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Forked from zsiegel/build-version.gradle
Created January 5, 2016 04:11
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Android manifest versioning with gradle and git
task('increaseVersionCode') << {
def manifestFile = file("src/main/AndroidManifest.xml")
def pattern = Pattern.compile("versionCode=\"(\\d+)\"")
def manifestText = manifestFile.getText()
def matcher = pattern.matcher(manifestText)
def versionCode = Integer.parseInt(
android.defaultConfig.versionCode = versionCode + 1
println "Setting version code to ${android.defaultConfig.versionCode}"
def manifestContent = matcher.replaceAll("versionCode=\"" + android.defaultConfig.versionCode + "\"")
task('setVersionName') << {
def git = 'git describe --abbrev=7 --tags'
def proc = git.execute()
def desc = "${}".trim()
if (desc.isEmpty()) {
println "ERROR setting version name"
def manifestFile = file("src/main/AndroidManifest.xml")
def pattern = Pattern.compile("versionName=\"(.*)\"")
def manifestText = manifestFile.getText()
def matcher = pattern.matcher(manifestText)
println "Setting version name to ${desc}"
def manifestContent = matcher.replaceAll("versionName=\"" + desc + "\"")
tasks.whenTaskAdded { task ->
if ( == 'compileRelease') {
task.dependsOn 'increaseVersionCode'
task.dependsOn 'setVersionName'
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