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Last active December 20, 2018 10:54
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  • Save Adriem/02bd3be41b7851c27e2c8c917978d295 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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Git aliases
eol = lf
autocrlf = input
safecrlf = false
pager = less
editor = /usr/bin/vim
email = _EMAIL_
name = _NAME_
default = upstream # If no arguments are provided, push to the upstream
autoSetupMerge = true
path = .gitconfig.alias # Global aliases
path = .gitconfig.profiles # Different profiles for different environments
# -=( CUSTOM OPERATIONS )=------------------------------------------------------------------------
checkout-main = checkout master
fetch-main = fetch origin
push-main = push origin master
pull-main = pull origin master
merge-main-local = merge master
merge-main-remote = merge origin/master
branch-name = rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD
log-all = log --oneline
commit-msg = commit -m
commit-all-msg = commit -a -m
push-current = "!f() { git push origin `git branch-name`; }; f"
pull-current = "!f() { git pull origin `git branch-name`; }; f"
merge-current = "!f() { git merge origin/`git branch-name`; }; f"
undo-last = reset HEAD^
delete-remote = "!f() { git push origin --delete `git branch-name`; }; f"
override-remote-from-local = "!f() { git push --force origin `git branch-name`; }; f"
override-local-from-remote = "!f() { git fetch origin && git reset --hard origin/`git branch-name`; }; f"
recreate-remote-from-local = "!f() { git delete-remote && git push-current; }; f"
new-branch-from-latest = "!f() { git checkout-main && git pull-current && git checkout -b $@; }; f"
commit-and-push-staged = "!f() { git commit-all-msg \"$@\" && git push-current; }; f"
commit-and-push-all = "!f() { git add -A && git commit-msg \"$@\" && git push-current; }; f"
# Not working yet :(
open-pull-request = "!f() {\
remote=`git remote -v | grep origin | grep push | awk '{print $2}'`;\
project=`echo $remote | awk -F/ '{print $(NF-1) }'`;\
repo=`echo $remote | awk -F/ '{ print $NF }' | cut -d. -f1`;\
branch=`git branch-name`;\
case $1 in\
github | gh) start $browser$project/$repo/compare/$branch...develop?expand=1;;\
gitlab | gl) start $browser$project/$repo/merge_requests/new?merge_request[source_branch]=$branch;;\
bitbucket | bb) start $browser$project/$repo/pull-requests/new;;\
echo) echo https://host:port/path/$project/$repo?branch=$branch;;\
*) start $browser$project/$repo/compare/$branch...develop?expand=1;;\
}; f"
# -=( ALIASES )=----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
s = status
st = status
d = diff
df = diff
l = log --oneline -n
lol = "!f() { git log-all; }; f"
rmv = remote -v
feto = "!f() { git fetch-main; }; f"
fetus = "!f() { git fetch-main && git status; }; f"
ada = add -A
c = commit
com = commit
comm = "!f() { git commit-msg \"$@\"; }; f"
coma = commit -a
comma = "!f() { git commit-all-msg \"$@\"; }; f"
amen = commit --amend
amena = commit --amend -a
alin = "!f() { git commit-and-push-staged \"$@\"; }; f"
allin = "!f() { git commit-and-push-all \"$@\"; }; f"
cot = checkout
cotb = checkout -b
cotm = "!f() { git checkout-main; }; f"
cotmb = "!f() { git new-branch-from-latest $@; }; f"
pus = "!f() { git push-current; }; f"
pusm = "!f() { git push-main; }; f"
pusf = "!f() { git override-remote-from-local; }; f"
pusff = "!f() { git recreate-remote-from-local; }; f"
pul = "!f() { git pull-current; }; f"
pulm = "!f() { git pull-main; }; f"
pulf = "!f() { git override-local-from-remote; }; f"
mer = "!f() { git merge-current; }; f"
merml = "!f() { git merge-main-local; }; f"
mermr = "!f() { git merge-main-remote; }; f"
sta = stash
stahm = "!f() { git stash save \"$@\"; }; f"
stahl = stash list
stahp = stash apply
z = "!f() { git undo-last; }; f"
# vim: set ts=2 sts=2 et sw=2 ft=gitconfig:
# This file allows some options or operations to be overriden based on the path to each repo
[includeIf "gitdir:~/workspace/company1/"]
path = ~/workspace/company1/.gitconfig
[includeIf "gitdir:~/workspace/personal/"]
path = ~/workspace/personal/.gitconfig
# vim: set ts=2 sts=2 et sw=2 ft=gitconfig:
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