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Constitution for the FSU Computer Club

Constitution of the Computer Club

Revised: October 7th 2014


Section 1: Name

The name of this organization shall be "The Computer Club".

Section 2: Purpose

The primary purpose of this organization shall be to encourage and promote the interest in the diversity of computers and their potential.


Section 1: Eligibility for Membership

Any interested individual at Frostburg State University may be considered an active member of this organization, at any time provided the proper dues have been paid. Interested students must be in good academic standing according to the University Pathfinder. Any individual qualifying may join the organization at any time.

Section 2: Eligibility for Active Membership

After meeting the requirements for regular membership, members have the option of acquiring active status. This status can be obtained by satisfying the following requirements:

  1. Performing no less than 6 hours of volunteer duty for the Club and must attend at least 1/2 of the scheduled club meetings

  2. Officers automatically get 3 hours in compensation for their services and must attend all scheduled meetings.


Section 1: Meetings

Members of this organization may attend meetings solely on their discretion. The officers (President, Vice-President, Secretary and Treasurer) must attend any and all meetings. If any of the officers are unable to attend, they are to advise the other officers of their absence.


Section 1: General Meetings

The organization shall hold regular a meeting at least once a month during the academic year. The date and hour shall be established at the first meeting of the year by a general vote. The time and date may be amended at any time by a majority vote from the officers.

Section 2: Executive Meetings

The officers must meet once a month to plan and discuss the meetings and projects in the forth coming month. All officers must be present at this meeting as well as whomever else the officers feel may be beneficial to the planning. The President may call additional executive meetings if the President or the officers deem it necessary.

Section 3: Voting

Voting will be done via show of hands, verbal, or secret ballot as deemed necessary by the President. No Absentee or proxy votes shall be accepted.

Section 4: Fund Raising

A minimum of one fund raising event shall occur each semester. The money generated by the event shall be used for official organization expenses which are deemed appropriate by the President and/or Treasurer.

Section 5: Authorization of Chapter Monies

The President, acting on their own authority, may approve any expenditures up to twenty five dollars. The Organization must approve any expense above twenty five dollars, from the general fund, before the funds are distributed. The Treasurer MUST have the President's and/or the organization's authorization before the Treasurer can distribute/withdraw/transfer funds. The President shall verify that a sufficient balance of funds are available before authorizing any expenditures of the organization funds. Any individual spending any money on behalf of the organization shall be reimbursed in full provided they have the prior authorization from the President. (If expense is over twenty-five dollars it must be authorized by a prior organization vote or executive meeting vote. The individual to be reimbursed must have a receipt along with a description of the item purchased submitted to the Treasurer before receiving any reimbursement. The Treasurer shall establish and maintain separate accounts:

  1. The general account fund - A minimum of one fund raising event shall occur each semester. The money generated by the event shall be used for official organization expenses which are deemed appropriate by the President and/or Treasurer.

  2. The tech account fund - This account is used to maintain funds originally generated from the CD-R. All profits made thereafter shall be kept in this account and will be use to purchase additional technological tools unless otherwise voted upon. Only members with active status may vote on the allocation of the Tech account fund.

Section 6: Elections and Terms

At the end of the academic year the President will appoint an individual to act as President (if the President is not returning) for the next semester until an election can be held. Election of an office shall be determined by a simple majority vote of the members present. A quorum of the membership must be present. Terms for the officers shall be for the semester. All officers are responsible for acquainting themselves thoroughly with their new positions. Should a vacancy occur during the academic year, such a vacancy may be filled by an appointed officer until such time that a majority vote at any meeting when a quorum is present can be held.

Section 7: Qualifications of Officers

All organization officers should be active members in good standing.


Section 1: Organization Officers

Each organization MUST elect at least a President, Secretary and Treasurer for each semester. If the number of members allow it is recommended that a Vice-President, Warden/Man-at-Arms, Public Relation/Publicity, Historian, Parliamentarian, elected. It is up to the three officers (Pres., Secr., and Treas.) to deem whether or not to have the other officers. Once the decision is made to have an office available the office must be filled until the end of the semester. Officers may only hold ONE position per semester.

Section 2: President

The President shall preside at all organization meetings and shall perform other duties as the organization may specify. The President shall have authority over all correspondence between the organization and the administration of the University. At the end of the semester the President along with the Secretary prepare the "End of the Semester Report" to be given in the last meeting of the semester. The "End of the Semester Report" shall be stored in the organization's files and well as a copy given to the Faculty Advisor. The President shall delegate authority and be responsible for the efficient performance of other Officers.

