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Last active January 21, 2024 07:06
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Basic outline to act as guide while writing test for model and forms, to be updated with views as well.

Form Tests:

  1. Empty Form:

    • Test an empty form to ensure it is invalid.
    • Verify that the form errors match the expected errors for required fields.
  2. Form with Invalid Data:

    • Test the form with intentionally invalid data.
    • Check that the form is marked as invalid and contains appropriate error messages.
  3. Form with Valid Data:

    • Test the form with valid data.
    • Ensure that the form is marked as valid.
  4. Form with Instance:

    • Test a form populated with an instance's data.
    • Verify that the form is initialized correctly with the instance data.
  5. Saving Form to Create Instance:

    • Test saving the form to create a new instance.
    • Confirm that the instance is created with the expected data.
  6. Form Widget Customization:

    • Test that widget attributes (e.g., CSS classes, placeholders) are applied correctly.
    • Check that widget customization does not interfere with form functionality.
  7. Form Widget Rendering:

    • Test that widgets are rendered as expected in the HTML form.
    • Verify that widget rendering aligns with your design expectations.
  8. Form Model Relationship:

    • If the form has a model relationship, test that it is correctly associated.
    • Check that the form works well with related models.
  9. Form Clean Method:

    • Test the clean method for the form.
    • Verify that custom validation in the clean method behaves as expected.
  10. Custom Field Testing:

    • If your form has custom fields, ensure they are validated correctly.
    • Test the behavior of custom widget attributes if applicable.

Model Tests:

  1. Instance Getting Created:

    • Test the creation of model instances.
    • Verify that instances are saved to the database as expected.
  2. Test __str__ Method:

    • Check that the __str__ method returns a meaningful string representation.
    • Test that the string representation is as expected.
  3. Test Automatic Fields (e.g., Created):

    • Verify that automatic fields (e.g., created_at, modified_at) are populated correctly.
    • Check that the automatic fields are updated appropriately during modifications.
  4. Test Unique Constraints:

    • Test the enforcement of unique constraints on fields.
    • Verify that trying to create instances with duplicate unique fields results in the expected behavior.
  5. Custom Fields Testing:

    • If your model has custom fields, ensure they are validated correctly.
    • Test any custom methods defined on the model.
  6. Testing Model Methods:

    • If you have custom methods in your model, test them for correctness.
    • Ensure that methods involving calculations or data processing behave as expected.
  7. Testing Model Manager:

    • Test the default manager's behavior.
    • If you have custom managers, ensure they work as intended.
  8. Database Integrity:

    • Ensure that the model enforces data integrity rules.
    • Test the behavior of constraints like unique, null, and default.
  9. Testing Signals (if applicable):

    • If you have signals connected to your model, test their behavior.
    • Verify that signals respond correctly to various model events.
  10. Data Migration Testing:

    • If you use Django migrations, test the migration process.
    • Ensure that existing data is migrated correctly when you make changes to your models.

View Tests:

  1. HTTP Status Codes:

    • Test that the view returns the correct HTTP status codes for different scenarios (e.g., 200 OK, 302 Redirect, 404 Not Found).
    • Check the status code when handling form submissions with invalid data.
  2. Template Rendering:

    • Test that the correct templates are being rendered.
    • Verify that the template includes the expected content.
    • Check the rendering of dynamic data within the templates.
  3. Context Data:

    • Ensure that the view passes the required data to the template context.
    • Test context data for different scenarios (e.g., authenticated user, user without permissions).
  4. URL Routing:

    • Verify that the URLs are correctly mapped to the respective views.
    • Test the behavior of URL parameters if applicable.
    • Check for proper handling of optional and required URL parameters.
  5. Authentication and Authorization:

    • Test views requiring authentication for proper redirection or login page display.
    • Check access control for views requiring specific permissions.
    • Test views with both authenticated and unauthenticated users.
  6. Form Handling:

    • Test the submission of forms associated with the view.
    • Check how the view handles invalid form submissions.
    • Test views with multiple forms if applicable.
  7. AJAX and API Views (if applicable):

    • Test API views for correct handling of requests and responses.
    • Verify proper handling of AJAX requests.
    • Check for the presence of appropriate headers in API responses.
  8. Security:

    • Ensure that the view guards against common security vulnerabilities (e.g., CSRF protection).
    • Test views with sensitive data to ensure proper access control.
  9. Session and Cookies:

    • Test views that interact with session data.
    • Check for the presence and content of cookies if applicable.
  10. Redirects:

    • Test views that perform redirects.
    • Verify that the redirect URL is constructed correctly.
  11. Query Parameters:

    • Test views that rely on query parameters.
    • Check how the view handles various combinations of query parameters.
  12. Caching:

    • Test views that use caching.
    • Verify that the caching behavior is as expected.
  13. Exception Handling:

    • Test views for proper exception handling.
    • Check how the view responds to different types of exceptions.
  14. Pagination (if applicable):

    • Test views that implement pagination.
    • Verify that the correct subset of data is displayed.
  15. Internationalization and Localization:

    • Test views with different languages and locales.
    • Ensure that translations are applied correctly.
  16. Third-Party Integrations (if applicable):

    • Test views that interact with third-party APIs or libraries.
    • Verify that error handling is robust for external dependencies.
  17. Performance:

    • Conduct performance testing on critical views.
    • Identify and optimize any performance bottlenecks.
  18. User Experience:

    • Check the user experience during different interactions with the view.
    • Verify that error messages provide meaningful feedback.
  19. Edge Cases:

    • Test views with edge cases and boundary conditions.
    • Verify that the view behaves correctly in exceptional scenarios.
  20. Testing URLs with Custom Query Parameters:

    • Test views that accept custom query parameters in the URL.
    • Verify that the view processes and responds to custom query parameters appropriately.
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