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Last active July 12, 2020 16:37
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  • Save Adamantcheese/0c15a36ab983e7829f91f1248ab28844 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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Clover to Kuroba cumulative feature log
  • Releases are signed by Adamantcheese.

  • Dropped support for API 20 (Android 4.4W) and below. Only ~10.7% of devices use this anymore. Only API 21 (Android 5.0) and above will be supported. This also let us upgrade to a newer version of OkHTTP.

  • Migrate to AndroidX and updates to a number of libraries.

  • Remove force English locale. The app is only in English now due to issues with poor, incomplete translations, and the force-locale option no longer working or able to be working as of API 17.

  • Major application architecture changes, to easily facilitate forking. See docs/release.txt as well as the build.gradle file.

  • A number of performance improvements.

  • Codestyle is provided in the project now. See .idea/codeStyles.

  • Logger should only now spit out stuff you care about, and uncaught exceptions are easier to find; also phone info is dumped, so really a crash log is more than enough for most crash issues.

  • 8Chan has been removed as it is defunct on the clearnet. 8Kun has replaced it.

  • Arisuchan has been removed as it is defunct completely as of 12/31/2019.

  • Development builds are provided by K1rakishou on his server. The internal updater was coded by me.

  • Leak Canary to find any memory leaks, only on development.

  • Plenty of layout changes. Too many to count.


