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Created October 3, 2021 02:58
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no web worker ffmpeg
# !/bin/bash -x
set -e -o pipefail
# verify Emscripten version
emcc -v
# configure FFMpeg with Emscripten
--target-os=none # use none to prevent any os specific configurations
--arch=x86_32 # use x86_32 to achieve minimal architectural optimization
--enable-cross-compile # enable cross compile
--disable-x86asm # disable x86 asm
--disable-inline-asm # disable inline asm
--disable-stripping # disable stripping
--disable-programs # disable programs build (incl. ffplay, ffprobe & ffmpeg)
--disable-doc # disable doc
# 去掉不需要的组件
# 解封装,编解码等
--disable-everything # 减少wasm体积的关键,除了以下的组件外的个别组件都disable
--enable-demuxer=mov # mov,mp4,m4a,3gp,3g2,mj2
emconfigure ./configure "${CONFIG_ARGS[@]}"
# build dependencies
emmake make -j4
# build ffmpeg.wasm
mkdir -p wasm/dist
-I. -I./fftools # Add directory to include search path
-Llibavcodec -Llibavdevice -Llibavfilter -Llibavformat -Llibavresample -Llibavutil -Llibpostproc -Llibswscale -Llibswresample # Add directory to library search path
-Qunused-arguments # Don't emit warning for unused driver arguments.
-o wasm/dist/ffmpeg-core.js fftools/ffmpeg_opt.c fftools/ffmpeg_filter.c fftools/ffmpeg_hw.c fftools/cmdutils.c fftools/ffmpeg.c # output
-lavdevice -lavfilter -lavformat -lavcodec -lswresample -lswscale -lavutil -lm # library
-s USE_SDL=2 # use SDL2
-s MODULARIZE=1 # use modularized version to be more flexible
-s EXPORT_NAME="createFFmpegCore" # assign export name for browser
# -s PROXY_TO_WORKER=1 # uses a plain Web Worker to run your main program
# -s ENVIRONMENT='web,worker'
-s EXPORTED_FUNCTIONS="[_main]" # export main and proxy_main funcs
-s EXTRA_EXPORTED_RUNTIME_METHODS="[FS, cwrap, ccall, setValue, writeAsciiToMemory]" # export extra runtime methods
-s INITIAL_MEMORY=33554432 # 33554432 bytes = 32MB
-s ALLOW_MEMORY_GROWTH=1 # allows the total amount of memory used to change depending on the demands of the application
--post-js wasm/post-js.js # emits a file after the emitted code. use to expose exit function
-O3 # optimize code and reduce code size
emcc "${ARGS[@]}"
const { defaultArgs, baseOptions } = require('./config');
const { setLogging, setCustomLogger, log } = require('./utils/log');
const parseProgress = require('./utils/parseProgress');
const parseArgs = require('./utils/parseArgs');
const { defaultOptions, getCreateFFmpegCore } = require('./node');
const { version } = require('../package.json');
const NO_LOAD = Error('ffmpeg.wasm is not ready, make sure you have completed load().');
module.exports = (_options = {}) => {
const {
log: logging,
progress: optProgress,
} = {
let Core = null;
let ffmpeg = null;
let runResolve = null;
let running = false;
let progress = optProgress;
const detectCompletion = (message) => {
if (message === 'FFMPEG_END' && runResolve !== null) {
runResolve = null;
running = false;
const parseMessage = ({ type, message }) => {
log(type, message);
parseProgress(message, progress);
* Load ffmpeg.wasm-core script.
* In browser environment, the ffmpeg.wasm-core script is fetch from
* CDN and can be assign to a local path by assigning `corePath`.
* In node environment, we use dynamic require and the default `corePath`
* is `$ffmpeg/core`.
