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Created September 14, 2019 19:27
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10:40 AM] Slorany: @Khempinit Vyatsartan
[10:40 AM] Slorany: You know you're in your last chance already, we told you so when you got unbanned
[10:41 AM] Slorany: If you keep acting this way you'll be banned permanently with no chance to appeal
[10:41 AM] Slorany: You keep spamming and sending irrelevant messages, you're gone
[10:42 AM] Slorany: I have no idea how old you are, but you need to stop acting like you're 5
[10:42 AM] Melpomenë: Please take a moment to read the #rules
[10:44 AM] Slorany: Ideally, take several moments for that.
[12:02 AM] Khempinit Vyatsartan: i literally turned on my phone and saw this, all i sent was that message with hackers and smth, and i only spammed before i was banned
[12:03 AM] Khempinit Vyatsartan: i have read the rules
[12:03 AM] Khempinit Vyatsartan: 1. No spam.
This includes but is not limited to continuous nonsensical messages, pointless walls of text,excessively abusing the bot functions, overusing @mentions, and distracting sounds in voice chat.
[12:04 AM] Khempinit Vyatsartan: what continuous nonsensical messages and pointless walls of text?
[12:04 AM] Jas PER.: we've previously specifically said it was your last chance
[12:04 AM] Jas PER.: the hacking thing was, as you admitted yourself, a copypasta
[12:04 AM] Jas PER.: aka meaningless spam
[12:05 AM] Khempinit Vyatsartan: copypasta = something that i copied from somewhere and pasted elsewhere
[12:05 AM] Khempinit Vyatsartan: mostly larger blocks of texts
[12:05 AM] Khempinit Vyatsartan: but how was that meaningless
[12:07 AM] Jas PER.: it's... very likely fake
[12:07 AM] Jas PER.: if there is an actual threat, we take it seriously etc as has previously happened
[12:07 AM] Khempinit Vyatsartan: ok, and my dumb mind had no idea of that
[12:09 AM] Melpomenë: Consider also rule 6
[12:10 AM] Khempinit Vyatsartan: that rule was broken, then i got banned, and i never broke it after
[12:10 AM] Khempinit Vyatsartan: i bet yall americans or canadians
[12:10 AM] Jas PER.: uhh
[12:10 AM] Jas PER.: what kind of statement is that even
[12:10 AM] Jas PER.: the people in #ssmc clearly asked you to stop and you didn't
[12:10 AM] Melpomenë: An irrelevant and mostly untrue one
[12:11 AM] Jas PER.: I know you've mentioned having anger issues but statements like "yall americans or canadians" are still not tolerated
[12:11 AM] Khempinit Vyatsartan: they told me to begone, and i thought of it as a joke
[12:11 AM] Jas PER.: for the next 30 minutes?
[12:11 AM] Melpomenë: Have you considered not doing that?
[12:11 AM] Khempinit Vyatsartan: not doing what
[12:11 AM] Melpomenë: considering someone telling you to stop and taking it as a joke
[12:12 AM] Khempinit Vyatsartan: they could just tell me to stop, not "begone thot"
[12:12 AM] Jas PER.:
i bet yall americans or canadians
do you want to get back to this or would you rather join us in pretending that never happened?
[12:12 AM] Khempinit Vyatsartan: what happened
[12:12 AM] Jas PER.: that you said that
[12:13 AM] Khempinit Vyatsartan: obviously they didnt call me "thot" but you know what i mean
[12:13 AM] Khempinit Vyatsartan: yes, im sorry about that, you are not american
[12:13 AM] Jas PER.: it's not about possibly being insulted by that
[12:13 AM] Jas PER.: it's that such sort of attempted insults are a really bad idea if you're being laogai'd like this
[12:14 AM] Khempinit Vyatsartan: "laogai'd"
[12:14 AM] Khempinit Vyatsartan: if you want to communicate, please consider using normal language, not everyone is american
[12:15 AM] Sascha 👑: take a look at the name of this channel
[12:15 AM] Jas PER.: you want to get banned don't you
[12:15 AM] Jas PER.: can you be serious for one moment?