  • Filter watching
    • Swipe away filter-pinned threads and they won't come back
  • Filter master kill switch
  • Additional background refresh times
  • Page number viewing
    • Page numbers are also displayed on the catalog if you are not in bump sort order
  • Last page notifications
  • Thread save folders
  • Image opacity toggling
  • Image rotation options (90, 180, and -90 rotation)
  • A post timer to avoid preemptive captcha input, for posts, posts with images, and threads
    • You can avoid this by long-pressing the reply button
  • 8chan not having a proper board listing, despite boards.json existing (CURRENTLY DISABLED)
  • Accessible post info (props to @alex-eyre)
  • Post info now has at least the date, may also have country flags
  • Direct board link support (>>>/board/)
  • Android O notification channels
  • Spoilers in notifications (not clickable)
  • Add folder button added to the save location setting presenter
  • A new updater, using Github Releases with tags to ensure you always are up to date (markdown supported!)
  • 4chanX archive links in the thread menu
  • Double tap to goto a post, instead of single tap
  • The save button on images now goes away to prevent accidental multiple image downloads
  • The filter menu has been redone to be more in line with the board setup menu
  • All filter fields are regex filterable
  • Code tags are now highlighted with a different color. No syntax highlighting because that is a code-prettify JS function
  • Confirm before exit is always on. This is so you don't accidentally close the app when pressing the back button too much and accidentally quit the app when you didn't mean to
  • Non-relative time and post info are now based on your locale
  • Long bookmark info; if you want to see the number of replies and unread posts, turn this on
  • Bookmark info now changes to italics when at post bump limit, bold at image limit, and underlined at page limit
  • Wired-7 support by wired-7
  • Board search link support (i.e. >>>/test/searchquery)
  • Post marking/unmarking as your own post (if you posted from a different device)
  • WEBM preview when selected (static frame)
  • Media prefetching, for preloading all images/videos in a thread; also affects album thumbnails if prefetching is on
  • Hi-res album thumbnails option
  • A filter option for "Only on OP"
  • Changes the current way initial site setup works. Moves the settings button to where the setup sites button was, and initial site setup is now done through the site/board menu as a sort of tutorial
  • HTTP2 enabled
  • Double tap back to exit the application
  • (Me) for self-replies
  • Country code filtering options (use t_ for troll codes)
  • Extra Lainchan boards
  • Double tap to close WebM files
  • Long tap clipboard URL uploading, with a setting
  • Apply to own posts filter option for highlighting your own posts
  • Major post cell UI upgrade for posts with a single image; can be toggled
  • Top/bottom buttons in the catalog view
  • Removal of bookmarked threads from the catalog view; can be toggled
  • Emoji BBCode parsing and posting; can be toggled
  • Proper back-press behavior for cross-board follow links (credits to @Hual for the base implementation from 2016)
  • Thumbnail padding for appearance; can be toggled
  • A splash screen instead of a white screen
  • Bottom inputs; moves the reply and captcha inputs to the bottom of the screen
  • Double tap pause GIFs
  • An option to disable auto-open of the drawer on bookmark; it will auto-open 5 times before refraining from doing so if desired, by default
  • Own post ignoring when watching a thread you post in
  • Tap bookmark thumbnail to toggle watch status; also greys it out as a better indication
  • Non-4chan reply and image counts
  • Youtube title link parsing and duration display, using 4chanX's regex
  • Long press image name obfuscation
  • A number of updates due to Arisuchan's new management
  • Headset unmute setting by gergesh
  • Post image hotlinking; some additions from @Lolzen, thanks!
  • Post image instant spoiler reveal on tap
  • Post info for poster ID count
  • Post number GETs as an experimental feature
  • Added spoiler and greentext buttons to the context menu on replies; added in [code] for /g/ and [math] and [eqn] for /sci/
  • Deadlinks in the thread OP will automatically link to the first archive in the populated list, if available
  • Spoilered files will have their extensions displayed in the toolbar
  • PDFs will now say that they cannot be internally viewed, but can still be downloaded
  • 404'd posts no longer have their images added to the viewer, as they would not load anyways
  • The quote reply context menu option will now process your text linewise. Type up your whole greentext and then select all and quote to add in all the > text needed.
  • Text selected in post cells now has a web search context option. This will open in applications supporting the ACTION_WEB_SEARCH intent action type.
  • A setting to set the default image transparency state
  • Reply input paste is now only plaintext
  • WEBM streaming, thanks to @ekisu for the base implementation
  • Personal youtube API key setting, for titles
  • Error reporting, from K1rak; sends logs to his server
  • JS-captcha is now positioned in the lower right hand corner, or left if split and on a tablet in the left side
  • Error icon for failed-to-get post https icons
  • A new theme, credits to @scypress; also adjustments to highlight the drawer cells in this theme and Black
  • Basic custom flag support for /pol/
  • SJIS rendering support for /jp/ and /vip/
  • 8kun as a site; thanks to @jirn073-76 for the implementation!
  • Toolbar adjustments to better use the space and for easier reading of long board names
  • Catalog search refresh functionality
  • CAPTCHA positioning settings
  • Allow dismissal of the update download progress window
  • Swaps the WEBM player controls so the nav bar is on top, for Android 10 gestures to not conflict with this
  • 420chan as a site; thanks to @Lolzen for the implementation!
  • Image hash filtering; hidden images will be replaced by a special thumbnail, while removed images are removed entirely.
  • Expanded reply modifiers in the expanded reply window; thanks to @Astridchan!
  • A setting to move the catalog sort to the toolbar; thanks to @Astridchan!
  • A setting to treat WEBM files as if they were GIFs; tap to close, double tap to play/pause.
  • A setting to hide all thumbnails, as a sort of data-saver. This acts as a upgraded version of text-only mode, effectively.

Also from K1rakishou:


