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Last active August 19, 2018 15:52
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Facetwp - Custom slider
(function($) {
/* ======== customSlider ======== */
wp.hooks.addAction('facetwp/refresh/customSlider', function($this, facet_name) {
FWP.facets[facet_name] = [];
// settings have already been loaded
if ('undefined' !== typeof FWP.used_facets[facet_name]) {
if ('undefined' !== typeof $this.find('.facetwp-customSlider')[0].noUiSlider) {
FWP.facets[facet_name] = $this.find('.facetwp-customSlider')[0].noUiSlider.get();
wp.hooks.addAction('facetwp/set_label/customSlider', function($this) {
var facet_name = $this.attr('data-name');
var min = FWP.settings[facet_name]['lower'];
var max = FWP.settings[facet_name]['upper'];
var format = FWP.settings[facet_name]['format'];
var opts = {
decimal_separator: FWP.settings[facet_name]['decimal_separator'],
thousands_separator: FWP.settings[facet_name]['thousands_separator']
if(FWP.settings[facet_name]['subtitle'] == null) {
var subtitle = "";
} else {
var subtitle = FWP.settings[facet_name]['subtitle'];
var label =
'<span class="prefix">' + FWP.settings[facet_name]['prefix']
+ '</span>'
+ '<span class="suffix">'
+ nummy(max).format(format, opts)
//+ ' &nbsp; '
+ FWP.settings[facet_name]['suffix']
+ '</span>';
var title =
'<p>' + FWP.settings[facet_name]['title']
+ '<span class="facetwp-num">'
+ '<span class="num">'
+ nummy(max).format(format, opts)
+ '</span>'
+ '<i>'
+ subtitle
+ '</i>'
+ '</span>'
+ '</p>';
wp.hooks.addFilter('facetwp/selections/customSlider', function(output, params) {
return params.el.find('.facetwp-customSlider-label').text();
$(document).on('facetwp-loaded', function() {
$('.facetwp-customSlider:not(.ready)').each(function() {
var $parent = $(this).closest('.facetwp-facet');
var facet_name = $parent.attr('data-name');
var opts = FWP.settings[facet_name];
// on first load, check for customSlider URL variable
if (false !== FWP_Helper.get_url_var(facet_name)) {
FWP.used_facets[facet_name] = true;
// fail on customSlider already initialized
if ('undefined' != typeof $(this).data('options')) {
// fail if start values are null
if (null === FWP.settings[facet_name].start[0]) {
// fail on invalid ranges
if (parseFloat(opts.range.min) >= parseFloat(opts.range.max)) {
FWP.settings[facet_name]['lower'] = opts.range.min;
FWP.settings[facet_name]['upper'] = opts.range.max;
wp.hooks.doAction('facetwp/set_label/customSlider', $parent);
// custom customSlider options
var customSlider_opts = wp.hooks.applyFilters('facetwp/set_options/customSlider', {
range: opts.range,
start: opts.start,
step: parseFloat(opts.step),
connect: true,
}, { 'facet_name': facet_name });
var customSlider = $(this)[0];
noUiSlider.create(customSlider, customSlider_opts);
customSlider.noUiSlider.on('update', function(values, handle) {
FWP.settings[facet_name]['lower'] = values[0];
FWP.settings[facet_name]['upper'] = values[1];
wp.hooks.doAction('facetwp/set_label/customSlider', $parent);
customSlider.noUiSlider.on('set', function() {
FWP.used_facets[facet_name] = true;
// hide reset buttons
$('.facetwp-type-customSlider').each(function() {
var name = $(this).attr('data-name');
var $button = $(this).find('.facetwp-customSlider-reset');
$.isEmptyObject(FWP.facets[name]) ? $button.hide() : $;
$(document).on('click', '.facetwp-customSlider-reset', function() {
var facet_name = $(this).closest('.facetwp-facet').attr('data-name');
delete FWP.used_facets[facet_name];
class FacetWP_Facet_Custom_Slider
function __construct() {
$this->label = __( 'Custom customSlider', 'fwp' );
add_filter( 'facetwp_index_row', array( $this, 'index_row' ), 5, 2 );
* Generate the facet HTML
function render( $params ) {
$output = '';
$value = $params['selected_values'];
$output .= '<div class="facetwp-title"></div>';
