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Aehmlo / Badger Description
Created May 20, 2013 03:12
Badger's final description for version 1.0. Thanks to insanj for editing!
Badger is a revolutionary new iOS tweak that allows users to view notifications directly from app/folder icons on their home screen. Using a custom activation method, users can invoke the Badger window, a configurable popup that allows them to swipe to delete notifications, view them in-app, quickly reply to iMessages/SMSs (as well as mark them read), and more.
Badger is designed to make iOS notifications “make sense”. It’s fully themeable and customizable to make it work exactly the way you want it to. Fully compatible with Abstergo, Badger also lets users tap and hold onto notifications in the Badger window to activate Abstergo for the corresponding actions. Feel free to use Badger side-by-side with Velox-- they are not competitors, they are designed to perform different functions and get along nicely.
Badger is fully compatible with ALL devices on iOS 5 and higher, and is compatible with just about every tweak out there. Enjoy!

iTweak Disclaimer for IRC

ETAs and Betas

  • Any sort of beta of iTweak will not be given out.
  • Due to iTweak's past, an ETA will not be given.
  • The only ETA and/or Beta that will be given will be on the official iTweak Twitter (@iTweakOfficial) stating the release of the Bloggers' Beta and eventually, the Public Beta, ultimately leading to the public release of iTweak.
Aehmlo / iTweak
Last active December 20, 2015 22:39
My "letter" of resignation from iTweakStore.

I have made the decision to leave iTweakStore.

Don't worry - this is just temporary, and I may well come back.

Don't give accredation where it's not due - this isn't because I think iTweak's going to crash and burn, or because another member left. I left for reasons which I've been considering for months now.

About a month ago (I believe), I spoke to a community member whose opinions I value highly, and who opened my eyes to a whole new angle on iTweak. He was, by his own admission, against iTweak, but he remained neutral and unbiased when we discussed it, as much as he could. He opened my eyes to the fact that Cydia isn't just a package installer. It's an entire ecosystem, built and maintained by some of the best and brightest we have in the community. Furthermore, he opened my eyes to the gaping flaws in iTweak.

  • iTweak was designed without giving sufficient thought as to why Cydia is deisgned the way it is. Cydia is designed to be safe and stable, with integration with dpkg/APT. iTweak was designed

Keybase proof

I hereby claim:

  • I am aehmlo on github.
  • I am aehmlo ( on keybase.
  • I have a public key whose fingerprint is 3981 F0CD EA4B D215 3901 8243 6F6C BE34 DC10 D588

To claim this, I am signing this object:

Aehmlo / NavigationController.swift
Created May 16, 2015 21:37
UINavigationController returns UIStatusBarStyle.Default for preferredStatusBarStyle by default, ignoring the visible view controller's return value for some reason. This fixes that.
internal class NavigationController: UINavigationController {
override func preferredStatusBarStyle() -> UIStatusBarStyle {
return visibleViewController.preferredStatusBarStyle()

Keybase proof

I hereby claim:

  • I am aehmlo on github.
  • I am aehmlo ( on keybase.
  • I have a public key whose fingerprint is EB25 EB07 FB25 8CBD F2FC 39F3 6B9B 9BAE FAAF 4695

To claim this, I am signing this object:

iOS Shared Cache Extraction

Having fallen off the iOS-exploration train due to completing my Masters and other commitments, I have finally climbed back aboard in pursuit of understanding the telephony stack.

Like most things in iOS that are used frequently, the vast majority of the frameworks and libraries used in the telephony stack reside in the DYLD shared cache located at /System/Library/Caches/

In this post I am going to explain how to go about extracting this cache file so that you can then work with each library individually.

Get The Cache

The first step in all of this is to copy the cache over to your local machine. I did this using a program called iExplorer, but you can just as easily do it over SSH. As a side note, you can connect to your iDevice using SSH over USB if you install a tool called iProxy.

Aehmlo / No Live Spotify Tracks.scpt
Last active June 21, 2018 03:44
Prevent live tracks in Spotify on macOS.
repeat while true
delay 1
tell application "Spotify"
if (name of current track contains "live") or (name of current track contains "Live") then
next track
end if
end tell
end repeat