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Last active April 30, 2019 12:01
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Concurrent Execution of Car Control Models
# Base code obtained from
# Modified for all driving param prediction, concurrent execution and formulas
tanh_alpha = 0.18 # To decide the shape of the hyperbolic tangent function
g_steer = tf.Graph() ## This is one graph
g_accel = tf.Graph() ## This is another graph
g_brake = tf.Graph() ## This is another graph
with g_steer.as_default():
import model
all_vars = tf.trainable_variables()
sess_steer = tf.Session(graph = g_steer)
saver_steer = tf.train.Saver(all_vars)
saver_steer.restore(sess_steer, "save/model_steer.ckpt")
with g_accel.as_default():
import model_accel
all_vars = tf.trainable_variables()
sess_accel = tf.Session(graph = g_accel)
saver_accel = tf.train.Saver(all_vars)
saver_accel.restore(sess_accel, "save/model_accel.ckpt")
with g_brake.as_default():
import model_brake
all_vars = tf.trainable_variables()
sess_brake = tf.Session(graph = g_brake)
saver_brake = tf.train.Saver(all_vars)
saver_brake.restore(sess_brake, "save/model_brake.ckpt")
def smoothFactor(predictedValue, previousValue):
return 0.2 * pow(abs((predictedValue - previousValue)), 2.0 / 3.0) * (predictedValue - previousValue) / abs(predictedValue - previousValue + 1e-5)
img = cv2.imread('steering_wheel_image.jpg',0)
rows,cols = img.shape
smoothed_angle = 0
dataPath = "Test_Track/"
fileNamePrefix = "TestTrack "
#read data.txt
xs = []
ys = []
accels = []
brakes = []
opticalFlow = []
gears = []
gearFeatures = []
with open(dataPath+"data.txt") as f:
for line in f:
xs.append(dataPath + fileNamePrefix + str(int(line.split()[0])).zfill(5)+".jpg")
# No need to convert to radians as here we dont use for training.
steer_value = float(line.split()[1])
accel_value = float(line.split()[2])
brake_value = float(line.split()[3])
gear_value = float(line.split()[4])
gearFeatures.append([steer_value, accel_value, brake_value])
i = 0
with open(dataPath+"optFlow.txt") as f:
for line in f:
i += 1
gearModel = RandomForestClassifier(), np.array(gears))
# #get number of images
num_images = len(ys)
i = 0
gear = 0
smoothed_accel = 0
smoothed_brake = 0
predictedGears = []
considerPreviousGears = 10
print("Starting frameofvideo:" +str(i))
errorDegreeAccum = 0
# To display neutral gear
gear_img = cv2.imread(gear_path + " " + str(1).zfill(2)+".jpg")
cv2.imshow('Gear-Transmission', gear_img)
while(cv2.waitKey(10) != ord('q') and i < num_images-1):
full_image = scipy.misc.imread(xs[i], mode="RGB")
image = scipy.misc.imresize(full_image[-150:], [112, 112]) / 255.0
image_steer = scipy.misc.imresize(full_image[-150:], [66, 200]) / 255.0
acceleration = model_accel.y_accel.eval(feed_dict={model_accel.x_accel: [image], model_accel.keep_prob_accel: 1.0, model_accel.keep_prob_accel_conv: 1.0}, session = sess_accel)[0][0] * 180.0 / scipy.pi
degrees = model.y.eval(feed_dict={model.x: [image_steer], model.keep_prob: 1.0}, session = sess_steer)[0][0] * 180.0 / scipy.pi
brake = model_brake.y_brake.eval(feed_dict={model_brake.x_brake: [image], model_brake.keep_prob_brake: 1.0, model_brake.keep_prob_brake_conv: 1.0}, session = sess_brake)[0][0] * 180.0 / scipy.pi
# To squash the value between 0 and max_gas_value
optical_adjusted_gas = max_gas_value*math.tanh(tanh_alpha*opticalFlow[i])
optical_adjusted_brake = max_brake_value*math.tanh(tanh_alpha*opticalFlow[i])
accel_integrated = optical_adjusted_gas*alpha_accel + accels[i]*beta_accel
brake_integrated = optical_adjusted_brake*alpha_brake + brakes[i]*beta_brake
print("\nAcceleration: " + str(acceleration) + " (pred)\t\t" + str(round(accels[i], 2)))
print("Brake: " + str(brake_integrated) + " (pred)\t\t" + str(round(brakes[i], 2)))
smoothed_accel += smoothFactor(accel_integrated, smoothed_accel)
smoothed_brake += smoothFactor(brake_integrated, smoothed_brake)
predictedGear = gearModel.predict(np.array(gearFeatures[i]).reshape(1, -1))
print("Gear = " + str(predictedGear[0]))