  • Cross board links for 4chan (due to 4chan/4channel fiasco)
  • Images sometimes showing as low res despite the hi-res version loading fully in the background
  • Reply-spoiler selection wrapping
  • Pin title updating for newly posted threads
  • The background of spoilered webms not going away
  • Spoilered links opening immediately and not unspoilering
  • Search not appearing and disappearing correctly and the keyboard not opening when wanted
  • Arrow menu not toggling correctly
  • Proper functionality for notifications in slide-mode
  • A weird 8chan parse issue for broken images
  • Failed to load image dialog appearing when image has clearly loaded, but a side image has failed
  • Exact board searches not being at the top of the list (for 8chan)
  • Archived icon not being at the beginning of the watch string, causing it to sometimes be invisible with long bookmark names
  • Save reply developer function not auto-reloading the thread
  • Split view mode, gallery view, post goto not functioning
  • Clear cache button added to developer settings, shouldn't be used by anyone on a regular basis really
  • The "save original filename" setting has been renamed to "save server filename" for clarity
  • Spaces and dashes and repeated underscores are allowed in the filename when saving
  • The status bar slowly going dark over time with certain themes
  • The click listener on album download images was set to the wrong view, should be easier to tap now to select
  • Self-replies no longer trigger the watch notification
  • Thread search pops up the keyboard when opened
  • Stickies and posts with capcodes are never filtered
  • Filters are now correct in regards to HTML characters (i.e. before to select > you would have to type the HTML representation of it, > instead of the character >; now you just need to type >)
  • The theme picker not properly rendering quote links or post details; also adds a deadlink and some greentext to better test those out
  • The theme picker now uses the regular post adapter and whatnot, which should render some nicer previews as well
  • A crash when trying to move a bookmark to the end of the list (as a result of moving the settings menu as mentioned above)
  • The maximum file size preventing posting on hardcoded boards, which don't have a max file size
  • Full rotation capability as a setting
  • Album cells displaying thumbnails in low resolution; they are now hi resolution all the time
  • Images being rescaled when their respective views rescale natively; this double rescale made images blurrier than they actually were
  • A change to cancel the downloader for images/webms that were swiped past. This should help with images/webms loading slow, likely due to a number of downloaders running in the background for content that wouldn't be visible to the user and wasn't necessary to load as they had already swiped past it
  • RTL text in filenames will now be forced to be LTR; this mimics browser behavior
  • Quote colors will no longer override PostLinkable colors
  • An architecture issue where some site settings would not correctly be reloaded by the application upon restart
  • The backcolor_secondary for the Neon theme being way too bright
  • Subject lines in card catalog cells not ellipsizing
  • A weird dot appearing in the arrow menu drawable
  • The bookmark drawer being inconsistent on a restart of the application
  • An issue where sometimes text wasn't selectable for certain posts; known Android platform issue
  • A number of small things related to
  • External links with a post fragment not correctly loading a thread's location if it was previously visited
  • The text selection window remaining if you tap an image after selecting text
  • The view new posts snackbar not scrolling far enough to show the new posts separator
  • The board search menu returning strange results when board code prefixes were entered
  • Closes the keyboard when certain UI elements are unfocused
  • Thread padding not being updated when you attach/detach an image in a reply input
  • (USER WAS BANNED FOR THIS POST) messages on 4chan will now show up as bolded and red instead of just bold
  • Fixes for text-only mode clashing with album-goto functionality, crashing the application
  • Checkboxes now match the current theme instead of being an ugly teal
  • Issues with posting in one thread, switching to another, and the wrong thread being watched (or other wrong-thread issues)
  • Album downloads not obeying the server/original filename setting
  • Images will no longer randomly display in low-res, despite being fully downloaded in the background
  • Another text-selection issue for the reply window using a hack; known Android platform issue
  • When downloading albums of images, the thread folder and board folder settings will be obeyed
  • Popup replies text not being selectable
  • OOMs will run the garbage collector for large static images
  • A number of crashes including:
    • Crash when tapping the remove image button and the image itself
    • Crash when a thread updates while sliding it in Phone mode
    • Very large GIFs taking up too much uncompressed space, causing a RuntimeException
  • The "last" post in an initially loaded thread will now properly be the last post, allowing the jump to new posts snackbar to function correctly for those threads where you haven't read the whole thread yet
  • Gruvbox not using the correct divider color, making it invisible. Thanks to @Astridchan for the catch!
  • Text-only mode disables the gallery view button now. Text only MEANS text-only. No images, ever.

Also from K1rakishou:

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