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Created September 17, 2019 20:19
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if (isset($_SESSION['gusername']) AND isset($_SESSION['gtoken'])) {
header("location: home.php");
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<title>Gist API Example by</title>
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<div class="panel-heading"><h1>Gist API</h1></div>
<form action="login.php" method="post" autocomplete="off">
<input type="text" style="border-radius: 0px;" name="gusername" id="text" class="form-control" placeholder="GitHub Username" value="">
<input type="password" style="border-radius: 0px;" name="gtoken" id="text" class="form-control" placeholder="GitHub Personal Access Token" value="">
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use myPHPnotes\Gist;
use myPHPnotes\GistObject;
require_once "Gist.php";
require_once "GistObject.php";
$username = $_SESSION['gusername'];
$token = $_SESSION['gtoken'];
$gist = new Gist($username, $token);
$gists = $gist->myGists();
$gists = json_decode($gists);
if ($gists->message == "Bad credentials") {
header("location: index.php?badcredentials=true");
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