Section 3: Secretary

The Secretary shall, through the organization President, keep the Faculty Advisor informed of the status of all organization meetings, elections, programs, events and all other official functions. The Secretary shall keep the minutes of all organization meetings and perform duties as deemed by the organization. The Secretary shall also keep the records of the organization in order.

Section 4: Treasurer

The Treasurer shall receive and distribute any and all money or possessions for the organization and be held personally responsible for the whereabouts of them. The Treasurer shall collect all taxes and dues. The Treasurer shall deposit all money in the approved bank account or with the appropriate University official. The Treasurer, along with the proper authorization, shall pay all approved claims against the organization. The Treasurer shall once a month at the general meeting, submit a written "Monthly Treasure's Report" with the previous month's transactions to the organization's official records; as well as give a verbal account at that same general meeting to the members of the organization. At the end of the semester the Treasurer shall submit a written report of all assets and funds to the official records.

Section 5: Faculty Advisor

Each Organization shall elect a Faculty Advisor who may be re-appointed or re-elected without limitation in accordance with the policies of the University. In the instance of a tie vote of official business, the Faculty Advisor shall cast the deciding vote. The Faculty Advisor shall act in an advisory capacity, and shall be a liaison between the organization and the University. The Faculty Advisor to be elected or retained from previous year have no dues, responsibility, or voting rights (except as noted in Article V, section 2 and Article VII, section 4).

Section 6: Optional Offices (Op. Officer)

The Optional Officers (Vice-President, Warden/Man-at-Arms, Public Relation/Publicity, Historian, Parliamentarian, ...) shall have their duties specified at the time of election. The Op. Officers may be elected into office when ever it suits the organization's needs as decided by the President. The President shall declare the office, determine duties needed to be performed, then the position is filled by a majority via a quorum members of the organization. The Secretary shall keep track of what is expected of the Op. Officers. No Op. Officer may be appointed a position without having duties expected.


Section 1: Organization Dues

Each semester there shall be a dues as deemed necessary by the executive committee. The Exec. Committee shall set the amount and deadlines for the dues. ALL members MUST pay the dues. If the dues are not paid a small charge will be levied against any persons who attend an event in which funds are required for operation; charged amount subject to approval by Executive Officers. (Since the Faculty Advisor does not have any possible voting privileges, dues are not expected nor will be collected.)


Section 1: Amendment Process

To change the Constitution in any way the following steps must take place in order.

Step I: A change or new Amendment must be proposed at any general meeting by any member.

Step II: The members should discuss the proposed/changed Amendment and once all discussion is closed the President shall take a general vote of all members.

Step III: The proposed Amendment will be ratified if the majority vote of 2/3 of the members votes for the Amendment.

Step IV: The Secretary must then record the change to the Constitution and redistribute the constitution to the Executive Board by the next Exec. Meeting.

Step V: The Advisor shall be notified of the changes in the Constitution.

Section 2: Restrictions for Amendments

Amendments shall in no way conflict with any policies of the State of Maryland and/or the Frostburg State University.

Section 3: Review of the Constitution

At least once every two years the Constitution for this organization shall be reviewed and revised if necessary in accordance with the

ARTICLE VII: Section 1

Should no amendments be made, a new cover page indicating the date these Articles have been reviewed shall be made and every member of the organization will receive a new copy.

Section 4: Dismissal of this Constitution

To find these rules unfit to govern this organization the following steps must occur.

Step I: The Executive meeting must reach a unanimous vote with no abstentions to discard these articles.

Step II: The President must declare in a general meeting that the executive meeting has come to the decision to discard these articles.

Step III: The Executive meeting shall meet with the Faculty Advisor and again, with the Advisor voting, come to a unanimous vote with no abstentions to discard these articles.

Step IV: Upon completion of steps 1 through 3, all money, assets and resources are to be solely controlled by the Computer Science Department of Frostburg State University until such time as the new organization is deemed sufficiently stable enough to resume control of the aforementioned item by the aforementioned department.

© 1999 FSU CC. All rights reserved. Terms of use. Last Updated: 3.15.107

PANDOC:=$(shell which pandoc)
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.PHONY: all clean
all: $(TARGETS)
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$(PANDOC) -s "$<" -o "$@"
@rm -r "$(OUT_DIR)"
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