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Last active April 1, 2021 08:37
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Save Adamantish/c6703bc2171ddb8b6e03a90c9988246f to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
from math import floor, ceil, log
from typing import Tuple, List
class AppendOnlyList:
Seemed too boring to make something that copies all and reallocates each time it needs expanding.
This is more like an array of pointers to arrays.
size = 0
_arrays: List[Tuple[int,list]] = []
def __init__(self):
self._append_cursor = 0
self._internal_size = 0
self._start_size = 1
def append(self, item):
if self.size == self._internal_size:
self._latest_array()[self._append_cursor] = item
self._append_cursor += 1
self.size += 1
def __getitem__(self, index):
if index < 0:
index = self.size + index
if index + 1 > self.size:
raise IndexError("index out of range")
## Loop until reaching the right array
# for included_size, arr in self._arrays:
# if index < included_size:
# local_index = -1 * (included_size - index)
# return arr[local_index]
# Or mostly unnecessary and hard to understand O(1) approach which might even take longer in practice but was fun.
arrays_index = ceil(log(index, 2))
array = self._arrays[arrays_index][1]
traversed_range = 2 ** arrays_index
local_index = -1 * (traversed_range - index)
return array[local_index]
def __iter__(self):
self._iter_arrays_iterator = iter(self._arrays)
self._iter_array = None
self._iter_local_i = 0
self._iter_i = 0
return self
def __next__(self):
if self._iter_i == self.size:
raise StopIteration
if not self._iter_array or self._iter_local_i >= len(self._iter_array):
self._iter_local_i = 0
i = self._iter_local_i
self._iter_local_i += 1
self._iter_i += 1
return self._iter_array[i]
def __len__(self):
return self.size
def _iter_next_array(self):
# This will raise StopIteration for me if the size is the same as internal size
self._iter_upper_bound, self._iter_array = self._iter_arrays_iterator.__next__()
def _latest_array(self):
return self._arrays[-1][1]
def _extend(self):
array_size = self._internal_size or self._start_size
array = list(None for _ in range(array_size)) # Pretend that's an array and this is an efficient way to allocate a memory block
self._internal_size += array_size
self._arrays.append((self._internal_size, array))
self._append_cursor = 0
# ============ Play with it =============
alist = AppendOnlyList()
for pos in range(ord("A"), ord("z")+1):
print(alist[25]) # 26th letter => Z
print(alist[-1]) # last item => z
print(list(alist)) # Iterates through
print(alist[58]) # => will raise IndexError
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