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[Archetype] - Cleric: Doomguide
var iFileName = "Cleric: Doomguide [AelarTheElfRogue].js";
//Create the source
SourceList["AAA:CG"] ={
name : "Astrophel's Astronomical Arcanum: Cleric: Doomguide",
abbreviation : "AAA:CD",
group : "Astrophel's Astronomical Arcanum",
date : "2019/06/13"
var iFileName = "Compendium of Forgotten Secrets - Awakening.js";
name : "Compendium of Forgotten Secrets - Awakening",
abbreviation : "CoFSA",
group : "Homebrew",
url : "",
date : "2019/03/07"
//Create the Doomguide
AddSubClass("cleric", "doomguide", {
regExpSearch : /^(?=.*(cleric|priest|clergy|acolyte))(?=.*(doomguide)).*$/i,
subname : "Doomguide",
source : ["AAA:CG", 1],
spellcastingExtra : ["armor of agathys", "ray of sickness", "gentle repose", "heartripper", "life transference", "vampiric touch", "deadly doorway", "dispel good and evil", "death ward", "enervation"],
features : {
"subclassfeature1" : {
name : "Bonus Proficiency",
source : ["AAA:CG", 1],
minlevel : 1,
description : desc ([
"I gain proficiecy with martial weapons."
weapons : [false, true]
"subclassfeature1.1" : {
name : "Power Over Death",
source : ["AAA:CG", 1],
minlevel : 1,
description : desc ([
"I learn one necromancy cantrip of my choice from any spell list",
"My necromancy spells ignore resistances when cast against undead creatures",
"I also learn the Spare the Dying cantrip"
spellcastingBonus : [{
name : "Power Over Death",
class : "any",
school : ["Necro"],
level : [0, 0],
atwill : true,
}, {
name : "Power Over Death",
spells : ["spare the dying"],
selection : ["spare the dying"]
"subclassfeature2" : {
name : "Channel Divinity: Fatal Touch",
source : ["AAA:CG", 1],
minlevel : 2,
description : desc ([
"I imbue my weapon with Kelemvor's power. For 1 minute, I add my Wis mod to attack",
"rolls made with this weapon. Attacks made with this weapon are considered magical. It",
"casts bright sickly green light for 5ft, then dim light for 5ft. Undead take an additional",
"2d6t+2 radiant damage from this weapon, and it ignores the Etherealness feature of",
"any creature that it attacks.",
action : ["action", ""],
"subclassfeature6" : {
name : "Rite of Passing",
source : ["AAA:CG", 1],
minlevel : 6,
description : desc ([
"I can cast Gentle Repose as a ritual or using a spell slot, and I may choose to make the",
"duration permanent. I may end this effect at any time. The DC to dispel this effect is 19.",
"After 10 days, the target begins to decay as normal, but the immunity to becoming",
"undead persists. Additionally, I can add my Wis modifier to Death Saving Throws, and",
"my HP max cannot be reduced by any spell or effect."
usages : 1,
recovery : "long rest",
spellcastingBonus : [{
name : "Rite of Passing",
spells : ["gentle repose"],
selection : ["gentle repose"],
firstCol : "(R)",
oncelr : true
"subclassfeature8" : {
name : "Potent Spellcasting",
source : ["P", 60],
minlevel : 8,
description : desc ([
"I can add my Wisdom modifier to the damage I deal with my cleric cantrips",
calcChanges : {
atkCalc : ["if (classes.known.cleric && classes.known.cleric.level > 7 && thisWeapon[4].indexOf('cleric') !== -1 && thisWeapon[3] && SpellsList[thisWeapon[3]].level === 0) { output.extraDmg += What('Wis Mod'); }; ", "My cleric cantrips get my Wisdom modifier added to their damage."]
"subclassfeature17" : {
name : "The Scales of Death",
source : ["AAA:CG", 1],
minlevel : 17,
usages : 1,
action : ["reaction", ""],
recovery : "long rest",
description : desc ([
"When a creature within 60ft is reduced to 0 HP, I can heal them for my Cleric level HP.",
"I then deal twice my Cleric level necrotic damage to the creature who dropped the intial",
"creature, ignoring all resistances. I can use this feature once per round, and only once",
"per creature per long rest."
SpellsList["heartripper"] = {
name : "Heartripper",
regExpSearch : /^(?=.*heartripper).*$/i,
classes : ["druid", "ranger", "sorcerer"],
source : ["CoFSA", 169],
ritual : false,
level : 2,
school : "Necro",
time : "1 a",
range : "Touch",
components : "S",
duration : "Instantaneous",
description : "Spell atk 1d10 piercing dmg. target Con save or take 3d10+1d0/SL piercing dmg and stunned",
descriptionFull : "When you cast this spell, barbed thorns sprout from your fingertips. Make a melee spell attack roll against a creature within range. If you hit, the target takes 1d10 piercing damage and must make a Constitution saving throw. If they fail, you grasp a vital part of their anatomy and squeeze, inflicting an additional 3d10 piercing damage and stunning the target until the start of their next turn. If the spell attack roll resulted in a critical hit, the target has disadvantage on their saving throw." + AtHigherLevels + "When you cast this spell using a slot of 3rd level or higher, the piercing damage of the second phase of the spell increases 1d10 per slot above 2nd.",
SpellsList["deadly doorway"] = {
name : "Deadly Doorway",
regExpSearch : /^(?=.*deadly)(?=.*doorway).*$/i,
classes : ["warlock"],
source : ["CoFSA", 165],
ritual : false,
level : 4,
school : "Necro",
time : "1 a",
range : "Touch",
components : "V, S, M",
compMaterial : "A small broken key",
duration : "1 h",
save : "Cha",
description : "Make trapped opening. Must know passaction; on fail, save 5d10+2d10/SL necrotic and paralyzed.",
descriptionFull : "When you cast this spell, you touch a doorway, gate, window, or other construction that serves as an opening between two locations. You can speak a word, phrase, or describe an action or activity that must be performed to secure safe passage through the door. The first creature that does not perform this safeguard while passing through the doorway must succeed a Charisma saving throw or take 5d10 necrotic damage and be paralyzed until the start of their next turn. A creature slain by this damage instantly withers into dust, leaving all of their clothing and possessions behind." + AtHigherLevels + "When you cast this spell using a spell slot of 5th level or higher, the necrotic damage increases by 2d10 per spell slot level above 4th.",
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