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Created September 24, 2017 12:29
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Scraper In Nim Lang
#!/usr/bin/env nimcr
# website is https so compile with nim c -r --threads:on -d:ssl bizlist_scraper.nim
import httpclient, htmlparser, os, threadpool,
system, strutils, re, strtabs, sequtils, xmltree
# create a directory for each industry
proc mkCategories() =
for line in lines "all.txt":
createDir("./home/categories/$#/companies" % line)
echo "creating '$#' directory....\n" % line
echo """
+++ Done Creating Folders! +++
# ensure no captcha
proc ensureNoCaptcha(response: string) =
if "CaptchaScode" in response:
echo "STOP | Too Many Requests From This IP"
# request each url
proc retrieve(url, filename, proxy: string) =
let browser = newHttpClient()
let Googlebot = "Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; Googlebot/2.1; +"
browser.headers = newHttpHeaders({"User-agent":Googlebot})
var response = browser.request(url)
writeFile(filename, response.body)
# get pages in each industry category asychronously
proc getEachIndustry() =
# define proxy
let proxy = "proxy1"
for eachIndustry in lines "all.txt":
# getMaxPageNumber(eachCategory)
for num in 1..10:
let url = "$#/$#/state:lagos" % [ eachIndustry.replace(" ", "-"), $num ]
let filename = "./home/categories/$#/$#.html" % [ eachIndustry, $num ]
if existsFile(filename):
echo "skipping this {$#} page $#" % [eachIndustry, $num]
echo "downloading... { $# } page $#" % [eachIndustry, $num]
spawn retrieve(url, filename, proxy)
# get each company page
proc getEachCompany() =
let proxy = "proxy1"
for eachCategory in walkDirs("./home/categories/*"):
for eachPage in walkFiles("$#/*.html" % eachCategory):
let loadedPage = loadHtml eachPage
for eachCompany in loadedPage.findAll("h4"):
let companyUrl = eachCompany[0].attrs["href"]
if not companyUrl.isNil:
let url = "$#" % [companyUrl]
var companyUrl = companyUrl.replace(re"/company/\d+","")
var filename = "$#/companies$#.html" % [eachCategory, companyUrl]
if existsFile(filename):
echo "skipping this $#" % [companyUrl]
echo "downloading... { $# }" % [companyUrl]
spawn retrieve(url, filename, proxy)
# extract necessary details
# proc extractData() =
# for line in lines "all.txt":
# for eachCompany in walkDirs("home/categories/$#/comapanies/*" % line):
# echo eachCompany
# extractData()
# writeToCSVFile()
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