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stuffmc / composition.m
Created January 6, 2012 21:59
AVComposition & AVVideoComposition
// For whatever reason (I guess because my code is wrong) the "composition" returns twice the same asset (one transformed, one not),
// although it should display 2 different videos... If anybody has a clue :(
NSDictionary *options = [NSDictionary dictionaryWithObjectsAndKeys:[NSNumber numberWithBool:YES], AVURLAssetPreferPreciseDurationAndTimingKey, nil];
AVMutableComposition *composition = [AVMutableComposition composition];
CMTimeRange timeRange = CMTimeRangeMake(kCMTimeZero, CMTimeMakeWithSeconds(4, 1));
AVMutableVideoComposition *videoComposition = [AVMutableVideoComposition videoComposition];
// Track B
kconragan /
Last active December 4, 2023 03:40
Enable key repeat in Apple Lion for Sublime Text in Vim mode
# Mac OS X Lion introduced a new, iOS-like context menu when you press and hold a key
# that enables you to choose a character from a menu of options. If you are on Lion
# try it by pressing and holding down 'e' in any app that uses the default NSTextField
# for input.
# It's a nice feature and continues the blending of Mac OS X and iOS features. However,
# it's a nightmare to deal with in Sublime Text if you're running Vintage (Vim) mode,
# as it means you cannot press and hold h/j/k/l to move through your file. You have
# to repeatedly press the keys to navigate.
mhulse / Setting up Google Cloud Storage with CORS for Web
Last active August 5, 2023 19:17
Setting up CORS on Google Cloud Storage: An unofficial quick start guide to serving web fonts from Google's cloud. (I'm sure a lot of this info could be improved... Please leave comments if you have tips/improvements.)


Google Cloud Storage

You'll want to login using an official Google account (i.e. if this is for your company, use the comapany Gmail account vs. a personal one.)

When logging in, you might be prompted to verify the account; if so, enter your cell number to get a verification e-mail or phone call.

Once verified, you'll have to agree to the terms of service; do that, and click continue.

justincarroll / bootstrap-basic-template.htm
Last active May 11, 2018 04:43
This is my personal Bootstrap 3 and Font Awesome 4 basic HTML template.
<html lang="en">
<meta charset="utf-8">
<meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge">
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1">
<title>Bootstrap Basic Template</title>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="">
<link rel="stylesheet" href="">
<link rel="stylesheet" href="style.css">
pete911 / gist:6219918
Last active December 31, 2020 00:39
jenkins with private github projects
- login to jenkins box (ssh)
- switch user to jenkins "sudo su -s /bin/bash jenkins"
- go to jenkins home directory "cd ~"
- generate keys (you need separate pair per github private project as the projects are on the same domain)
- "ssh-keygen -t rsa -f ~/.ssh/id_rsa_<project>" (replace <project> with your project name)
- repeat this for every github project
- crate "config" file in .ssh dir - "vim ~/.ssh/config" with the following content:
# <project1>
alanzeino /
Last active May 29, 2024 03:18
LLDB debugging with examples

LLDB Debugging Cheat Sheet


LLDB Commands

LLDB comes with a great set of commands for powerful debugging.


Your starting point for anything. Type help to get a list of all commands, plus any user installed ones. Type 'help for more information on a command. Type help to get help for a specific option in a command too.

pgilad /
Created February 10, 2016 13:01
Run apachetop on multiple files from find
# Run apachetop on multiple files as a result of find
sudo apachetop $(find /var/log/blazemeter/ -name "*access.log" -print | sed 's/^/-f '/)
idibidiart /
Last active September 16, 2023 18:36
Building an Agile, Maintainable Architecture with GraphQL

Building a Maintainable, Agile Architecture for Realtime, Transactional Apps

A maintainable application architecture requires that the UI only contain the rendering logic and execute queries and mutations against the underlying data model on the server. A maintainable architecture must not contain any logic for composing "app state" on the client as that would necessarily embed business logic in the client. App state should be persisted to the database and the client projection of it should be composed in the mid tier, and refreshed as mutations occur on the server (and after network interruption) for a highly interactive, realtime UX.

With GraphQL we are able to define an easy-to-change application-level data schema on the server that captures the types and relationships in our data, and wiring it to data sources via resolvers that leverage our db's own query language (or data-oriented, uniform service APIs) to resolve client-specified "queries" and "mutations" against the schema.

We use GraphQL to dyn

beeman /
Created November 15, 2016 03:04
Remove all from Docker
# Stop all containers
docker stop `docker ps -qa`
# Remove all containers
docker rm `docker ps -qa`
# Remove all images
docker rmi -f `docker images -qa `
# Remove all volumes
cryzed /
Last active June 24, 2024 02:24
A set of instructions on how to fix the harfbuzz + Infinality issue and restoring good-looking, Infinality-like font rendering.

Disclaimer: Please follow this guide being aware of the fact that I'm not an expert regarding the things outlined below, however I made my best attempt. A few people in IRC confirmed it worked for them and the results looked acceptable.

Attention: After following all the steps run gdk-pixbuf-query-loaders --update-cache as root, this prevents various gdk-related bugs that have been reported in the last few hours. Symptoms are varied, and for Cinnamon the DE fails to start entirely while for XFCE the icon theme seemingly can't be changed anymore etc.

Check the gist's comments for any further tips and instructions, especially if you are running into problems!


Results after following the guide as of 11.01.2017 13:08: