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Created October 30, 2012 16:26
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Random name generator
import java.util.Random;
public class Main {
public static void main(String[] args) {
System.out.println(getRandomName(new Random(), 10));
//Returns vowels based on the most common letters and the frequency that they occur
public static char getRandomVowel(Random rand) {
int r = rand.nextInt(38100);
if (r < 8167) return 'a';
if (r < 20869) return 'e';
if (r < 27835) return 'i';
if (r < 35342) return 'o';
return 'u';
public static char getRandomConsonant(Random rand) {
int r = rand.nextInt(34550);
r += rand.nextInt(34550);
if (r < 1492) return 'b';
if (r < 4274) return 'c';
if (r < 8527) return 'd';
if (r < 10755) return 'f';
if (r < 12770) return 'g';
if (r < 18864) return 'h';
if (r < 19017) return 'j';
if (r < 19789) return 'k';
if (r < 23814) return 'l';
if (r < 26220) return 'm';
if (r < 32969) return 'n';
if (r < 34898) return 'p';
if (r < 34993) return 'q';
if (r < 40980) return 'r';
if (r < 47307) return 's';
if (r < 56363) return 't';
if (r < 57341) return 'v';
if (r < 59701) return 'w';
if (r < 59851) return 'x';
if (r < 61825) return 'y';
return 'z';
public static String generateRandomWord(Random rand, int maxLength) {
StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder();
char nextLetter;
int length = Math.max(4, rand.nextInt(maxLength));
for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) {
int r = rand.nextInt(1000);
if (r < 381) {
nextLetter = getRandomVowel(rand);
} else {
nextLetter = getRandomConsonant(rand);
if (i == 0) {
nextLetter = Character.toUpperCase(nextLetter);
return builder.toString();
public static boolean isValidName(String name) {
int consonantCount = 0;
int vowelCount = 0;
int vowelStreak = 0;
int consonantStreak = 0;
name = name.toLowerCase();
for (int i = 0; i < name.length(); i++) {
char ch = name.charAt(i);
if (ch == 'a' || ch == 'e' || ch == 'i' || ch == 'o' || ch == 'u') {
consonantStreak = 0;
} else {
vowelStreak = 0;
if (consonantStreak > 3 || vowelStreak > 4) {
return false;
//More than 75% of the word is vowels
if ((vowelCount * 100 / Math.max(1, vowelCount + consonantCount)) >= 75) {
return false;
//More than 70% of the word is consonants
if ((consonantCount * 100 / Math.max(1, vowelCount + consonantCount)) >= 70) {
return false;
return true;
public static String getRandomName(Random rand, int maxLength) {
String randomName = "";
int tries = 3;
maxLength = Math.max(4, maxLength);
while(tries > 0) {
String name = generateRandomWord(rand, maxLength);
if (isValidName(name)) {
//first word is always valid
if (randomName.length() == 0) {
randomName = name;
} else {
int newLength = randomName.length() + name.length();
if (newLength <= maxLength) {
randomName += " " + name;
} else {
return randomName;
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