FastPrimeSieve : IEnumerable<BigInteger>
private static readonly uint PageSize; // L1 CPU cache size in bytes
private static readonly uint BufferBits;
private static readonly uint BufferBitsNext;
static FastPrimeSieve()
uint cacheSize = 393216;
List<uint> cacheSizes = CPUInfo.GetCacheSizes(CPUInfo.CacheLevel.Level1);
if (cacheSizes.Any())
cacheSize = cacheSizes.First() * 1024;
PageSize = cacheSize; // L1 CPU cache size in bytes
BufferBits = PageSize * 8; // in bits
BufferBitsNext = BufferBits * 2;
public static IEnumerable<BigInteger> GetRange(BigInteger floor, BigInteger ceiling)
FastPrimeSieve primesPaged = new FastPrimeSieve();
IEnumerator<BigInteger> enumerator = primesPaged.GetEnumerator();
while (enumerator.MoveNext())
if (enumerator.Current >= floor)
if (enumerator.Current > ceiling)
yield return enumerator.Current;
while (enumerator.MoveNext());
yield break;
public IEnumerator<BigInteger> GetEnumerator()
return Iterator();
IEnumerator IEnumerable.GetEnumerator()
return (IEnumerator)GetEnumerator();
private static IEnumerator<BigInteger> Iterator()
IEnumerator<BigInteger> basePrimes = null;
List<uint> basePrimesArray = new List<uint>();
uint[] cullBuffer = new uint[PageSize / 4]; // 4 byte words
yield return 2;
for (var low = (BigInteger)0; ; low += BufferBits)
for (var bottomItem = 0; ; ++bottomItem)
if (bottomItem < 1)
if (bottomItem < 0)
bottomItem = 0;
yield return 2;
BigInteger next = 3 + low + low + BufferBitsNext;
if (low <= 0)
// cull very first page
for (int i = 0, sqr = 9, p = 3; sqr < next; i++, p += 2, sqr = p * p)
if ((cullBuffer[i >> 5] & (1 << (i & 31))) == 0)
for (int j = (sqr - 3) >> 1; j < BufferBits; j += p)
cullBuffer[j >> 5] |= 1u << j;
// Cull for the rest of the pages
Array.Clear(cullBuffer, 0, cullBuffer.Length);
if (basePrimesArray.Count == 0)
// Init second base primes stream
basePrimes = Iterator();
basePrimesArray.Add((uint)basePrimes.Current); // Add 3 to base primes array
// Make sure basePrimesArray contains enough base primes...
for (BigInteger p = basePrimesArray[basePrimesArray.Count - 1], square = p * p; square < next;)
p = basePrimes.Current;
square = p * p;
for (int i = 0, limit = basePrimesArray.Count - 1; i < limit; i++)
var p = (BigInteger)basePrimesArray[i];
var start = (p * p - 3) >> 1;
// adjust start index based on page lower limit...
if (start >= low)
start -= low;
var r = (low - start) % p;
start = (r != 0) ? p - r : 0;
for (var j = (uint)start; j < BufferBits; j += (uint)p)
cullBuffer[j >> 5] |= 1u << ((int)j);
while (bottomItem < BufferBits && (cullBuffer[bottomItem >> 5] & (1 << (bottomItem & 31))) != 0)
if (bottomItem < BufferBits)
var result = 3 + (((BigInteger)bottomItem + low) << 1);
yield return result;
else break; // outer loop for next page segment...
public static class CPUInfo
public static List<uint> GetCacheSizes(CacheLevel level)
ManagementClass mc = new ManagementClass("Win32_CacheMemory");
ManagementObjectCollection moc = mc.GetInstances();
List<uint> cacheSizes = new List<uint>(moc.Count);
.Where(p => (ushort)(p.Properties["Level"].Value) == (ushort)level)
.Select(p => (uint)(p.Properties["MaxCacheSize"].Value)));
return cacheSizes;
public enum CacheLevel : ushort
Level1 = 3,
Level2 = 4,
Level3 = 5,
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