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Considering things

Jeremy Denslinger AeSix

Considering things
View GitHub Profile
As I look up from my drawer, to apologize and dismiss the "customer" at the counter, I come eye to "eye" with a .45.
I'm being robbed. My drawer is way over, and as I look over, another guy is pulling my co-worker from the back room.
We cooperate with the robbers. I take notice of many details, their height, clothing, etc.
Other than keeping myself and my idiot co-worker alive, that's the only other thing I'm focusing on.
The whole ordeal took less than 2 minutes before they left the store.
After about 30 seconds, I go went aorund the counter, to the door and look out. I see them. I step out to watch.
My co-worker is on the phone with 911. I step back in and take over the call, describing the men to the operator.

Keybase proof

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  • I am AeSix on github.
  • I am aesix ( on keybase.
  • I have a public key whose fingerprint is F40B BB48 3545 15AF 3233 7CFF 3FB6 8F66 6B3C 9B1D

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I need this issue resolved. It is pissing me off.
I am still waiting for a response as to where and how to send the requested tcpdump file.
I am still waiting for a response to the issue at hand.
I am looking at your competitors for alternative routes of service.
I asked that any reply to the original ticket be CC: to my email address, which it was not. Because of your laziness I was unaware of the ticket reply, causing a further delay in handling of this issue. I assume it was laziness because there was no explanation to the contrary. I responded 4 hours ago with one simple question and a statement of compliance for the requested information. I received no acknowledgement for this. Even an "OK, Thank you" WOULD HAVE BEEN NICE BY NOW.
As far as I am concerned, the VPS has been unusable for it's primary concerns for over 2 days now. No one wants to be gaming and have the whole server disconnected from the internet whilst in the middle of a boss fight. Because of your lack of technical ability to diagnose
Let me get one thing straight about Net Neutrality:
It is because of the malicious, harmful and dangerous actions of individuals, groups and companies that the government has to step in to protect the rest of the population. This is one of the primary and basic reasons of existence for a governing body.
The Government (FCC Specifically) has stayed out of regulating the internet, specifically ISPs for over 25 years. This was because these companies were quite able to regulate themselves, to peer with each other without hassle, and come to financial agreements for access and usage. In the last 10 years, companies like YouTube, Neflix, Hulu and other "large bandwidth services" have come about. The ISPs have done many things to discourage their customers from using these services, including throttling bandwidth to these sites (and many many more) so their customers could not properly view and access these sites.
(ISP is Internet Service Provider: Verizon Fios, CenturyLink DSL, Comcast Cable internet, etc)
Let me get one thing straight about Net Neutrality:
It is because of the malicious, harmful and dangerous actions of individuals, groups and companies that the government has to step in to protect the rest of the population. This is one of the primary and basic reasons of existence for a governing body.
The Government (FCC Specifically) has stayed out of regulating the internet, specifically ISPs for over 25 years. This was because these companies were quite able to regulate themselves, to peer with each other without hassle, and come to financial agreements for access and usage. In the last 10 years, companies like YouTube, Neflix, Hulu and other "large bandwidth services" have come about. The ISPs have done many things to discourage their customers from using these services, including throttling bandwidth to these sites (and many many more) so their customers could not properly view and access these sites.
(ISP is Internet Service Provider: Verizon Fios, CenturyLink DSL, Comcast Cable internet, etc)