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Last active August 29, 2015 14:21
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  • Save AdnoC/88707d795018244bbf32 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save AdnoC/88707d795018244bbf32 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Make sure you always have vim-plug automatically installed. Always.
" gVim looks for plugins in vimfiles instead of .vim in Windows
if has('gui_win32')
let s:vimDirectory=expand("$HOME/vimfiles")
let s:vimDirectory=expand("$HOME/.vim")
" Download the manager if it isn't yet.
if empty(glob(expand(s:vimDirectory . '/autoload/plug.vim')))
" I know that all these could be replaced with just the git one. I don't care.
if executable("curl")
silent exec '!curl -fLo ' . shellescape(expand(s:vimDirectory."/autoload/plug.vim")) .
\ ' --create-dirs'
elseif executable("wget")
" wget can't make folders on its own, so we need to make .vim/autoload for it
if executable("mkdir")
silent exec '!mkdir -p ' . shellescape(expand(s:vimDirectory."/autoload/"))
silent exec '!wget -q -O ' . shellescape(expand(s:vimDirectory."/autoload/plug.vim")) .
\ ''
" If we are on Windows we can use Powershell to download it
elseif executable("powershell")
silent exec '!if not exist ' . shellescape(expand(s:vimDirectory)) . ' mkdir ' .
\ shellescape(expand(s:vimDirectory."/autoload/"))
silent exec '!powershell "(new-object System.Net.WebClient).DownloadFile('''',''' .
\ shellescape(expand(s:vimDirectory."/autoload/plug.vim")) . ''')"'
" If all else fails we can just use git.
elseif executable("git")
silent exec '!git clone -q --depth=1 ' .
\ shellescape(expand(s:vimDirectory."/temp"))
" Use the correct commands to move/delete files/folders
if has('gui_win32')
let s:mv="move "
let s:rm="del "
let s:mv="mv "
let s:rm="rm -rf "
silent exec '!' . s:mv . shellescape(expand(s:vimDirectory."/temp/plug.vim")) .
\ ' ' . shellescape(expand(s:vimDirectory."/autoload/plug.vim"))
silent exec '!' . s:rm . shellescape(expand(s:vimDirectory."/temp/"))
echo "Couldn't find a way to download Vim-Plug. Not sure how you were planning on installing" .
\ " plugins without Git."
" Install the plugins once you enter Vim
autocmd VimEnter * PlugInstall
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