$output .= '<div class="facetwp-customSlider-wrap">';
$output .= '<div class="facetwp-customSlider"></div>';
$output .= '</div>';
$output .= '<span class="facetwp-customSlider-label"></span>';
$output .= '<div><input type="button" class="facetwp-customSlider-reset" value="' . __( 'Reset', 'fwp' ) . '" /></div>';
return $output;
* Filter the query based on selected values
function filter_posts( $params ) {
global $wpdb;
$facet = $params['facet'];
$values = $params['selected_values'];
$where = '';
$start = ( '' == $values[0] ) ? false : $values[0];
$end = ( '' == $values[1] ) ? false : $values[1];
$is_dual = ! empty( $facet['source_other'] ) && false !== $start && false !== $end;
$is_intersect = FWP()->helper->facet_setting_is( $facet, 'compare_type', 'intersect' );
* Intersect compare
* @link
if ( $is_dual && $is_intersect ) {
$where .= " AND (facet_value + 0) <= '$end'";
$where .= " AND (facet_display_value + 0) >= '$start'";
else {
if ( false !== $start ) {
$where .= " AND (facet_value + 0) >= '$start'";
if ( false !== $end ) {
$where .= " AND (facet_display_value + 0) <= '$end'";
$sql = "
SELECT DISTINCT post_id FROM {$wpdb->prefix}facetwp_index
WHERE facet_name = '{$facet['name']}' $where";
return $wpdb->get_col( $sql );
* (Front-end) Attach settings to the AJAX response
function settings_js( $params ) {
global $wpdb;
$facet = $params['facet'];
$where_clause = $params['where_clause'];
$selected_values = $params['selected_values'];
// Set default customSlider values
$defaults = array(
'format' => '',
'prefix' => '',
'suffix' => '',
'step' => 1,
$facet = array_merge( $defaults, $facet );
$min = $wpdb->get_var( "SELECT facet_value FROM {$wpdb->prefix}facetwp_index WHERE facet_name = '{$facet['name']}' AND facet_value != '' $where_clause ORDER BY (facet_value + 0) ASC LIMIT 1" );
$max = $wpdb->get_var( "SELECT facet_display_value FROM {$wpdb->prefix}facetwp_index WHERE facet_name = '{$facet['name']}' AND facet_display_value != '' $where_clause ORDER BY (facet_display_value + 0) DESC LIMIT 1" );
$selected_min = isset( $selected_values[0] ) ? $selected_values[0] : $min;
$selected_max = isset( $selected_values[1] ) ? $selected_values[1] : $max;
return array(
'range' => array(
'min' => (float) $selected_min,
'max' => (float) $selected_max
'decimal_separator' => FWP()->helper->get_setting( 'decimal_separator' ),
'thousands_separator' => FWP()->helper->get_setting( 'thousands_separator' ),
'start' => array( $min, $max ),
'format' => $facet['format'],
'title' => $facet['title'],
'subtitle' => $facet['subtitle'],
'prefix' => $facet['prefix'],
'suffix' => $facet['suffix'],
'step' => $facet['step']
* Output any admin scripts
function admin_scripts() {
(function($) {
wp.hooks.addAction('facetwp/load/customSlider', function($this, obj) {
wp.hooks.addFilter('facetwp/save/customSlider', function($this, obj) {
obj['source'] = $this.find('.facet-source').val();
obj['source_other'] = $this.find('.facet-source-other').val();
obj['compare_type'] = $this.find('.facet-compare-type').val();
obj['title'] = $this.find('.facet-title').val();
obj['subtitle'] = $this.find('.facet-subtitle').val();
obj['prefix'] = $this.find('.facet-prefix').val();
obj['suffix'] = $this.find('.facet-suffix').val();
obj['format'] = $this.find('.facet-format').val();
obj['step'] = $this.find('.facet-step').val();
return obj;
wp.hooks.addAction('facetwp/change/customSlider', function($this) {
* Output any front-end scripts
function front_scripts() {
<link href="<?php echo FACETWP_URL; ?>/assets/js/noUiSlider/nouislider.min.css?ver=<?php echo FACETWP_VERSION; ?>" rel="stylesheet">
<script src="<?php echo get_template_directory_uri (); ?>/_inc/_setup/_facetwp/facets/assets/slider.js"></script>
<script src="<?php echo FACETWP_URL; ?>/assets/js/noUiSlider/nouislider.min.js?ver=<?php echo FACETWP_VERSION; ?>"></script>
