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Last active March 5, 2022 23:45
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  • Save AgentBUB/30002187b36ed22b43941d07407f482d to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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Community Template Configs
$appTitle = "First App";
$appDesc = "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Repudiandae, dolorem quisquam quas architecto, ut porro molestiae nihil reprehenderit, nulla facilis quam aperiam consectetur odit. Quidem laudantium nemo animi consequatur deleniti.";
$appLink = "";
<div class="container">
<h1 class="header"><?= $appTitle ?></h1>
<p><?= $appDesc ?></p>
<div class="frame">
<iframe src="<?= $appLink ?>?embedded=true" allowfullscreen mozallowfullscreen webkitallowfullscreen></iframe>
"mainApplications": [
{ "name": "First App", "fileName": "first", "status": "Open" },
{ "name": "Second App", "fileName": "second", "status": "Closed" }
"secondApplications": [
{ "name": "Third App", "fileName": "third", "status": "Closed" },
{ "name": "Fourth App", "fileName": "fourth", "status": "Closed" },
{ "name": "Fith App", "fileName": "fith", "status": "Closed" }
"thirdApplications": [
{ "name": "Sixth App", "fileName": "sixth", "status": "Closed" },
{ "name": "Seventh App", "fileName": "seventh", "status": "Closed" }
$siteName = "My Community";
$siteLogo = "./assets/img/logo.png"; // This is the favicon
$headerImage = "./assets/img/banner.png"; // This also goes to the site's embed if enabled
$siteDescription = "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Suscipit illum saepe, modi dolorum molestias, optio possimus et consequatur dolorem porro vel cumque officiis non officia, dolores incidunt repellat corrupti iste.";
$siteBackground = "./assets/img/bg.jpg";
$siteTags = "my community, my server, my website, designe by asp, asp, website";
// Site tags are for SEO, so include as many as you want and make sure to seperate them with a comma / space, EXCEPT the last one
$themeColor = "#4294ff";
$buttonColor = "#5d89d5";
$buttonHoverColor = "#4ea4bc";
$linkColor = "#81C4DF";
$textColor = "#fff";
$embedColor = "#4294ff";
$embedImageActive = true; // This will allow the $headerImage to appear on link embeds
$socialIcon = "discord"; // Avalible Icons: discord, twitter, youtube, globe, facebook, tiktok, twitch
$socialButtonName = "Our Discord";
$socialButtonLink = "";
// ------------- //
$buttonOneActive = true;
$buttonOneLink = "./";
$buttonOneText = "Home";
$buttonTwoActive = true;
$buttonTwoLink = "./apply";
$buttonTwoText = "Apply";
$buttonThreeActive = true;
$buttonThreeLink = "./gallery";
$buttonThreeText = "Gallery";
$buttonFourActive = true;
$buttonFourLink = "./team";
$buttonFourText = "Team";
$buttonFiveActive = true;
$buttonFiveLink = "./";
$buttonFiveText = "Change Via Config";
$buttonSixActive = false;
$buttonSixLink = "";
$buttonSixText = "";
/// ----------- ///
// IconTypes are either 'social', 'internal', and 'external'
// If 'social' then the Avalible Icons options: discord, twitter, youtube, globe, facebook, tiktok, twitch
// If 'internal' the path must be within assets/img/, but don't add that
// If 'external' it must be a img link from the enternet
$fbuttonOneActive = true;
$fbuttonOneLink = "/";
$fbuttonOneIconType = "social";
$fbuttonOneImage = "discord";
$fbuttonTwoActive = true;
$fbuttonTwoLink = "/";
$fbuttonTwoIconType = "external";
$fbuttonTwoImage = "";
$fbuttonThreeActive = true;
$fbuttonThreeLink = "/";
$fbuttonThreeIconType = "internal";
$fbuttonThreeImage = "icons/question-circle-regular.svg";
$fbuttonFourActive = false;
$fbuttonFourLink = "";
$fbuttonFourIconType = "social";
$fbuttonFourImage = "";
// ------------- //
$buttonHomePageActive = true;
$buttonHomePageLink = "#";
$buttonHomePageText = "Jump in Now!";
$heroText = "My Community";
$heroDescription = ""; // Leave blank to use $siteDescription
$infoSectionActive = true;
$infoSectionTitle = "Information"; // Leave blank to disable
$colOneImage = "./assets/img/icons/users-solid.svg";
$colOneText = "Change the image and text in the config!";
$colTwoImage = "./assets/img/icons/users-solid.svg";
$colTwoText = "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit.";
$colThreeImage = "./assets/img/icons/users-solid.svg";
$colThreeText = "Quibusdam, inventore quam voluptate totam distinctio accusantium dolor porro natus error cum facilis
fugiat esse in vero ipsam iste suscipit iure labore.";
$linksSectionActive = true;
$linksSectionTitle = ""; // Leave blank to disable
$linkOneActive = true;
$linkOneLink = "#";
