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Last active April 13, 2021 10:33
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Format 2D arrays into ascii table
from typing import Any, Sequence
def ascii_table(rows: Sequence[Sequence[Any]]) -> str:
Format the rows in an ascii table.
First row is considered to be the header
Numbers are right justified, everything else is left justified
See example below:
│ header longer than cells │ header of numeric value │ header shorter than cells │
│ line 1 │ 1234 │ first line longer than header │
│ line 2 │ 4321 │ second line longer than header │
│ line 3 │ 12345 │ third line longer than header │
:param rows: 2D array of the content to format as a table
def format_cell(cell, max_width):
if type(cell) == int:
just = str.rjust
just = str.ljust
return just(str(cell), max_width, ' ')
columns_width = [max(len(str(rows[row_idx][col_idx]))
for row_idx in range(len(rows)))
for col_idx in range(len(rows[0]))]
top_row = '┌' + '┬'.join('─' * (width + 2) for width in columns_width) + '┐'
header_underline = '├' + '┼'.join('─' * (width + 2) for width in columns_width) + '┤'
bottom_row = '└' + '┴'.join('─' * (width + 2) for width in columns_width) + '┘'
content = ['│ ' + ' │ '.join(format_cell(cell, columns_width[idx])
for idx, cell in enumerate(row)) + ' │'
for row in rows]
ascii_rows = [top_row, content[0], header_underline] + content[1:] + [bottom_row]
return '\n'.join(ascii_rows)
if __name__ == '__main__':
data = [
['header longer than cells', 'header of numeric value', 'header shorter than cells'],
['line 1', 1234, 'first line longer than header'],
['line 2', 4321, 'second line longer than header'],
['line 3', 12345, 'third line longer than header'],
table = ascii_table(data)
rows_length = [len(row) for row in table.split('\n')]
assert all(length == rows_length[0] for length in rows_length)
rows = [row for row in table.split('\n')]
# testing fixed position outer border characters
assert rows[0][0] == '┌'
assert rows[0][-1] == '┐'
assert rows[-1][0] == '└'
assert rows[-1][-1] == '┘'
assert rows[2][0] == '├'
assert rows[2][-1] == '┤'
assert all(row[0] == row[-1] == '│' for row in rows[1:2] + rows[3:-1])
# using top row as reference for width
columns_width = [len(col) for col in rows[0][1:-1].split('┬')]
# testing width of all rows except top rows as it's the reference
assert [len(col) for col in rows[2][1:-1].split('┼')] == columns_width
assert all([len(col) for col in row[1:-1].split('│')] == columns_width for row in rows[1:2] + rows[3:-1])
assert [len(col) for col in rows[-1][1:-1].split('┴')] == columns_width
# testing justification
assert rows[3][1:-1].split('│')[0].rstrip() == ' ' + data[1][0]
assert rows[3][1:-1].split('│')[1].lstrip() == str(data[1][1]) + ' '
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