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[Archetype] - Monk: Way of the Beast
Subject: Monk - Way of the Beast
Effect: This is the syntax for adding a new subclass/archetype to a class that is defined in the sheet, or to a class you made yourself
Sheet: v12.999 (2017-11-29)
// Converted for use with MPMB's Character Sheet by /u/AelarTheElfRogue
var iFileName = "Monk - Way of the Beast [AelarTheElfRogue].js";
SourceList["DnDW:WoB"] ={
name : "DandD Wiki - Way of the Beast",
abbreviation : "DnDW:WoB",
group : "Homebrew",
url : "",
date : "2018/08/26"
"way of the beast",
regExpSearch : /^(?=.*way)(?=.*beast).*$/i,
subname : "Way of the Beast",
source : ["DnDW:WoB", 0],
fullname : "Way of the Beast",
features : {
"subclassfeature3" : {
name : "Beast Stance",
source : ["DnDW:WoB", 0],
minlevel : 3,
description : desc([
"I gain the ability to enter a Beast Stance as a bonus action for 2 ki points. The Beast",
"Stance lasts for 1 minute, until you enter another Beast Stance, or until I become",
"incapacitated. I know 2 stances and learn an additional stance at levels 6, 11, and 17",
additional : function(n) {
if (n < 3) return "";
return (n < 6 ? 2 : n < 11 ? 3 : n < 17 ? 4 : 4) + " stances known";
extraname: "Stance",
extrachoices : ["Bear", "Cobra", "Crane", "Dragon", "Mantis", "Monkey", "Owl", "Panther", "Tortoise"],
"bear" : {
name : "Bear Stance",
description : desc([
"I can use my Dexterity modifier in place of my Strength modifier.",
"I add my Proficiency bonus to Athletics checks.",
action : ["action", " (2 Ki points)"]
"cobra" : {
name : "Cobra Stance",
description : desc([
"My attacks made with unarmed strikes or monk weapons score a critical hit on a roll of",
"19 or 20, and my unarmed strikes deal piercing damage.",
action : ["action", " (2 Ki points)"]
"crane" : {
name : "Crane Stance",
description : desc([
"Creatures cannot make attacks of opportunity against me, and I have advantage",
"on saving throws against being pushed or knocked prone.",
action : ["action", " (2 Ki points)"]
"dragon" : {
name : "Dragon Stance",
description : desc([
"As an action, all creatures within a 15ft cone in front of me must make a Dexterity saving",
"throw. Creatures take 1d6 fire damage on a failed save, and half damage on a success. The",
"damage increases to 2d6 at 6th level, 3d6 at 10th level, 4d6 at 14th level and 5d6",
"at 18th level.",
additional : ["1d6", "1d6", "1d6", "1d6", "1d6", "2d6", "2d6", "2d6", "2d6", "3d6", "3d6", "3d6", "3d6", "4d6", "4d6", "4d6", "4d6", "5d6", "5d6", "5d6"],
action : ["action", " (2 Ki points)"]
"mantis" : {
name : "Mantis Stance",
description : desc([
"My unarmed strikes gain the Reach property and deal slashing damage. If I add the word",
"Mantis in the weapon name, it will add the Reach property and change to slashing damage.",
action : ["action", " (2 Ki points)"],
calcChanges : {
atkAdd : ["if ((/unarmed strike/i).test(WeaponName) && (/mantis/i).test(WeaponText)) {fields.Description += (fields.Description ? '; ' : '') + 'Reach'; fields.Range = 'Melee (10 ft reach)'; fields.Damage_Type = 'slashing'; }; ", "If I include the word Mantis in the weapon description, it will add Reach and change to Slashing Damage."]
"monkey" : {
name : "Monkey Stance",
description : desc([
"I gain a climb speed of 20 and gain advantage on Acrobatics checks and Dexterity saves.",
"My high jump and long jump distances are doubled.",
action : ["action", " (2 Ki points)"]
"owl" : {
name : "Owl Stance",
description : desc([
"You gain proficiency on Wisdom saving throws and ability checks, as well as",
"proficiency in Perception. You also gain Darkvision up to a distance of 60 feet.",
"If I am hit by a melee attack, you may use your reaction to half the damage.",
action : ["action", " (2 Ki points)"]
"panther" : {
name : "Panther",
description : desc([
"You gain proficiency on Stealth checks while in dim light and darkness. Whenever you ",
"make an unarmed strike, take a -2 penalty to your attack roll to deal an additional 1d6",
"damage on a hit. This is decreased to 1d4 if you are rolling with advantage.",
action : ["action", " (2 Ki points)"]
"tortoise" : {
name : "Tortoise Stance",
description : desc([
"I gain +1 AC and resistance to piercing, slashing and bludgeoning damage.",
action : ["action", " (2 Ki points)"]
"subclassfeature6" : {
name : "Friend of Fauna",
source : ["DnDW:WoB", 0],
minlevel : 6,
description : desc([
"I can spend 2 ki points to cast Speak with Animals, adding my Wisdom modifier",
"to any Charisma checks made while interacting with animals.",
spellcastingBonus : {
name : "Friend of Fauna",
spells : ["speak with animals"],
selection : ["speak with animals"],
"subclassfeature11" : {
name : "Hybrid Stance",
source : ["DnDW:WoB", 0],
minlevel : 11,
description : desc([
"I may spend 3 ki points to enter 2 Beast Stances simultaneously. When I change stances",
"I can spend 1 ki point to enter 1 stance or spend 3 ki points to enter 2 stances.",
"subclassfeature17" : {
name : "Embrace the Land",
source : ["DnDW:WoB", 0],
minlevel : 17,
description : desc([
"I may spend 10 ki points to enter all stances simultaneously for 1 minute.",
additional : "10 ki points",
recovery : "long rest",
usages : 1,
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