<script src="<?php echo FACETWP_URL; ?>/assets/js/src/nummy.js?ver=<?php echo FACETWP_VERSION; ?>"></script>
* (Admin) Output settings HTML
function settings_html() {
$thousands = FWP()->helper->get_setting( 'thousands_separator' );
$decimal = FWP()->helper->get_setting( 'decimal_separator' );
$sources = FWP()->helper->get_data_sources();
<?php _e('Other data source', 'fwp'); ?>:
<div class="facetwp-tooltip">
<span class="icon-question">?</span>
<div class="facetwp-tooltip-content"><?php _e( 'Use a separate value for the upper limit?', 'fwp' ); ?></div>
<select class="facet-source-other">
<option value=""><?php _e( 'None', 'fwp' ); ?></option>
<?php foreach ( $sources as $group ) : ?>
<optgroup label="<?php echo $group['label']; ?>">
<?php foreach ( $group['choices'] as $val => $label ) : ?>
<option value="<?php echo esc_attr( $val ); ?>"><?php echo esc_html( $label ); ?></option>
<?php endforeach; ?>
<?php endforeach; ?>
<td><?php _e('Compare type', 'fwp'); ?>:</td>
<select class="facet-compare-type">
<option value=""><?php _e( 'Basic', 'fwp' ); ?></option>
<option value="intersect"><?php _e( 'Intersect', 'fwp' ); ?></option>
<?php _e('Titel', 'fwp'); ?>:
<div class="facetwp-title">
<span class="icon-question">?</span>
<div class="facetwp-tooltip-content"><?php _e( 'Text that appears before each customSlider value', 'fwp' ); ?></div>
<td><input type="text" class="facet-title" value="" /></td>
<?php _e('Titel after', 'fwp'); ?>:
<div class="facetwp-Aftertitle">
<span class="icon-question">?</span>
<div class="facetwp-tooltip-content"><?php _e( 'Text that appears before each customSlider value', 'fwp' ); ?></div>
<td><input type="text" class="facet-subtitle" value="" /></td>
<?php _e('Prefix', 'fwp'); ?>:
<div class="facetwp-tooltip">
<span class="icon-question">?</span>
<div class="facetwp-tooltip-content"><?php _e( 'Text that appears before each customSlider value', 'fwp' ); ?></div>
<td><input type="text" class="facet-prefix" value="" /></td>
<?php _e('Suffix', 'fwp'); ?>:
<div class="facetwp-tooltip">
<span class="icon-question">?</span>
<div class="facetwp-tooltip-content"><?php _e( 'Text that appears after each customSlider value', 'fwp' ); ?></div>
<td><input type="text" class="facet-suffix" value="" /></td>
<?php _e('Format', 'fwp'); ?>:
<div class="facetwp-tooltip">
<span class="icon-question">?</span>
<div class="facetwp-tooltip-content"><?php _e( 'The number format', 'fwp' ); ?></div>
<select class="facet-format">
<?php if ( '' != $thousands ) : ?>
<option value="0,0">5<?php echo $thousands; ?>280</option>
<option value="0,0.0">5<?php echo $thousands; ?>280<?php echo $decimal; ?>4</option>
<option value="0,0.00">5<?php echo $thousands; ?>280<?php echo $decimal; ?>42</option>
<?php endif; ?>
<option value="0">5280</option>
<option value="0.0">5280<?php echo $decimal; ?>4</option>
<option value="0.00">5280<?php echo $decimal; ?>42</option>
<option value="0a">5k</option>
<option value="0.0a">5<?php echo $decimal; ?>3k</option>
<option value="0.00a">5<?php echo $decimal; ?>28k</option>
<?php _e('Step', 'fwp'); ?>:
<div class="facetwp-tooltip">
<span class="icon-question">?</span>
<div class="facetwp-tooltip-content"><?php _e( 'The amount of increase between intervals', 'fwp' ); ?> (default = 1)</div>
<td><input type="text" class="facet-step" value="1" /></td>
* Index the 2nd data source
* @since 2.1.1
function index_row( $params, $class ) {
if ( $class->is_overridden ) {
return $params;
$facet = FWP()->helper->get_facet_by_name( $params['facet_name'] );
if ( 'customSlider' == $facet['type'] && ! empty( $facet['source_other'] ) ) {
$other_params = $params;
$other_params['facet_source'] = $facet['source_other'];
$rows = $class->get_row_data( $other_params );
$params['facet_display_value'] = $rows[0]['facet_display_value'];
return $params;
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