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Created March 28, 2023 07:24
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Save Aervyon/7381d4e3b52fa9956910fbd62c06d6d2 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
This is the potential new way Folderr loads API endpoints by loading every version nearly at once.
// `` is `Fastify`,
// `this.logger` is a modified `pino` logger,
// `Path` is a custom class currently used by Folderr. Might be abandoned in the future in favor of functional programming.
// this is an excerp from Folderr backend/core.ts
findPaths(dir: string): Array<Promise<{default: typeof Path}>> {
if (!require.main?.path) {
return [];
const paths: Array<Promise<{default: typeof Path}>> = [];
const apiitems = fs.readdirSync(dir);
for (const apiordir of apiitems) {
if (apiordir.startsWith('index')) continue;
if (apiordir.includes('.')) {
join(dir, apiordir)
) as Promise<{default: typeof Path}>
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-unsafe-argument
paths.push(...this.findPaths(join(dir, apiordir)));
return paths;
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/naming-convention
async initAPI(): Promise<void> {
let count = 0;
if (require.main?.path) {
const dir = fs.readdirSync(join(require.main?.path, 'Paths/API'));
const paths:
Array<{version: string, paths: Array<Promise<{default: typeof Path}>>}> = [];
for (const item of dir) {
if (!item.startsWith('V')) continue; // skip folders, they start with `V` here
const output = this.findPaths(join(require.main.path, `Paths/API/${item}`));
paths.push({version: item, paths: output});
paths.forEach(async value => {
const actpaths = await Promise.all(value.paths);
await, _options, done) => {
for (const pathimport of actpaths) {
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/naming-convention
const Endpoint = pathimport.default;
const endpoint = new Endpoint(this);
if (!endpoint.enabled) continue;
const {label} = endpoint;
this.internalInitPath(endpoint, instance);
`Loaded ${label}` +
` ${value.version} with method ${endpoint.type}`
this.logger.startup(`Loaded ${count} API Paths (${value.version})`);
}, {
prefix: '/api/'
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