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Created January 25, 2015 03:11
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Save Afforess/0082d8c16552d576d413 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
int select_ai_difficulty();
char* rand_dictionary_word();
char* select_dict_word(char* command, int num);
int count_dict(char* word, int exact);
void error_exit(char* msg);
char* generate_scrambled_word(int difficulty, char** original_word);
void execute_turn(int turn_num, int difficulty, int* player_score, int* ai_score);
char* validate_input_word(char* letters);
int main(int argc, char** argv)
int diff, i;
diff = select_ai_difficulty();
int player_score, ai_score;
player_score = ai_score = 0;
for (i = 1; i <= 5; i++)
execute_turn(i, diff, &player_score, &ai_score);
if (player_score > ai_score)
printf("\n\nPlayer Wins (%d vs %d)!\n", player_score, ai_score);
else if (ai_score > player_score)
printf("\n\nAI Wins (%d vs %d)!\n", player_score, ai_score);
printf("\n\nTie, no winner (%d vs %d)!\n", player_score, ai_score);
void execute_turn(int turn_num, int difficulty, int* player_score, int* ai_score)
char* ai_word;
char* scrambled_word;
char* input_word;
int i, points;
printf("\nTurn %d -- Points You: %d, Computer: %d\n", turn_num, *player_score , *ai_score);
printf("Your letters: ");
scrambled_word = generate_scrambled_word(difficulty, &ai_word);
for (i = 0; i < strlen(scrambled_word); i++)
printf("%c ", scrambled_word[i]);
printf("\nYour word: ");
input_word = validate_input_word(scrambled_word);
if (input_word == NULL)
printf("You can not spell that with your letters, try again\n");
if (count_dict(input_word, 1) <= 0)
printf("That word is not in the dictionary, try again\n");
input_word = NULL;
while(input_word == NULL);
printf("Valid word! Open Fire!!!!\n");
printf("AI selects \"%s\"\n", ai_word);
if (strlen(input_word) > strlen(ai_word))
points = (strlen(input_word) - strlen(ai_word));
printf("%s vs %s -- You win!\n", input_word, ai_word);
printf("You had %d letters left over - you score %d points\n", points, points);
printf("AI had 0 letters left over - AI score 0 points\n");
*player_score += points;
else if (strlen(input_word) < strlen(ai_word))
points = (strlen(ai_word) - strlen(input_word));
printf("%s vs %s -- Computer wins!\n", input_word, ai_word);
printf("You had 0 letters left over - you score 0 points\n");
printf("AI had %d letters left over - AI score %d points\n", points, points);
*ai_score += points;
printf("%s vs %s -- Tie!\n", input_word, ai_word);
char* validate_input_word(char* letters)
int count, i, j, len;
char* buf;
buf = malloc(sizeof(char) * 255);
if (buf == NULL)
error_exit("Unable to allocate memory");
if (fgets(buf, 255, stdin) == NULL)
error_exit("Unable to read from stdin");
len = strlen(buf);
for (i = 0; i < len - 1; i++)
count = 0;
for (j = 0; j < strlen(letters); j++)
if (buf[i] == letters[j])
for (j = 0; j < len - 1; j++)
if (buf[i] == buf[j])
if (count < 0)
return NULL;
buf[len - 1] = '\0';
return buf;
char* generate_scrambled_word(int difficulty, char** original_word)
char* dict_word;
char* scrambled_letters;
int i, dict_len, total_len, min_len, to, from;
char temp;
min_len = difficulty * 3;
dict_word = rand_dictionary_word();
dict_len = strlen(dict_word);
if (dict_len >= min_len)
total_len = dict_len - 1 + 8 / difficulty; // -1 removes newline char
scrambled_letters = malloc(sizeof(char) * (total_len + 1)); // +1 for NULL terminator
if (scrambled_letters == NULL)
error_exit("Unable to allocate memory");
memcpy(scrambled_letters, dict_word, dict_len);
for (i = dict_len; i < total_len; i++)
scrambled_letters[i] = (char)(97 + rand() % 26);
for (i = 0; i < 1000; i++)
from = rand() % total_len;
to = rand() % total_len;
temp = scrambled_letters[to];
scrambled_letters[to] = scrambled_letters[from];
scrambled_letters[from] = temp;
scrambled_letters[total_len] = '\0';
*original_word = dict_word;
return scrambled_letters;
char* rand_dictionary_word() {
int count, i, j, rand_num;
char search_buf[50];
char command_buf[255];
char* word;
memset(&search_buf, '\0', 50);
srand ( time(NULL) );
for (i = 0; i < 50; i++)
rand_num = rand() % 26;
search_buf[i] = (char)(97 + rand_num);
count = count_dict(search_buf, 0);
if (count < 100 && count > 0)
if (sprintf(command_buf, "grep \"%s\" /usr/share/dict/words", search_buf) < 0)
error_exit("Unable to format command");
word = select_dict_word(command_buf, rand() % count);
for (j = 0; j < strlen(word); j++)
if (word[j] < 97 || word[j] > 122)
search_buf[i] = '\0';
word = NULL;
if (word != NULL)
return word;
else if (count <= 0)
search_buf[i] = '\0';
error_exit("Unable to find dictionary word");
char* select_dict_word(char* command, int num)
int count;
FILE* input;
char* buf;
buf = malloc(sizeof(char) * 255);
if (buf == NULL)
error_exit("Unable to allocate buffer");
count = 0;
input = popen(command, "r");
if (input == NULL)
error_exit("Unable to execute shell command");
while (fgets(buf, 255, input) != NULL)
if (count == num)
if (pclose(input) < 0)
error_exit("Error closing shell input");
buf[strlen(buf) - 1] = '\0'; //trim newline
return buf;
int count_dict(char* word, int exact)
int size;
FILE* input;
char buf[255];
char command_buf[255];
if (sprintf(command_buf, (exact != 0 ? "grep -Fxo \"%s\" /usr/share/dict/words | wc -l" : "grep -o \"%s\" /usr/share/dict/words | wc -l"), word) < 0)
error_exit("Unable to format command");
input = popen(command_buf, "r");
if (input == NULL)
error_exit("Unable to execute shell command");
if (fgets(buf, 255, input) == NULL)
error_exit("Unable to read shell command output");
size = atoi(buf);
if (pclose(input) < 0)
error_exit("Error closing shell input");
return size;
int select_ai_difficulty()
char input[3];
int diff;
printf("Welcome to Words with Enemies!\n");
printf("Select an AI difficulty\n");
printf("1 - Easy\n");
printf("2 - Hard\n");
if (fgets(input, 3, stdin) == NULL)
error_exit("Unable to read input");
diff = input[0] - 48;
printf("Chosen Difficulty: %s (%d)\n", (diff == 1 ? "Easy" : "Hard"), diff);
return diff;
void error_exit(char* msg)
printf("Unhandled Error: %s\n", msg);
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