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ACSO fuctions: transcript between c and asm
* @brief ACSO fuctions: transcript between c and asm
* @copyright 2020 ACSO transcript
* @author Adrian Panaintescu <>
* @details Simple functions written in cpp and "asm" organized on namespace, being available both variants as language
* @file
* @ingroup
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
namespace cc {
// Structura pentru un numar complex
struct complex {
int re, im;
namespace c {
// Afiseaza diferenta intre doua numere
void dif(int a, int b) {
cout << a - b << endl;
// Afiseaza descrescator numerele in mod recusiv
void afis(unsigned n) {
if (n == 0) return;
cout << n << endl;
afis(n - 1);
// Calculeaza factorialul unui numar recursiv
unsigned factorial(unsigned n) {
if (n < 2) return 1;
return n * factorial(n - 1);
// Apeleaza funtia dif
void call_dif() {
dif(10, 7);
// Calculeaza suma numelor complexe a si b
// Rezultatul va ajunge in c
void complex_suma(complex* a, complex* b, complex* c) {
c->im = a->im + b->im;
c->re = a->re + b->re;
// Calculeaza suma unui vector
int vector_suma(int* t, int n) {
int s = 0,i;
for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
s += t[i];
return s;
// Returneaza elementul unuei matrice 3x3
int matrice_element(int x[][3], int i, int j) {
return x[i][j];
// Calculeaza suma unei matrice creata dinamic 3x3
// int** x = new int* [3];
// for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
// x[i] = new int[3];
int matrice_suma(int** x) {
int s = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
for (int j = 0; j < 3; j++) {
s += x[i][j];
return s;
namespace asmb {
// Afiseaza diferenta intre doua numere
void dif(int a, int b) {
int x;
_asm {
push eax
mov eax, a
sub eax, b
mov x, eax
pop eax
cout << x << endl;
// Afiseaza descrescator numerele pana la n
// in mod recusiv
void afis(unsigned n) {
_asm {
cmp n, 0
je afara
cout << n << endl;
_asm {
dec n
push n
call afis
add esp, 4
// Calculeaza factorialul unui numar recursiv
unsigned factorial(unsigned n) {
_asm {
push ebx
mov ebx, n
cmp ebx, 2
jae not_conditie
mov eax, 1
jmp out_fct
not_conditie :
dec ebx
push ebx
call factorial
add esp, 4
mul n
out_fct :
pop ebx
// Apeleaza funtia dif
void call_dif() {
_asm {
push dword ptr 7
push dword ptr 10
call dif
add esp, 8
// Calculeaza suma numelor complexe a si b
// Rezultatul va ajunge in c
void complex_suma(complex* a, complex* b, complex* c) {
_asm {
mov eax, a
mov ebx, [eax]
mov eax, b
add ebx, [eax]
mov eax, c
mov[eax], ebx
add_im :
mov eax, a
mov ebx, [eax + 4]
mov eax, b
add ebx, [eax + 4]
mov eax, c
mov[eax + 4], ebx
// Calculeaza suma unui vector
// se foloseste deferentierea
int vector_suma(int* t, int n) {
_asm {
mov eax, 0
mov ebx, 0
mov ecx, t
bucla_fct :
cmp ebx, n
jge afara_fct
add eax, [ecx + ebx * 4]
inc ebx
jmp bucla_fct
afara_fct :
// Returneaza elementul unuei matrice 3x3
int matrice_element(int x[][3], int i, int j) {
_asm {
push ebx
push ecx
push esi
mov esi, x
mov ebx, i
mov ecx, j
mov eax, 3
imul ebx
add ecx, eax
mov eax, [esi + ecx * 4]
pop esi
pop ecx
pop ebx
// Calculeaza suma unei matrice creata dinamic
// int** x = new int* [3];
// for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
// x[i] = new int[3];
int matrice_suma(int** x) {
_asm {
push ebx
push ecx
mov eax, 0
mov ebx, 0
bucla_i :
cmp ebx, 3
jge afara_i
mov ecx, 0
bucla_j :
cmp ecx, 3
jge afara_j
mov edx, x
mov edx, [edx + ebx * 4]
add eax, [edx + ebx * 4]
inc ecx
jmp bucla_j
afara_j :
inc ebx
jmp bucla_i
afara_i :
pop ecx
pop ebx
void exercices(){
/* @Title: Exercitiu 1
* @Enunt: Fie următorul program care calculează factorialul unui număr.
Să se înlocuiască linia de cod din interiorul buclei for (f = f * i) cu un bloc de cod asm, cu obţinerea aceluiaşi efect.
Pentru simplificare, vom considera că rezultatul nu depăşeşte 4 octeţi.
* @Category: Folosirea instructiunei mul si imul
* /
unsigned int n = 10, i, f = 1;
for (i = 1; i <= n; i++) {
// f = f * i; in asm
_asm {
mov eax, f
mul i
mov f, eax
printf("%u\n", f);
/* End Exerctiu 1 */
/* @Title: Exercitiu 2
* @Enunt: Fie următorul program. Să se înlocuiască liniile 4 şi 5 cu un bloc de cod asm, cu obţinerea aceluiaşi efect.
* @Category: Folosirea instructiunei div si idiv
* /
unsigned a = 500007, b = 10, c, d;
_asm {
mov edx, 0
mov eax, a
mov ebx, b
div ebx
mov c, eax
mov d, edx
// c = a / b;
// d = a % b;
printf("%u %u\n", c, d);
/* End Exerctiu 2 */
int main() {
/* Test: dif * /
cc::c::dif(5, 2);
cc::asmb::dif(5, 2);
/* End Test: dif */
/* Test: afis * /
// call afis with asm
_asm {
push dword ptr 5
call cc::asmb::afis
add esp, 4
/* End Test: afis */
/* Test: factorial * /
cout << cc::c::factorial(6) << " " << cc::asmb::factorial(6);
/* End Test: factorial */
/* Test: call_dif * /
/* End Test: call_dif */
/* Test: complex_suma * /
cc::complex a = { 2,5 }, b = { 3,11 }, c;
cc::c::complex_suma(&a, &b, &c);
cout << << " + " << << "i" << endl;
cc::asmb::complex_suma(&a, &b, &c);
cout << << " + " << << "i" << endl;
/* End Test: complex_suma */
/* Test: vector_suma * /
int t[] = { 1, 9, 4, 12, 3 };
int suma = 0, *p = t;
cout << cc::c::vector_suma(t, 5) << endl << cc::asmb::vector_suma(t, 5);
/* End Test: vector_suma */
/* Test: matrice_element * /
int p[3][3] = {
0, 1, 5,
7, 9, 2,
14, 13, 12
cout << cc::c::matrice_element(p, 2, 2) << endl << cc::asmb::matrice_element(p, 2, 2);
/* End Test: matrice_element */
/* Test: matrice_suma * /
int** v;
v = new int* [3];
for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
v[i] = new int[3];
for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
for (int j = 0; j < 3; j++) {
v[i][j] = 1;
cout << cc::c::matrice_suma(v) << endl << cc::asmb::matrice_suma(v);
/* End Test: matrice_suma */
return 0;
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