[12:15 AM] Jas PER.: we just told you off for attempting to insult us by calling us americans/canadians
[12:15 AM] Jas PER.: now you go with "not everyone is american"
[12:15 AM] Khempinit Vyatsartan: i was just saying
[12:16 AM] Khempinit Vyatsartan: how in the world would american be an insult
[12:16 AM] Jas PER.: because you're opposing normal language to americans
[12:17 AM] Khempinit Vyatsartan: yeah, but yall murricans chitchat about everything and like you arent polite mostly and use slang even when you have to be serious, its just very different and wierd
[12:17 AM] Jas PER.: we're not even americans
[12:17 AM] Jas PER.: come on
[12:17 AM] Jas PER.: this conversation is about you
[12:17 AM] Jas PER.: about you breaking rules
[12:17 AM] Jas PER.: and people complaining about your behaviour
[12:18 AM] Jas PER.: there is no need to spew anti-american things to non-americans
[12:18 AM] Khempinit Vyatsartan: what rule, what people, about what
[12:18 AM] Melpomenë:
how in the world would american be an insult
yeah, but yall murricans chitchat about everything and like you arent polite mostly
[12:18 AM] Khempinit Vyatsartan: no, i dont mean it as an insult
[12:19 AM] Khempinit Vyatsartan: and your name is jasper
[12:19 AM] Jas PER.: good observation
[12:19 AM] Jas PER.: of no relevance to the discussion
[12:19 AM] Khempinit Vyatsartan: thanks
[12:19 AM] Khempinit Vyatsartan: well
[12:19 AM] Khempinit Vyatsartan: so what rule did i break
[12:19 AM] Khempinit Vyatsartan: i still dont get it
[12:20 AM] Jas PER.: people asked you to stop in #ssmc and you didn't
[12:20 AM] Jas PER.: that combined with the copypasta
[12:20 AM] Khempinit Vyatsartan: ...
[12:20 AM] Khempinit Vyatsartan: how would i know if someone actually wants me to go away by saying "begone foreiñner"
[12:21 AM] Jas PER.: by the fact they say begone
[12:21 AM] Jas PER.: surely that should ring at least a bell
[12:21 AM] Jas PER.: that makes you consider the option of it not being a joke
[12:21 AM] Khempinit Vyatsartan: every fricking time ive used or heard it was jokefully
[12:22 AM] Khempinit Vyatsartan: and also, i did eventually leave
[12:22 AM] Khempinit Vyatsartan: after what? 3 mins of "invading the motherland of the ssmc channel, stupid froeñrs"
[12:23 AM] Jas PER.: can you please not be so condescending towards everything
[12:23 AM] Khempinit Vyatsartan: what condesending
[12:23 AM] Khempinit Vyatsartan: scending?
[12:23 AM] Khempinit Vyatsartan: ah
[12:23 AM] Jas PER.: paternalista
[12:23 AM] Khempinit Vyatsartan: oh sry
[12:24 AM] Khempinit Vyatsartan: wait
[12:24 AM] Khempinit Vyatsartan: so what am i doing here
[12:24 AM] Jas PER.: you're here because you broke rules and we wanted to talk to you about that
[12:25 AM] Khempinit Vyatsartan: trying to show that i did not break a rule but still getting banned, whatever
[12:25 AM] Jas PER.: you did
[12:25 AM] Jas PER.: it was a meaningless wall of text combined with not stopping when asked to
[12:25 AM] Jas PER.: and honestly, as much as I would like to give you the benefit of the doubt, you've been pretty rude in here
[12:26 AM] Jas PER.: which is not exactly improving your chances
[12:26 AM] Khempinit Vyatsartan: well
[12:27 AM] Khempinit Vyatsartan: can you show me a ss of the 'wall of text' in the ssmc
[12:27 AM] Jas PER.: the wall of text was not there
[12:27 AM] Jas PER.: the wall was your copypasta
[12:27 AM] Jas PER.: in #main iirc
[12:27 AM] Jas PER.: that's unrelated to your ssmcing
[12:27 AM] Khempinit Vyatsartan: it was 5 lines long
[12:28 AM] Jas PER.: it's still a copypasta
[12:28 AM] Khempinit Vyatsartan: 5 fricking lines
[12:28 AM] Jas PER.: with no meaning
[12:28 AM] Jas PER.: I don't care it was only five lines, it's still a wall of text that you copy pasted
[12:28 AM] Jas PER.: that does not contribute anything to the server
[12:28 AM] Khempinit Vyatsartan: well, does the ssmc channel contribute to the server?
[12:28 AM] Jas PER.: look
[12:29 AM] Khempinit Vyatsartan: i cant
[12:29 AM] Jas PER.: how many times do you want me to repeat
[12:29 AM] Jas PER.: that being rude and condescending is not playing in your favour
[12:29 AM] Jas PER.: at all here
[12:29 AM] Khempinit Vyatsartan: i know
[12:29 AM] Jas PER.: you can be as anti-whatever as you want
[12:29 AM] Jas PER.: but it's of no relevance
[12:29 AM] Jas PER.: and it's best not to bring it up to avoid conflicts anyway
[12:30 AM] Khempinit Vyatsartan: do these messages that you sent contribute to the server?
[12:30 AM] Khempinit Vyatsartan: no? ban them
[12:30 AM] Jas PER.: mate
[12:30 AM] Jas PER.: if you want to get banned just ask
[12:30 AM] Jas PER.: I'm more than happy to push the button at this point
[12:31 AM] Jas PER.: I'm literally the only mod patient enough not to have agreed yet
[12:31 AM] Khempinit Vyatsartan: ok, sorry
[12:31 AM] Jas PER.: this is your last warning
[12:31 AM] Khempinit Vyatsartan: press it or whatever
[12:31 AM] Jas PER.: if you insist
[12:31 AM] Jas PER.: ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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