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Created February 14, 2024 08:00
go-presigned-post example usage
package main
import (
func main() {
// Set AWS credentials and configuration
awsCredentials := presignedpost.AwsCredentialsAndConfig{
Region: "your-aws-region",
Bucket: "your-s3-bucket",
AccessKeyID: "your-access-key-id",
SecretAccessKey: "your-secret-access-key",
// Set the key for the S3 object
key := "path/to/upload/file.txt"
// Set optional policy options
policyOptions := presignedpost.PolicyOptions{
ExpiryInSeconds: nil, // Default is 1 hour
ContentType: "", // Content type of the S3 object
MaxFileSizeInBytes: 0, // Maximum allowed file size in the policy
Acl: "", // AWS S3 ACL (Access Control List)
CacheControl: "", // Cache control header
// Generate presigned POST URL and fields
postUrl, postFields, err := presignedpost.PresignedPostObject(key, awsCredentials, policyOptions)
if err != nil {
fmt.Println("Error:", err)
// Use postUrl and postFields to upload a file using HTTP POST
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