$linkOneText = "Cool Link 1";
$linkTwoActive = true;
$linkTwoLink = "#";
$linkTwoText = "Cool Link 2";
$linkThreeActive = true;
$linkThreeLink = "#";
$linkThreeText = "Cool Link 3";
$linkFourActive = true;
$linkFourLink = "#";
$linkFourText = "Cool Link 4";
$linkFiveActive = true;
$linkFiveLink = "#";
$linkFiveText = "Cool Link 5";
$linkSixActive = true;
$linkSixLink = "#";
$linkSixText = "Cool Link 6";
// Gallery SECTION //
$gallerySectionActive = true;
$gallerySectionTitle = "Gallery Preview"; // Leave blank to disable
$galleryOneActive = true;
$galleryOneLink = "";
$galleryTwoActive = true;
$galleryTwoLink = "./assets/img/titanfall-wallpaper.jpg";
$galleryThreeActive = true;
$galleryThreeLink = "";
$galleryFourActive = false;
$galleryFourLink = "";
$galleryFiveActive = false;
$galleryFiveLink = "";
$gallerySixActive = false;
$gallerySixLink = "";
$teamSectionActive = true;
$teamSectionTitle = "Community Leaders"; // Leave blank to disable
$personOneActive = true;
$personOneImage = "./assets/img/person.jpg";
$personOneName = "Guy 1 Name";
$personOneRank = "Guy 1 Rank";
$personOneDesc = "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Soluta libero, beatae deleniti, dicta iste modi nam pariatur fuga doloribus magnam, a quis! Fugit culpa molestias hic maxime ea atque laboriosam.";
$personTwoActive = true;
$personTwoImage = "./assets/img/person.jpg";
$personTwoName = "Guy 2 Name";
$personTwoRank = "Guy 2 Rank";
$personTwoDesc = "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Soluta libero, beatae deleniti, dicta iste modi nam pariatur fuga doloribus magnam, a quis! Fugit culpa molestias hic maxime ea atque laboriosam.";
$personThreeActive = true;
$personThreeImage = "./assets/img/person.jpg";
$personThreeName = "Guy 3 Name";
$personThreeRank = "Guy 3 Rank";
$personThreeDesc = "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Soluta libero, beatae deleniti, dicta iste modi nam pariatur fuga doloribus magnam, a quis! Fugit culpa molestias hic maxime ea atque laboriosam.";
// ------------- //
/// APPLY PAGE ///
$appsPageTitle = "Community Applications";
$appsPageDesc = "Below is a list of all our applications and their status. If you have any questions please contact us.";
$mainApplicationsActive = true;
$mainApplicationsTitle = "Main";
$mainApplicationsDesc = ""; // Leave blank to disable (applies to other application descriptions)
$secondApplicationsActive = true;
$secondApplicationsTitle = "Second";
$secondApplicationsDesc = "";
$thirdApplicationsActive = true;
$thircApplicationsTitle = "Third";
$thirdApplicationsDesc = "";
$closedAppsImg = "./assets/img/x.gif";
$closedAppsMessage = "The applcation you are trying to access is currently closed.";
// ------------- //
/// Gallery PAGE ///
$galleryTitle = "Gallery";
$galleryDesc = "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Incidunt consectetur quaerat laudantium.";
// You can use locally stored images or ones from the online, but if they come from online ensure the link ends with a image file type such as .png, .jpg, .svg, etc
$galleryImages = [
// ------------- //
/// TEAM PAGE ///
$teamTitle = "Team";
$teamDesc = "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Incidunt consectetur quaerat laudantium, deserunt officia itaque fuga esse odit, aliquam similique.";
// ------------- //
// Please go to applications.json / teamMembers.json to edit applications information veiwed on the apply page.
// DO NOT EDIT BELOW THIS | THIS READ / OUTPUTS applications.json / teamMembers.json TO PHP READABLE PARSE //
$applications_json = file_get_contents('./json/applications.json');
$decodedApps = json_decode($applications_json, true);
$mainApps = $decodedApps['mainApplications'];
$secondApps = $decodedApps['secondApplications'];
$thirdApps = $decodedApps['thirdApplications'];
$applications_json = file_get_contents('./json/teamMembers.json');
$decodedApps = json_decode($applications_json, true);
$teamMembers = $decodedApps['teammembers'];
"teammembers": [
"name": "Bob",
"rank": "Owner",
"desc": "A cool person.",
"imgLink": "./assets/img/person.jpg"
"name": "Joe",
"rank": "Owner",
"desc": "A cool person.",
"imgLink": "./assets/img/person.jpg"
"name": "Jim",
"rank": "Co-Owner",
"desc": "A cool person.",
"imgLink": "./assets/img/person.jpg"
"name": "Tom",
"rank": "Manager",
"desc": "A cool person.",
"imgLink": "./assets/img/person.jpg"
"name": "Tony",
"rank": "Admin",
"desc": "A cool person.",
"imgLink": "./assets/img/person.jpg"
"name": "Bobby",
"rank": "Admin",
"desc": "A cool person.",
"imgLink": "./assets/img/person.jpg"
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