* Typically the load() func might take few seconds to minutes to complete,
* better to do it as early as possible.
const load = async () => {
log('info', 'load ffmpeg-core');
if (Core === null) {
log('info', 'loading ffmpeg-core');
* In node environment, all paths are undefined as there
* is no need to set them.
const {
} = await getCreateFFmpegCore(options);
Core = await createFFmpegCore({
* Assign mainScriptUrlOrBlob fixes chrome extension web worker issue
* as there is no document.currentScript in the context of content_scripts
mainScriptUrlOrBlob: corePath,
printErr: (message) => parseMessage({ type: 'fferr', message }),
print: (message) => parseMessage({ type: 'ffout', message }),
* locateFile overrides paths of files that is loaded by main script (ffmpeg-core.js).
* It is critical for browser environment and we override both wasm and worker paths
* as we are using blob URL instead of original URL to avoid cross origin issues.
locateFile: (path, prefix) => {
if (typeof window !== 'undefined') {
if (typeof wasmPath !== 'undefined'
&& path.endsWith('ffmpeg-core.wasm')) {
return wasmPath;
if (typeof workerPath !== 'undefined'
&& path.endsWith('ffmpeg-core.worker.js')) {
return workerPath;
return prefix + path;
ffmpeg = Core.cwrap('main', 'number', ['number', 'number']);
log('info', 'ffmpeg-core loaded');
} else {
throw Error('ffmpeg.wasm was loaded, you should not load it again, use ffmpeg.isLoaded() to check next time.');
* Determine whether the Core is loaded.
const isLoaded = () => Core !== null;
* Run ffmpeg command.
* This is the major function in ffmpeg.wasm, you can just imagine it
* as ffmpeg native cli and what you need to pass is the same.
* For example, you can convert native command below:
* ```
* $ ffmpeg -i video.avi -c:v libx264 video.mp4
* ```
* To
* ```
* await'-i', 'video.avi', '-c:v', 'libx264', 'video.mp4');
* ```
const run = (..._args) => {
log('info', `run ffmpeg command: ${_args.join(' ')}`);
if (Core === null) {
throw NO_LOAD;
} else if (running) {
throw Error('ffmpeg.wasm can only run one command at a time');
} else {
running = true;
return new Promise((resolve) => {
const args = [...defaultArgs, ..._args].filter((s) => s.length !== 0);
runResolve = resolve;
ffmpeg(...parseArgs(Core, args));
* Run FS operations.
* For input/output file of ffmpeg.wasm, it is required to save them to MEMFS
* first so that ffmpeg.wasm is able to consume them. Here we rely on the FS
* methods provided by Emscripten.
* Common methods to use are:
* ffmpeg.FS('writeFile', 'video.avi', new Uint8Array(...)): writeFile writes
* data to MEMFS. You need to use Uint8Array for binary data.
* ffmpeg.FS('readFile', 'video.mp4'): readFile from MEMFS.
* ffmpeg.FS('unlink', ''): delete file from MEMFS.
* For more info, check
const FS = (method, ...args) => {
log('info', `run FS.${method} ${ => (typeof arg === 'string' ? arg : `<${arg.length} bytes binary file>`)).join(' ')}`);
if (Core === null) {
throw NO_LOAD;
} else {
let ret = null;
try {
ret = Core.FS[method](...args);
} catch (e) {
if (method === 'readdir') {
throw Error(`ffmpeg.FS('readdir', '${args[0]}') error. Check if the path exists, ex: ffmpeg.FS('readdir', '/')`);
} else if (method === 'readFile') {
throw Error(`ffmpeg.FS('readFile', '${args[0]}') error. Check if the path exists`);
} else {
throw Error('Oops, something went wrong in FS operation.');
return ret;
* forcibly terminate the ffmpeg program.
const exit = () => {
if (Core === null) {
throw NO_LOAD;
} else {
running = false;
Core = null;
ffmpeg = null;
runResolve = null;
const setProgress = (_progress) => {
progress = _progress;
const setLogger = (_logger) => {
log('info', `use ffmpeg.wasm v${version}`);
return {
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