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Created March 24, 2020 23:51
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Telegram bot made with Telethon that sends a message to all members of a specified group
from telethon.sync import TelegramClient
import asyncio
from os import path
# Logging configuration
def login(phone, api_id, api_hash):
global client
client = TelegramClient(phone, int(api_id), api_hash)
if not client.is_user_authorized(): # If further authentication is needed via text
print('Further authentication required in order to log in, a code has been sent to the phone number.')
client.sign_in(phone, input('Enter the code: '))
print(f"Logged in as {client.get_me().username}!")
async def get_users(group):
user_list = await client.get_participants(group)
users = [user.username for user in user_list if user.username is not None]
with open(input('Output file: '), 'w+') as f:
for user in users:
print(f"{len(user_list)} users exported to {}!")
async def send_messages(message, users):
for user in users:
await client.send_message(user, message)
print(f"Message sent to {user}.")
def save_credentials(*args):
print('Saving credentials...')
with open('creds.txt', 'w+') as f:
for arg in args:
def read_credentials():
print('Reading credentials...')
with open('creds.txt', 'r') as f:
return [line for line in'\n') if line is not '']
def load_users():
with open('users.txt', 'r') as f:
def main():
# Check if credentials are saved, otherwise get them from the user
if path.exists('creds.txt'):
credentials = read_credentials()
# Needed for login authentication
print('Find these at under API Development tools.')
input('Phone # (EX: +11234560000): '),
input('api_id (EX: 101340): '),
input('api_hash (EX: ca123req3410fdls343207cc743): ')
credentials = read_credentials()
# Async routines
loop = asyncio.get_event_loop()
loop.run_until_complete(get_users(input('Group name: ')))
loop.run_until_complete(send_messages(input('Message: '), load_users()))
if __name__ == '__main__':
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