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Last active June 28, 2020 02:41
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Fixes for the Wanikani Breeze Dark theme
/* ==UserStyle==
@name Wanikani Breeze Dark (Fixes)
@version 1.0.3
@description Fixes for the Wanikani Breeze Dark theme
@author ZeroSinner & Kumirei & AfroThundr
@license CC-BY-SA-4.0
==/UserStyle== */
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color: #232629 !important;
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background-image: none !important;
[class|=account-subscription] th, [class|=account-billing] th, .kotoba-table-list th, .forum-topics-list th, .blog th, [class|=account-subscription] td, [class|=account-billing] td, .kotoba-table-list td, .forum-topics-list td, .blog td, input[type="range"], .nav > .lessons a > span, .nav > .reviews a > span, .srs-progress ul > li, .kotoba-table-list .none-available, .see-more, #review-stats[id^="review-stats"], #timeline .review_info .tot, blockquote, .audio-btn, [class*=character-grid] > li > a,[class*="toggle"], .legend ul .locked, .legend[class*="lattice"], .nav .title span:first-child, .popover .popover-title, .note-meaning fieldset, .note-reading fieldset, .user-synonyms, .user-synonyms li::after, .user-synonyms-add-btn::before, #main footer li, #main footer a, #main footer a:hover, .review-status li, .kotoba-table-list .none-available:hover, .individual-item h2, .individual-item .additional-info, section[class^=lattice-] li, section[class^=lattice-] li > a, section[id|=level] header, .explanation-item-mnemonics, .explanation-item-radicals, .explanation-item-kanji, .explanation-item-vocabulary, .explanation-item-lessons-reviews, .explanation-item-srs, #stats *, #summary-button *, #header-buttons *, .srs-up, .srs-down, #answer-form fieldset.correct button, #answer-form fieldset.incorrect button, #answer-form button, #additional-content li > span, #all-info, .srs-levels li span, .wall-of-shame, div#wkof_ds .ui-dialog-titlebar, div#wkof_ds .ui-dialog-buttonpane, div#wkof_ds .ui-tabs-tab, #wki_button #wki_mimic_button, #wki_button .wki_item_wrapper, #wki_button .wki_button_item_label, #wki_srs_popup_wrapper .wki_srs_popup_icon, #wki_srs_popup_wrapper #wki_srs_popup_message, #lessons .ui-small .icon-minus, #reviews .ui-small .icon-minus, #lessons .ui .icon-minus, #reviews .ui .icon-minus, #lessons .ui-small .icon-plus, #reviews .ui-small .icon-plus, #lessons .ui .icon-plus, #reviews .ui .icon-plus, #lessons .ui-small, #reviews .ui-small, #timeline .bar_style select, #timeline .graph .bkgd, [aria-describedby=divSRSGridSettings] .ui-widget-header button, [aria-describedby=divSRSGridSettings] .ui-widget-header .ui-button-icon, [aria-describedby=ui-id-2] .ui-widget-header button, [aria-describedby=ui-id-2] .ui-widget-header .ui-button-icon, [aria-describedby=divSRSGridSettings] .ui-dialog-buttonpane, [aria-describedby=divSRSGridSettings] .ui-dialog-titlebar, [aria-describedby=divSRSGridSettings] .ui-dialog-content tr:hover, [aria-describedby=ui-id-2] .ui-dialog-buttonpane, [aria-describedby=ui-id-2] .ui-dialog-titlebar, [aria-describedby=ui-id-2] .ui-dialog-content tr:hover, .wklc .wklc-item, .wklc .wklc-max-score-edit label, #ss_quiz .qwrap, #ss_quiz .help, #ss_quiz .answer {
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background-image: none !important;
align-items: center !important;
display: flex !important;
height: 82px !important;
justify-content: center !important;
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left: 70% !important;
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width: initial !important;
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color: #2ecc71 !important;
.srs-down::before {
color: #ed1515 !important;
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