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Last active November 8, 2021 12:19
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Python3 decorator for visualizing the recursion tree of a function call
from functools import wraps
import builtins
def printRecursionTree(func):
global _recursiondepth
_print = builtins.print
_recursiondepth = 0
def getpads():
if _recursiondepth == 0:
strFn = '{} └──'.format(' │ ' * (_recursiondepth-1))
strOther = '{} ▒▒'.format(' │ ' * (_recursiondepth-1))
strRet = '{} '.format(' │ ' * (_recursiondepth-1))
strFn = ' {} ├──'.format(' │ ' * (_recursiondepth-1))
strOther = ' {} │▒▒'.format(' │ ' * (_recursiondepth-1))
strRet = ' {} │ '.format(' │ ' * (_recursiondepth-1))
return strFn, strRet, strOther
def indentedprint():
def wrapper(*args, **kwargs):
strFn, strRet, strOther = getpads()
_print(strOther, end=' ')
_print(*args, **kwargs)
return wrapper
def wrapper(*args, **kwargs):
global _recursiondepth
strFn, strRet, strOther = getpads()
if args and kwargs:
_print(strFn, '{}({}, {}):'.format(func.__qualname__, ', '.join(args), kwargs))
_print(strFn, '{}({}):'.format(func.__qualname__, ', '.join(map(str, args)) if args else '', kwargs if kwargs else ''))
_recursiondepth += 1
builtins.print, backup = indentedprint(), builtins.print
retval = func(*args, **kwargs)
builtins.print = backup
_recursiondepth -= 1
_print(strRet, '╰', retval)
if _recursiondepth == 0:
return retval
return wrapper
if __name__ == '__main__':
def fib(n):
if n <= 1:
print('Base Case')
return n
print('Recursive Case')
return fib(n-1) + fib(n-2)
# This works with mutually recursive functions too,
# since the variable _recursiondepth is global
def iseven(n):
print('checking if even')
print('Note how the print')
print('statements get nicely indented')
if n == 0: return True
return isodd(n-1)
def isodd(n):
print('checking if odd')
if n == 0: return False
return iseven(n-1)
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