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Last active August 29, 2015 13:56
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(ns payments.exceptions.http
(:require [ :as json]
[payments.utils :refer [log-stack-trace]])
(:use [payments.macros :only [validate-bindings gen-record
[slingshot.slingshot :only [throw+ try+]]))
(defmacro gen-http-exception-middleware [name status]
(let [fnname (symbol (str name "-middleware"))
ex (symbol (str name "-exception"))
catcher '{message :message}
error-body '{:error message}]
`(defn ~fnname [app#]
(fn [req#]
(app# req#)
(catch ~ex ~catcher
{:status ~status :body ~error-body}))))))
(defmacro gen-http-exception-thrower [name]
(let [ename (symbol (str name "-exception."))
symb (gensym)
message [symb]]
`(defn ~name ~message
(throw+ (~ename ~symb)))))
(defn gen-bodies [[name status]]
(gen-record ~name "-exception")
(gen-http-exception-thrower ~name)
(gen-http-exception-middleware ~name ~status)))
(defn gen-catch [[name status]]
(let [error-body '{:error err}
ex (symbol (str name "-exception"))
letb '[message]
err-obj 'err-obj]
`(~ex {:status ~status :body {:error (str (.message ~err-obj))}})))
(defmacro defhttpexceptions [middlware-name bindings]
(validate-bindings bindings)
(let [bindings (partition 2 bindings)
err 'e
err-obj 'err-obj]
`(do ~@(map gen-bodies bindings)
(defn ~middlware-name [app#]
(fn [req#]
(app# req#)
(catch clojure.lang.ExceptionInfo ~err
(let [~err-obj ((.getData ~err) :object)]
(condp instance? ~err-obj
~@(flatten (map gen-catch bindings))
(throw ~err)))))))))))
(defhttpexceptions all-http-exceptions-middleware
;; This macro enables us to generate boilerplate required for:
;; * A type which is throwable containing additional information.
;; * A helper method which throws said type.
;; * Middleware which can be used in `defroutes' to catch said functions
;; and interpolate the values into the response.
;; Example:
;; => (defhttpexceptions
;; [not-found 404])
;; ;; Generates
;; (do
;; (defrecord not-found-exception [message])
;; (defn not-found [message]
;; (throw+ (not-found-exception. message)))
;; (defn not-found-middleware [app]
;; (fn [req]
;; (try+
;; (app req)
;; (catch not-found-exception {message :message}
;; {:status 404 :body {:error message}})))))
;; This way we can do:
;; (-> routes
;; not-found-middleware)
;; (def a-handler [req]
;; (not-found "Some resource was not available"))
;; And have the middleware return a HTTP response such as:
;; HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found
;; Content-Type: application/json
;; {"error": "Some resource was not available"}
[bad-request 400
unauthorised 401
payment-required 402
forbidden 403
not-found 404
method-not-allowed 405
not-acceptable 406
proxy-authentication-required 407
request-timeout 408
conflict 409
gone 410
length-required 411
precondition-failed 412
payload-too-large 413
uri-too-long 414
unsupported-media-type 415
range-not-satisfiable 416
expectation-failed 417
unprocessable-entity 422
locked 423
failed-dependency 424
upgrade-required 426
precondition-required 428
too-many-requests 429
request-header-fields-too-large 431
internal-server-error 500
not-implemented 501
bad-gateway 502
service-unavailable 503
gateway-time-out 504
http-version-not-supported 505
insufficient-storage 507
network-authentication-required 511])
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