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Last active March 21, 2016 18:50
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faye adapter for ember-data
export default DS.FayeAdapter.extend();
var get = Ember.get;
DS.FayeAdapter = DS.Adapter.extend({
defaultSerializer: '-rest',
find: function(record, id) {
var url = this.buildURL(record.constructor, id),
self = this;
return this.fayeRequest(url).then(function(data) {
self.didFind(record, id, data);
return record;
didFind: function(record, id, data) {
var rootKey = get(record.constructor, 'rootKey'),
dataToLoad = rootKey ? get(data, rootKey) : data;
record.load(id, dataToLoad);
findAll: function(klass, records) {
var url = this.buildURL(klass),
self = this;
return this.fayeRequest(url).then(function(data) {
self.didFindAll(klass, records, data);
return records;
didFindAll: function(klass, records, data) {
var collectionKey = get(klass, 'collectionKey'),
dataToLoad = collectionKey ? get(data, collectionKey) : data;
records.load(klass, dataToLoad);
findQuery: function(klass, records, params) {
var url = this.buildURL(klass),
self = this;
return this.fayeRequest(url, params).then(function(data) {
self.didFindQuery(klass, records, params, data);
return records;
didFindQuery: function(klass, records, params, data) {
var collectionKey = get(klass, 'collectionKey'),
dataToLoad = collectionKey ? get(data, collectionKey) : data;
records.load(klass, dataToLoad);
createRecord: function(record) {
var url = this.buildURL(record.constructor),
self = this;
return this.fayeRequest(url, {'action': 'POST', 'record': record.toJSON()}).then(
function(data) {
self.didCreateRecord(record, data);
return record;
didCreateRecord: function(record, data) {
var rootKey = get(record.constructor, 'rootKey'),
primaryKey = get(record.constructor, 'primaryKey'),
dataToLoad = rootKey ? get(data, rootKey) : data;
record.load(dataToLoad[primaryKey], dataToLoad);
saveRecord: function(record) {
var primaryKey = get(record.constructor, 'primaryKey'),
url = this.buildURL(record.constructor, get(record, primaryKey)),
self = this;
return this.fayeRequest(url, {'action': 'PUT', 'record': record.toJSON()}).then(
function(data) { // TODO: Some APIs may or may not return data
self.didSaveRecord(record, data);
return record;
didSaveRecord: function(record, data) {
deleteRecord: function(record) {
var primaryKey = get(record.constructor, 'primaryKey'),
url = this.buildURL(record.constructor, get(record, primaryKey)),
self = this;
return this.fayeRequest(url, {'action': 'DELETE', 'record': record.toJSON()}).then(
function(data) { // TODO: Some APIs may or may not return data
self.didDeleteRecord(record, data);
didDeleteRecord: function(record, data) {
fayeRequest: function(url, data) {
var faye = get('faye');
return new Ember.RSVP.Promise(function(resolve, reject) {
var promiseId = new Date().getTime() + Math.random();
var promiseSubscription = faye.subscribe(
'/clients/' + faye.client + '/' + promiseId,
function(message) {"Got promise resolution!");
if( == 200) {
} else {
reject(new Error("Faye request failed with status " + + '; response was ' +;
faye.publish(url, data, {promise: promiseId});
buildURL: function(klass, id) {
var urlRoot = '/' + get(klass, 'url');
var urlSuffix = get(klass, 'urlSuffix') || '';
if (!urlRoot) { throw new Error('Ember.FayeAdapter requires a `url` property to be specified'); }
if (!Ember.isEmpty(id)) {
return urlRoot + "/" + id + urlSuffix;
} else {
return urlRoot + urlSuffix;
// based on
App.Faye = Ember.Object.extend({
init: function() {
var _this = this;
this.service = new Faye.Client('http://localhost:9292/faye');
// TODO: review and come up with a better solution
this.client = 'web';
this.service.on('transport:down', function() {
// the client is offline
console.log('Server connection is down');
this.service.on('transport:up', function() {
// the client is online
console.log('Server connection is up');
this.service.subscribe('/clients/' + this.client, function(message) { console.warn("Got personal message!"); });
incoming: function(message, callback) {'faye-in: ', message);
if( && && {"Got event!");
router = _this.get("container").lookup("router:main");
try {
} catch (e) {
unhandled = e.message.match(/Nothing handled the event/);
if (!unhandled) { throw e };
outgoing: function(message, callback) {"faye-out:", message);
subscribe: function(channel, handler) {
return this.service.subscribe(channel, handler);
publish: function(channel, message, meta) {
meta = meta != undefined ? meta : {};
var payload = $.extend(meta, {
client: this.client,
data: message
return this.service.publish(channel, payload);
faye: null
name: "faye",
before: "store",
initialize: function(container, application) {
// use the same instance of Faye everywhere in the app
container.optionsForType('faye', { singleton: true });
// register 'faye:main' as our Faye object
container.register('faye:main', application.Faye);
// inject the Faye object into all controllers and routes
container.typeInjection('controller', 'faye', 'faye:main');
container.typeInjection('route', 'faye', 'faye:main');
application.inject('adapter', 'faye', 'faye:main');
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What is records in "didFindAll: function(klass, records, data)"?

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