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[Archetype] - Wizard: School of Astronomy
Subject: School of Astronomy
Effect: This is the syntax for adding the homebrew Wizard subclass School of Astronomy by /u/AelarTheElfRogue
Sheet: v12.999 (2017-11-29)
var iFileName = "Wizard - School of Astronomy [AelarTheElfRogue].js";
SourceList["W:SoA"] ={
name : "Wizard: School of Astronomy",
abbreviation : "W:SoA",
group : "Aelar The Elf Rogue",
url : "",
date : "2018/05/23"
regExpSearch : /^(?=.*school)(?=.*of)(?=.*astronomy).*$/i,
subname : "School of Astronomy",
source : ["W:SoA", 0],
spellcastingExtra : ["guiding bolt", "moonbeam", "daylight", "divination", "flame strike"],
features : {
"subclassfeature2" : {
name : "Collimation",
source : ["W:SoA", 0],
minlevel : 2,
description : desc([
"I gain proficiency in Investigation and Sleight of Hand. I also gain proficiency in",
"Navigator's Tools. If already proficient, I add double my proficiency bonus for these skills.",
"I always know which way is north, and roughly where I am on the planet,",
"as long as I can see the sky. I cannot become lost except by magical means."
skills : ["Investigation", "Sleight of Hand"],
skillstxt : "\n\n" + toUni("School of Astronomy") + ": Investigation and Sleight of Hand.",
toolProfs : [["Navigator's tools", "Int"]],
"subclassfeature2.1" : {
name : "Heavenly Firmament",
source : ["W:SoA", 0],
minlevel : 2,
description : desc([
"I gain darkvision 60 feet. If I already have darkvision, I increase it by 30 feet.",
"The gold and time I must spend to copy spells that deal Fire, Cold, Radiant, or Force",
"damage into my spellbook is halved."
vision : [["Darkvision", "fixed 60"], ["Darkvision", "+30"]],
"subclassfeature6" : {
name : "Wormhole",
source : ["W:SoA", 0],
minlevel : 6,
description : desc([
"As an action, I choose two unoccupied points with 120 feet of me that I can see,",
"and within 60 feet of each other. I create a rip in space that connects the two points",
"together, allowing instant travel between them. The rips are 5ft. diameter circles.",
"As a bonus action, I can change the orientation of one of the rips, but not its location.",
"The rips last 1 hour or until I dismiss them as a bonus action.",
"At 17th level, the rips can be 120 feet apart, and I can open a rip in a location that",
"I cannot currently see, as long as I have seen the location before. I can open a rip in a",
"location I have not seen by making DC 20 Arcana check. On a failure, I am thrown 20",
"feet backward and take 2d10 Force damage. If I fail by 7 or more, I am sucked",
"into an extra-dimensional pocket."
usages : 1,
recovery: "long rest",
action : ["bonus", " (Reorient/Dismiss)"],
"subclassfeature10" : {
name : "Solar Flare",
source : ["W:SoA", 0],
minlevel : 10,
description : desc([
"Once per long rest, I can channel the power of the sun. I can cast Sunbeam",
"without expending a spell slot. I have advantage against ranged attacks while casting",
"Sunbeam with this feature."
usages : 1,
recovery : "long rest",
spellcastingBonus : {
name : "Solar Flare",
spells : ["sunbeam"],
selection : ["sunbeam"],
oncelr : true
"subclassfeature14" : {
name : "Supernova",
source : ["W:SoA", 0],
minlevel : 14,
usages : 1,
recovery: "long rest",
description : desc([
"As a reaction to falling to 0 HP, I instead fall to 1 HP. Each creature that is ",
"within 10 feet of me is pushed back 10 feet and takes radiant damage equal to",
"6d6 + my Intelligence modifier, and it is blinded until the start of my next turn."
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