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Last active February 12, 2020 09:44

Solving the mystery from

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Crime scene report

SELECT * FROM crime_scene_report WHERE date = "20180115" AND city = "SQL City"

date crime description city
20180115 murder Security footage shows that there were 2 witnesses. The first witness lives at the last house on "Northwestern Dr". The second witness, named Annabel, lives somewhere on "Franklin Ave". SQL City



SELECT * FROM person WHERE name LIKE "Annabel %"

id name license_id address_number address_street_name ssn
16371 Annabel Miller 490173 103 Franklin Ave 318771143

SELECT * FROM interview WHERE person_id = "16371"

person_id transcript
16371 I saw the murder happen, and I recognized the killer from my gym when I was working out last week on January the 9th.


SELECT * FROM person WHERE address_street_name = "Northwestern Dr" ORDER BY address_number DESC

id name license_id address_number address_street_name ssn
14887 Morty Schapiro 118009 4919 Northwestern Dr 111564949

SELECT * FROM interview WHERE person_id = "14887"

person_id transcript
14887 I heard a gunshot and then saw a man run out. He had a "Get Fit Now Gym" bag. The membership number on the bag started with "48Z". Only gold members have those bags. The man got into a car with a plate that included "H42W".

Info from witness statements

  • Gold member of Get Fit Now
  • Get Fit Now membership number starts with 48Z
  • License plate includes H42W
  • Was at the gym on 9 January 2018
  • Victim was shot


48Z, Gold membership, was at gym

FROM get_fit_now_check_in, get_fit_now_member
WHERE get_fit_now_check_in.membership_id =
AND check_in_date = '20180109'
AND LIKE '48Z%'              
AND get_fit_now_member.membership_status = 'gold'
membership_id check_in_date check_in_time check_out_time id person_id name membership_start_date membership_status
48Z7A 20180109 1600 1730 48Z7A 28819 Joe Germuska 20160305 gold
48Z55 20180109 1530 1700 48Z55 67318 Jeremy Bowers 20160101 gold

License plate

FROM drivers_license, person
WHERE person.license_id =
AND drivers_license.plate_number LIKE '%H42W%'
id age height eye_color hair_color gender plate_number car_make car_model id name license_id address_number address_street_name ssn
664760 21 71 black black male 4H42WR Nissan Altima 51739 Tushar Chandra 664760 312 Phi St 137882671
423327 30 70 brown brown male 0H42W2 Chevrolet Spark LS 67318 Jeremy Bowers 423327 530 Washington Pl, Apt 3A 871539279
183779 21 65 blue blonde female H42W0X Toyota Prius 78193 Maxine Whitely 183779 110 Fisk Rd 137882671

In summary

Suspect Gold member Gym number License plate Was at gym
Joe Germuska X X X
Jeremy Bowers X X X X
Tushar Chandra X
Maxine Whitely X

The plot thickens!

SELECT * FROM interview WHERE person_id="67318"

person_id transcript
67318 I was hired by a woman with a lot of money. I don't know her name but I know she's around 5'5" (65") or 5'7" (67"). She has red hair and she drives a Tesla Model S. I know that she attended the SQL Symphony Concert 3 times in December 2017.
SELECT,, person.license_id,, 
	facebook_event_checkin.person_id, facebook_event_checkin.event_name
FROM person, drivers_license, facebook_event_checkin
WHERE = person.license_id
AND facebook_event_checkin.person_id =
AND drivers_license.hair_color = 'red'
AND drivers_license.car_make = 'Tesla'
AND drivers_license.car_model = 'Model S'
AND drivers_license.gender = 'female'
AND facebook_event_checkin.event_name = 'SQL Symphony Concert'
id name license_id id person_id event_name
99716 Miranda Priestly 202298 202298 99716 SQL Symphony Concert
99716 Miranda Priestly 202298 202298 99716 SQL Symphony Concert
99716 Miranda Priestly 202298 202298 99716 SQL Symphony Concert
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