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Compendium of Forgotten Secrets - Awakening - Ashen Lineage
var iFileName = "Compendium of Forgotten Secrets - Awakening - Ashen Lineage.js";
name : "Compendium of Forgotten Secrets - Awakening",
abbreviation : "CoFSA",
group : "Homebrew",
url : "",
date : "2019/03/07"
//The Ashen Wolf - Sorcerer
WeaponsList["ember claws"] = {
regExpSearch : /^(?=.*ember)(?=.*claws).*$/i,
name : "Ember Claws",
source : ["CoFSA", 19],
list : "melee",
ability : 6,
type : "Natural",
damage : [1, 8, "fire"],
range : "Melee",
description : "Active while below max HP",
abilitytodamage : true,
AddSubClass("sorcerer", "ashen lineage", {
regExpSearch : /^(?=.*ashen)(?=.*lineage)(?=.*sorcerer).*$/i,
subname : "Ashen Lineage",
source : ["CoFSA", 19],
features : {
"subclassfeature1" : {
name : "Born of Ember",
source : ["CoFSA", 19],
minlevel : 1,
description : desc ([
"When I am below my HP max, I gain firey claws. I can use my bonus action to make a",
"melee spell attack that deals 1d8 + my Cha mod fire damage. At 11th level, the damage",
"increases to 2d8 + my Cha mod. The first time after a long rest when I am below half",
"my HP max, I gain fire resistance until I finish a long rest. At 14th level, you gain",
"immunity instead of resistance.",
eval : "AddWeapon('Ember Claws');",
removeeval : "RemoveWeapon('Ember Claws');",
additional : (n) {
return (n < 11 ? 1 : 2) + "d8 fire damage";
calcChanges : {
atkAdd : ["var lineageDie = function(n) {return n < 11 ? 1 : 2;}; if ((/Ember Claws/i).test( {var alineageDie = lineageDie(Number(What('Character Level'))); try {var curDie = eval(fields.Damage_Die.replace('*', 'd'));} catch (e) {var curDie = 'x';}; if (isNaN(curDie) || curDie < alineageDie) {fields.Damage_Die = alineageDie + 'd8';};}; ", "Ember Claws Scales"]
spellcastingBonus : {
name : "Born of Ember (level 1)",
spells : ["produce flame"],
selection : ["produce flame"],
atwill : true
languageProfs : ["Primordial"]
"subclassfeature1.1" : {
name : "Origin Spells",
source : ["CoFSA", 19],
minlevel : 1,
description : desc ([
"I gain prepared spells at certain levels that do not count against my known spells"
spellcastingBonus : [{
name : "Origin Spells (level 1)",
spells : ["burning hands"],
selection : ["burning hands"],
level : [1, 1],
markedbox : true
}, {
name : "Origin Spells (level 3)",
spells : ["heat metal"],
selection : ["heat metal"],
level : [2, 2],
markedbox : true
}, {
name : "Origin Spells (level 5)",
spells : ["fireball"],
selection : ["fireball"],
level : [3, 3],
markedbox : true
}, {
name : "Origin Spells (level 7)",
spells : ["locate creature"],
selection : ["locate creature"],
level : [4, 4],
markedbox : true
}, {
name : "Origin Spells (level 9)",
spells : ["commune with nature"],
selection : ["commune with nature"],
level : [5, 5],
markedbox : true
}, {
name : "Origin Spells (level 11)",
spells : ["circle of death"],
selection : ["circle of death"],
level : [6, 6],
markedbox : true
"subclassfeature6" : {
name : "Burning Fury",
source : ["CoFSA", 19],
minlevel : 6,
description : desc ([
"When I reduce a creature to 0 HP with my Born of Ember class feature, I gain temp HP",
"equal to twice my Cha mod.",
"I can spend 1 sorcery point during my turn when I am below half my HP max to",
"make my AC 17 until the start of my next turn. This has no effect if my AC is equal",
"to or greater than 17.",
"subclassfeature14" : {
name : "Cinderwraith",
source : ["CoFSA", 19],
minlevel : 10,
description :desc ([
"If I would inflict fire damage, I can inflict necrotic damage instead, and vice versa.",
"I ignore difficult terrain, and I can move through any space at least 6 inches wide",
"without squeezing.",
"subclassfeature18" : {
name : "The Wolf's Bargain",
source : ["CoFSA", 19],
minlevel : 14,
description : desc ([
"I can spend 5 sorcery points to move to a point within 60ft and attack a target within",
"5 ft.. The target must make a Wisdom saving throw, taking 6d10 fire damage on",
"a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one.",
"If the target is slain by this attack, it burns to ash and becomes a hell hound with the",
"elemental creature type. It obeys my orders and acts on my turn. I can only have 2 hell",
"hounds, with the oldest being destroyed if I make a 3rd one. Each hell hound lasts until",
"slain or until the third dawn after it was summoned, when it disintegrates into ash."
recovery : "long rest",
usages : 1,
action : ["action", ""],
additional : ["5 Sorcery Points"]
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