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Created May 19, 2014 09:46
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"Given a set of :add operations followed by a final :read, verifies that
every successfully added element is present in the read, and that the read
contains only elements for which an add was attempted."
(reify Checker
(check [this test model history]
(let [attempts (->> history
(r/filter knossos/invoke?)
(r/filter #(= :add (:f %)))
(r/map :value)
(into #{}))
adds (->> history
(r/filter knossos/ok?)
(r/filter #(= :add (:f %)))
(r/map :value)
(into #{}))
final-read (->> history
(r/filter knossos/ok?)
(r/filter #(= :read (:f %)))
(r/map :value)
(reduce (fn [_ x] x) nil))]
(if-not final-read
{:valid? false
:error "Set was never read"})
(let [; The OK set is every read value which we tried to add
ok (set/intersection final-read attempts)
; Unexpected records are those we *never* attempted.
unexpected (set/difference final-read attempts)
; Lost records are those we definitely added but weren't read
lost (set/difference adds final-read)
; Recovered records are those where we didn't know if the add
; succeeded or not, but we found them in the final set.
recovered (set/difference ok adds)]
{:valid? (and (empty? lost) (empty? unexpected))
:ok (util/integer-interval-set-str ok)
:lost (util/integer-interval-set-str lost)
:unexpected (util/integer-interval-set-str unexpected)
:recovered (util/integer-interval-set-str recovered)
:ok-frac (util/fraction (count ok) (count attempts))
:unexpected-frac (util/fraction (count unexpected) (count attempts))
:lost-frac (util/fraction (count lost) (count attempts))
:recovered-frac (util/fraction (count recovered) (count attempts))})))))
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