# lazy check to see whether all gear predictions in previous 'x' frames same as current prediction
# if same then take the gear value seriously.
previousGears = predictedGears[-considerPreviousGears:]
if (sum(previousGears)/len(previousGears) == predictedGear):
takeGearSeriously = True
takeGearSeriously = False
# if repeated frames predict a different gear then change the gear.
if (predictedGear[0] != gear and abs(gear - predictedGear[0]) == 1 and takeGearSeriously): # if gear shift
gearShift = int(predictedGear[0] - gear)
gear = int(predictedGear[0])
print("GEAR CHANGED!!!")
pred_deg = round(degrees, 2)
actual_deg = round(ys[i], 2)
diff_deg = round(abs(pred_deg - actual_deg), 2)
errorDegreeAccum += diff_deg
print("Steering angle: " + str(degrees) + " (pred)\t" + str(actual_deg) + " (actual)\t\t" + "Angular Error: " + str(diff_deg))
cv2.imshow("frame", cv2.cvtColor(full_image, cv2.COLOR_RGB2BGR))
#make smooth angle transitions by turning the steering wheel based on the difference of the current angle
#and the predicted angle
smoothed_angle += smoothFactor(degrees, smoothed_angle)
i += 1
# Frames correspond to frame numbers of turn end points in steer video.
# Degrees in Frame: -180 to +180
steer_frame_map = [1, 190, 369]
steer_frame = min(max(1, int(190 + 2*smoothed_angle)), 369)
print(steer_path + " " + str(steer_frame).zfill(3)+".jpg")
steer_img = cv2.imread(steer_path + " " + str(steer_frame).zfill(3)+".jpg")
cv2.imshow("Steering Wheel", steer_img)
if (animate):
# To show the braking animation
brake_img = cv2.imread(brake_path + " " + str(int(smoothed_brake*2+1)).zfill(2)+".jpg")
brake_img_small = cv2.resize(brake_img, (0,0), fx=0.5, fy=0.5)
cv2.imshow('Brake Pedal', brake_img_small)
# To show the gal pedal animation
accel_img = cv2.imread(gas_path + " " + str(int(smoothed_accel*2+1)).zfill(2)+".jpg")
accel_img_small = cv2.resize(accel_img, (0,0), fx=0.52, fy=0.52)
cv2.imshow('Acceleration Pedal', accel_img_small)
# To show the gear animation: Frames are mapped as below.
# 0-10: 1st gear, 11-20: 2nd gear, 21-30: 3rd gear,
# 30-37: 4th gear, 37-45: 5th gear, 45-50: 5th to neutral.
# Frames correspond to Neutral, 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th and 5th gears
gear_frame_map = [1, 12, 22, 30, 37, 45]
# Frames correspond to neutral between gears
neutral_frame_map = [16, 26, 33, 42, 50]
if (gearShift != 0):
# To animate shift from any gear to neutral
if (gearShift == -2):
init_frame = gear_frame_map [gear]
end_frame = neutral_frame_map [gear-1]
for frame in range(init_frame, end_frame, 1):
gear_img = cv2.imread(gear_path + " " + str(frame).zfill(2)+".jpg")
# gear_img_small = cv2.resize(gear_img, (0,0), fx=0.5, fy=0.5)
cv2.imshow('Gear-Transmission', gear_img)
gear = 0
else: # when gearShift = -1 and +1 (gear up or down)
print("gear = " + str(gear) + " Gear Shift = " + str(gearShift))
init_frame = gear_frame_map [gear + gearShift*-1]
end_frame = gear_frame_map [gear]
print("init_frame = " + str(init_frame) + " end_frame = " + str(end_frame))
for frame in range(init_frame, end_frame, gearShift):
# File read should confirm with the video to jpg frame extractor software
gear_img = cv2.imread(gear_path + " " + str(frame).zfill(2)+".jpg")
cv2.imshow('Gear-Transmission', gear_img)
gearShift = 0
print("Accumulated Steering Angle Error: " + str(errorDegreeAccum))
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